Saturday, December 28, 2019
How The Laws Of Motion Can Help On Preventing A Car Accident
My research question is about how the laws of motion apply to automobiles. I am interested in this research question because people do not realize how knowing the laws of motion can help on preventing a car accident. By having the knowledge of these laws of motion, people can understand why engineers make the cars like they do. The question and importance of the use of the seat belt can be answered. People can now understand why speed limits are used. Also, they can know why some cars accelerate faster than the others. All these questions can be answered with the three laws of motion. It can go from the use of the seat belt to the very bottom of the creation of the car. Knowing the laws of motion can help understand the effects that can occur with actions like not putting the seat belt on. There are three laws of motion described by Isaac Newton which are basically about forces and motions. Isaac Newton was a mathematician, scientist, and physician. The first law of motion is mostly recognized as â€Å"The Law of Inertia†. The second law of motion is the law that states that the force used in order to accelerate an object depends on the mass of said object. The more the mass the more force that is needed in order to accelerate said object. Also, the ones who are the ones to build race cars try to make the cars smaller and the mass of the engines a lot less than the regular cars. This is the reason why when the race car crashes there is not much within the car because the moreShow MoreRelatedHow The Laws Of Motion Can Help On Preventing A Car Accident2082 Words  | 9 Pagesresearch question is about how the laws of motion apply to automobiles. I am interested in this research question because people do not realize how knowing the laws of motion can help on preventing a car accident. By having the knowledge of these laws of motion, people can understand why engineers make the cars like they do. The question and importance of the use of the seat belt c an be answered. People can now understand why speed limits are used. Also, they can know why some cars accelerate faster thanRead MoreMotion and Car Safety762 Words  | 3 PagesMotion is how everything in the universe moves, movement of the solar system never stops and is constantly moving but at a very slow speed. There are three laws in motion that explain movement, they are the Newton’s three laws of motion named after Isaac Newton. The Newton’s first law states that an object that is a rest will stay at rest unless an outside force is acted upon it and an object that is in motion will stay in motion unless an outside force is acted upon it. This is also called as â€Å"inertia†Read MoreEssay about The Solution to Texting and Driving1145 Words  | 5 PagesAcross the globe family and friends are losing their loved ones to fatal texting and driving accidents. These days, many strive to be connected with the world and their friends by using mobile device s. The problem is that numerous people tend to do so at bad times. For example, while one is driving, it is common to look down at the cell phone to send a short text message that could put their lives in harm. Across the nation, numerous advertising and support groups are spreading the word to encourageRead MoreEssay about Vehicle Design: Airbag System764 Words  | 4 Pagesvehicle has been damaged in an accident. Once an accident is determined by the control unit, a signal is sent to the inflator system. This inflator sets off a chemical charge which produces an explosion of nitrogen gas, this fills up the airbag and bursts through the paneling which contains it and enters into the space of the car with the purpose of protecting the passenger. Every object in the car has speed, mass and direction. Therefore, if a person sitting in the car is not secured, they will continueRead MoreCrumple Zone864 Words  | 4 PagesZone I choose to look at the crumple zone in cars for my technological device and briefly touch upon seat belts in cars and air bags. The crumple zone in my own words is a zone built in an automobile to compress when an accident occurs. This was built to absorb â€Å"deformation†energy from the impact. The other reason it was built, which is more common is to reduce the deaths in car accidents. Crumple zones are mostly located in the front of a car and this will absorb the energy from â€Å"head on collisions†Read MoreCar Accidents and Physics2070 Words  | 9 PagesAmericans are hurt or killed in car accidents. Many factors can play into an accident. Road condition, mechanical failure, driver error, or simply an act of God? Despite the countless reasons for a car accident, one factor is always present, no matter what the case: physics. Every accident that has ever occurred has involved physics. Using references found in the class text, in science journals, and on the Internet, I will prove this to you. Take, for example, two cars traveling in opposite directionsRead MoreThe Automotive Industry and The SRS System1199 Words  | 5 PagesHave you ever taken a step back and thought to yourself, how rapidly the way it brings safety to its drivers and passengers has advanced through out the years? The SRS system has become a trend and one of the biggest factors of the automotive industry since it has become a mandatory requirement on vehicles. Air bags for passenger cars were introduced in the United States in the mid-1970s, when seat belt usage was still common. When the idea was first introduced to general motor companies, the ideaRead MoreThe Task of Keeping a Driver Sober1896 Words  | 8 PagesThere are many reasons people drink, however keeping a driver sober can be a monumental task. Often times drunk driving ends grimly. â€Å"Every 51 minutes on average, someone is killed in a drunk driving crash,†10,322 people died in 2012 due as a result of drunk driving (http:/ / Many programs and laws have spawned in hopes of reducing the number of drunk drivers on the road. These programs raise awareness on the results of drunk driving; however they lack a probable preventativeRead MoreSpeed Detection of Moving Vehicles Using Doppler Effect2854 Words  | 12 Pagestransgressors of the stipulated speed limit for that road. The speed cameras are there solely to identify and prosecute those drivers that pass by the them who exceed the stipulated speed limit. So speed limits are good idea. To enforce these speed limit, laws have been passed making speed an offence and signs have been erected so as to indicate the maximum permissible speed. The police cant be every where to enforce the speed limit and so enforcement cameras are there to do this work. Nearly everyoneRead Morewhite sharks5437 Words  | 22 Pagesï » ¿1. In your own words explain the demerit point system and give 10 infractions and how many demerit points it will cost the driver for each. Ans: Demerit points are added to your driver’s licence, if you are convicted of breaking certain driving laws. The rules are different depending on if you are a new driver or have a full licence. The demerit-point system encourages drivers to improve their behaviour and protects people from drivers who abuse the privilege of driving. Drivers convicted of How The Laws Of Motion Can Help On Preventing A Car Accident Introduction: My research question is about how the laws of motion apply to automobiles. I am interested in this research question because people do not realize how knowing the laws of motion can help on preventing a car accident. By having the knowledge of these laws of motion, people can understand why engineers make the cars like they do. The question and importance of the use of the seat belt can be answered. People can now understand why speed limits are used. Also, they can know why some cars accelerate faster than the others. All these questions can be answered with the three laws of motion. It can go from the use of the seat belt to the very bottom of the creation of the car. Knowing the laws of motion can help understand the effects that can occur with actions like not putting the seat belt on. There are three laws of motion described by Isaac Newton which are basically about forces and motions. Isaac Newton was a mathematician, scientist, and physician. The first law of motion is mostly recognized as â€Å"The Law of Inertia†. The second law of motion is the law that states that the force used in order to accelerate an object depends on the mass of said object. The more the mass the more force that is needed in order to accelerate said object. Also, the ones who are the ones to build race cars try to make the cars smaller and the mass of the engines a lot less than the regular cars. This is the reason why when the race car crashes there is not much within the carShow MoreRelatedHow The Laws Of Motion Can Help On Preventing A Car Accident1677 Words  | 7 Pagesresearch question is about how the laws of motion apply to automobiles. I am interested in this research question because people do not realize how knowing the laws of motion can help on preventing a car accident. By having the knowledge of these laws of motion, people can understand why engineers make the cars like they do. The question and importance of the use of the seat belt can be answered. P eople can now understand why speed limits are used. Also, they can know why some cars accelerate faster thanRead MoreMotion and Car Safety762 Words  | 3 PagesMotion is how everything in the universe moves, movement of the solar system never stops and is constantly moving but at a very slow speed. There are three laws in motion that explain movement, they are the Newton’s three laws of motion named after Isaac Newton. The Newton’s first law states that an object that is a rest will stay at rest unless an outside force is acted upon it and an object that is in motion will stay in motion unless an outside force is acted upon it. This is also called as â€Å"inertia†Read MoreEssay about The Solution to Texting and Driving1145 Words  | 5 PagesAcross the globe family and friends are losing their loved ones to fatal texting and driving accidents. These days, many strive to be connected with the world and their friends by using mobile devices. The problem is that numerous people tend to do so at bad times. For example, while one is driving, it is common to look down at the cell phone to send a short text message that could put their lives in harm. Across the nation, numerous advertising and support groups are spreading the word to encourageRead MoreEssay about Vehicle Design: Airbag System764 Words  | 4 Pagesvehicle has been damaged in an accident. Once an accident is determined by the control unit, a signal is sent to the inflator system. This inflator sets off a chemical charge which produces an explosion of nitrogen gas, this fills up the airbag and bursts through the paneling which contains it and enters into the space of the car with the purpose of protecting the passenger. Every object in the car has speed, mass and direction. Therefore, if a person sitting in the car is not secured, they will continueRead MoreCrumple Zone864 Words  | 4 PagesZone I choose to look at the crumple zone in cars for my technological device and briefly touch upon seat belts in cars and air bags. The crumple zone in my own words is a zone built in an automobile to compress when an accident occurs. This was built to absorb â€Å"deformation†energy from the impact. The other reason it was built, which is more common is to reduce the deaths in car accidents. Crumple zones are mostly located in the front of a car and this will absorb the energy from â€Å"head on collisions†Read MoreCar Accidents and Physics2070 Words  | 9 PagesAmericans are hurt or killed in car accidents. Many factors can play into an accident. Road condition, mechanical failure, driver error, or simply an act of God? Despite the countless reasons for a car accident, one factor is always present, no matter what the case: physics. Every accident that has ever occurred has involved physics. Using references found in the class text, in science journals, and on the Internet, I will prove this to you. Take, for example, two cars traveling in opposite directionsRead MoreThe Automotive Industry and The SRS System1199 Words  | 5 PagesHave you ever taken a step back and thought to yourself, how rapidly the way it brings safety to its drivers and passengers has advanced through out the years? The SRS system has become a trend and one of the biggest factors of the automotive industry since it has become a mandatory requirement on vehicles. Air bags for passenger cars were introduced in the United States in the mid-1970s, when seat belt usage was still common. When the idea was first introduced to general motor companies, the ideaRead MoreThe Task of Keeping a Driver Sober1896 Words  | 8 PagesThere are many reasons people drink, however keeping a driver sober can be a monumental task. Often times drunk driving ends grimly. â€Å"Every 51 minutes on average, someone is killed in a drunk driving crash,†10,322 people died in 2012 due as a result of drunk driving (http:/ / Many programs and laws have spawned in hopes of reducing the number of drunk drivers on the road. These programs raise awareness on the results of drunk driving; however they lack a probable preventativeRead MoreSpeed Detection of Moving Vehicles Using Doppler Effect2854 Words  | 12 Pagestransgressors of the stipulated speed limit for that road. The speed cameras are there solely to identify and prosecute those drivers that pass by the them who exceed the stipulated speed limit. So speed limits are good idea. To enforce these speed limit, laws have been passed making speed an offence and signs have been erected so as to indicate the maximum permissible speed. The police cant be every where to enforce the speed limit and so enforcement cameras are there to do this work. Nearly everyoneRead Morewhite sharks5437 Words  | 22 Pagesï » ¿1. In your own words explain the demerit point system and give 10 infractions and how many demerit points it will cost the driver for each. Ans: Demerit points are added to your driver’s licence, if you are convicted of breaking certain driving laws. The rules are different depending on if you are a new driver or have a full licence. The demerit-point system encourages drivers to improve their behaviour and protects people from drivers who abuse the privilege of driving. Drivers convicted of
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Atomic Mass and Mass Number Chemistry Review
Atomic mass and atomic mass number are two important concepts in chemistry. Heres a quick review of what is meant by atomic mass and atomic mass number, as well as how actual particle mass relates to atomic number. Atomic Definitions Z is used to signify the atomic number or proton number of an atomZ # of protons of an atomA is used to signify the atomic mass number (also known as atomic mass or atomic weight) of an atomA # protons # neutronsA and Z are integer valuesWhen the actual mass of an atom is expressed in amu (atomic mass units) or g/mol then the value is close to A Are Atomic Mass and Atomic Mass Number the Same? Yes and no. If you are talking about a sample of a single isotope of an element, the atomic mass number and the atomic mass are either very close or else the same. In introductory chemistry, its probably fine to consider them to mean the same thing. However, there are two cases in which the sum of the protons and neutrons (atomic mass number) is not quite the same as the atomic mass! In the periodic table, the atomic mass listed for an element reflects the natural abundance of the element. The atomic mass number of the isotope of hydrogen called protium is 1, while the atomic mass number of the isotope called deuterium is 2, yet the atomic mass is listed as 1.008. This is because natural elements are a mixture of isotopes. The other difference between the sum of protons and neutrons and the atomic mass is due to mass defect. In a mass defect, some of the mass of the protons and neutrons is lost when they bind together to form an atomic nucleus. In a mass defect, the atomic mass is lower than the atomic mass number. Source Jensen, William B. (2005). The Origins of the Symbols A and Z for Atomic Weight and Number. J. Chem. Educ. 82: 1764.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Overpopulation and Environmental Degradation Essay
Jessica Carling 10/28/2010 Tues/Thur. 2:00 - 3:15 Overpopulation and Environmental Degradation The planet on which we live is dying, harsh: yes, but true. The sustaining capacity of the globe is shrinking a little bit every year and soon, if the population trend continues at the current rate the sustaining capacity will have reached its peak. The ignorance of humanity has lead all to believe that the planets resources are infinite well, Im here to tell you that research, study, and observation has proven that it is in fact very finite. The population explosion has its roots in developing countries such as China and India, the two most populous countries in the†¦show more content†¦They depleted their natural resources faster than they could be replenished. There are plenty of reasons that our minds can come up with as to how human population can spiral out of control, including religion and culture; but according to Paul and Anne Ehrlich co-authors of Population Resources Environment: Issues in Human Ecology one of the m ain reasons for the spike in human population over the last century is the rise in birth rate and a sharp decline in the death rate, due to cultural advances (9). The global crude birth rate from 2005-2010 is 20.3 children per 1000 people. Ehrlich put together a chart detailing the estimated population history since 8000 B.C. According to the chart the estimated human population in 1930 A.D. was 2 billion people, by 1975 a mere 45 years later the estimated population was more than double that at around 4 billion people (6). Arthur McCormack says that high birth rates and low death rates cannot continue without causing excessive rates of population growth that are detrimental to the quality of human life (9-10). In his view the way to achieve a balance in the global population is to find a way to get birth rates to be almost if not entirely equal to death rates (10). A feat that is not easy to achieve. Dodds refers to humans drive to reproduce, in blunt terms; people just want to have sex (118). The problem is people are not practicing the process of safe sex as much as theyShow MoreRelatedEssay on Overpopulation and Environmental Degradation737 Words  | 3 PagesOverpopulation and Environmental Degradation At the time of the agricultural revolution, nearly ten thousand years ago, the population of the globe was no more than ten million. Today the world population is estimated at over six billion. In the last hundred years the population has more than tripled. With the population rising at an enormous rate of 1.7 million a week, the world as a whole is being drained of its resources. (Southwick, 1996) Different theories have prevailed on what will occurRead MoreProblems Caused By Overpopulation Is The Rise Of A Place Populated With Excessively Large Numbers879 Words  | 4 PagesProblems Caused by Overpopulation in Cities Overpopulation is ‘The condition of a place populated with excessively large numbers’. It is considered a problem in many senses, since it causes a number of issues for various different reasons. One major issue caused by overpopulation is the rise of unemployment. This is when people actively seeking employment or just people that are able to work remain unemployed. Overpopulation causes this because the amount of jobs available would be the same as beforeRead MoreConsumption Overpopulation and Its Effects on the Environment1082 Words  | 5 PagesConsumption Overpopulation Think about a sign that says EARTH Max Capacity 10 billion. Based on what they have the human population plans out parties. They have a lack of space and resources. Anyone who would plan these parties would have to take in account for the amount of people that would have to scrunch in with each other, and how many people would not have enough food to last the party. Which basically makes it so the guests are down to a certain number. Our planet is a close similarityRead MoreEnd of Mayan Civilization1143 Words  | 5 PagesThese factors included overpopulation and accompanying ecological degradation, political competition, and warfare (Sayre, 2012, p.392). Once again, it is essential to clearly articulate the fact that it is theoretically impossible to put forth only one single underlying factor in a theory offering a coherent explanation for the collapse of the Mayan civilization. However, one particular theory, a comprehensive theory focusing specifically upon drought as an environmental and climate factor, offersRead MoreOverpopulation Is More Than Just A Crowded Planet1343 Words  | 6 Pagescurrent world population no longer signifies progression; it signifies regression. Today, the Earth’s human population is approaching overpopulation. Overpopulation is more than just a crowded planet. The definition of overpopulation is, â€Å"†¦too many people for the amount of food, materials, and space available†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Cambridge Dictionaries). This means that overpopulation will impact crucial aspects of the planet and not just increase city sizes. Robert Kolb suggested in the Encyclopedia of Business EthicsRead More Overpopulation Pressures Our Natural Resources and Environment743 Words  | 3 PagesThe growing concerns of population are not limited to environmental degradation such as losses of biodiversity, soil depletion, and toxic rivers and oceans. It goes further through the risks it imposes of â€Å"epidemics, resource war, terrorism, and deaths from violent climatic events†(Ehrlich and Ehrlich 2012). Malthus argued that, people growth respond to wage or income that correlate negatively with the size of population (Lee 2011). On the other hand, climate change correlates positively with increaseRead MorePopulation Growth And Its Impact On The Environment1677 Words  | 7 Pageswithin that time frame. If the population continues to grow at rapid rates our planet, environment, civilization, and even humanity will suffer due to over consumption, pollution, and destruction causing depletion and possibly even extinction. Overpopulation of civilizations could lead to the depleti on of fresh water, other natural resources, food supplies, and even habitations. Humanity as a whole make choices regarding housing, food, water, and even clothes that impact our biospheres. PopulationRead MoreThe Causes Of Poverty With Special Focus On India1242 Words  | 5 Pageslive such as food, water and shelter. Did you know over 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day, which is 43% of the world’s population i.e almost half (worldbank). Poverty is caused by a variety of things including overpopulation, lack of education, environmental degradation and economic factors. The following essay goes in depth on the various causes of poverty with special focus on India. Political influences in India such as income inequality, globalization, capitalism and corruption areRead MoreThe Problem Of Overpopulation And Overpopulation872 Words  | 4 PagesHuman overpopulation. Human population can be defined as the condition whereby, the total count of the human inhabiting a certain area exceeds the carrying capacity of the area Bongaarts, (2011). This brings out an issue of the carrying capacity of the region which alludes to the number of individuals who can inhabit a certain area for a given period. It may also be looked at as the situation whereby the available renewable resources in a certain area can satisfactorily support the current populationRead MoreExtinction Of Animal Extinction1024 Words  | 5 Pagesefforts to help endangered animals, there is a lack of admission that people are the cause for this issue. The human race is what has caused many of these species to become extinct, through our destruction of the adjacent land and overpopulation. Environmental degradation has affected many of the species that need that ecosystem to survive. When speaking of the loss of species, the Zoological Foundation and the World Wide Fund for Nature have both agreed that â€Å"The losses were attributed to pollution
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Macbeth As A Tragic Hero - 1685 Words
Throughout a variety of Shakespeare’s tragedies, the audience is presented with a protagonist who appears to be a â€Å"tragic hero†in the overall play. In other words, this character is one who has made an error in his judgement, providing that this error eventually leads to their own ruin or destruction. Within Macbeth, Macbeth the character is regarded as a tragic hero, but with the distinct and evident explanation of his evil and the succession of his acts of violence, it may not be as clear cut as to whether he is a tragic hero or not. Though Macbeth does commit an error that leads to his eventual destruction, he knows that his judgement is evil and he is aware of the nature of the deed that he wishes to commit in order to reach his ambitions. His knowledge of the nature of his thoughts and actions first appears after an incident he experiences with his imagination and in fact, imagination plays a big role in the motivating identity for his will to commit regicide . Imagination begins by acting as a self-contradicting identity by providing a form of motivation, but also contributing to some hesitation towards the murderous act. As the play progresses though, it becomes solely a motivating identity towards the evil that contributed to the deterioration of Macbeth, and it is this resulting torment that becomes evidence of what evil does onto Macbeth’s mind and heart. Within the context of the play, imagination can be defined as the supernatural occurrences that contribute toShow MoreRelatedMacbeth as a Tragic Hero985 Words  | 4 Pages In William shakespeare’s Macbeth,Macbeth is a classic example of a tragic hero in shakesperean work.Macbeth display the major characteristics of a tragic hero throughout the play until his tragic end.The play potrays Macbeth as a lost cause by showing how he fell from being a honest and just man who fought for whats right, to a cruel,superstitious,ambicious dictator.In william shakespreares Macbeth,Macbeth is a tragic hero because he compromises his honor and negates his moral values in orderRead MoreMacbeth As A Tragic Hero1139 Words  | 5 PagesThe Macbeth character in Macbeth by William Shakespeare can be played many ways. Macbeth s relationship with other characters in the play and Aristotle s theory of a tragedy are ways in which Macbeth is shown as a tragic hero I am going to explain to you how Macbeth is a true tragic hero. At the very beginning of the play, Macbeth and Banquo are returning to Scotland from a fierce battle between the Norwegians and the Scottish. They have just won the war for Duncan. This shows a noble virtueRead MoreMacbeth as a Tragic Hero1513 Words  | 7 PagesMacbeth as a Tragic Hero William Shakespeare s plays have the reputation of being among the greatest in the English language and in Western literature. Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories, genres he raised to the peak of sophistication and artistry by the end of the 16th century. He then wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608, including Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth, considered some of the finestRead MoreMacbeth as a Tragic Hero1453 Words  | 6 Pagespresents Macbeth as a tragic hero? The 17th century play, ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare, was written during a time when James the first became the first king of both Scotland and England. The characters in the play are also based upon his descendants. The play itself focuses on the character of Macbeth who is manipulated into committing regicide by 3 witches. As the play progresses, both him and his wife begin to lose all sense of morality, resulting with both of their deaths in the end. Macbeth isRead MoreMacbeth As A Tragic Hero893 Words  | 4 PagesSeidewand Andreacchi February 13th 2017 ENG2D1-02 Macbeth as a Tragic Hero A tragic hero can be described as a character obtaining heroic qualities that is, at the same time, destined for their own downfall. Unfortunately, Macbeth is an example of a character that has this title. In Shakespeare’s time during the writing of the play was the reign of King James of England, and the play ‘Macbeth’ reflects on Shakespeare’s own relationship with this king. Someone of greatRead MoreMacbeth - a Tragic Hero2214 Words  | 9 PagesShakespeares play Macbeth, written in the 1600s is a perfect example of Shakespeares ability to manipulate his audience through creating a tragic hero. A tragic hero who, because of a flaw, tumbles from a well-respected hero to a cowardless murderer. It is through Shakespeares manipulation of figurative language, dramatic conventions and social expectations of the seventeenth century, do the audience witness the demise of this mixed up man. Macbeths persona of the tragic hero is enhanced evenRead Mor eMacbeth as a Tragic Hero846 Words  | 3 Pages The tragic hero has been a major storytelling tool in recent years that makes the audience relate to, respect, and feel sympathy for a character which is undone by the end of the story. But can this title be given to Macbeth, the titular hero of the Shakespeare play by the same name? Yes, absolutely- Shakespeare’s Macbeth follows this plot path in numerous ways. Throughout the play, we are introduced to Macbeth’s belovedness, the crushing of said established belovedness, and his own undoing. Read MoreMacbeth As A Tragic Hero2154 Words  | 9 Pages Karen H. Macbeth Show how Macbeth is seen as a tragic hero â€Å"The catastrophe of the tragic hero thus becomes the catastrophe of the fifth-century man; all his furious energy and intellectual daring drive him on to this terrible discovery of his fundamental ignorance - he is not the measure of all commodity but the commodity measured and found wanting.†The words ‘tragic hero’ has undergone a deceptive and detrimental process, it goes from a favorable connotationRead MoreMacbeth As A Tragic Hero2015 Words  | 9 PagesMacbeth Show how Macbeth is seen as a tragic hero â€Å"One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon-instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.†The words ‘tragic hero’ has undergone a deceptive and detrimental process, it goes from a favorable connotation to a repulsive connotation. A tragic hero makes â€Å"judgment errors†that are inescapable and it ultimatelyRead MoreMacbeth is a Tragic Hero995 Words  | 4 Pages Macbeth was a true tragic hero. He had many noble qualities as well as several tragic flaws. He was a courageous, brave and good nobleman who was haunted by superstition, moral cowardice and an overwhelming ambition.(Boyce) Macbeth’s ambition to be king starts off as just a desire and progressively as the play goes on it becomes his tragic flaws. Lady Macbeth convinces her husband to murder king Duncan by putting his manhood and courage at stake. Macbeth is represented as a tolerably good man up
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Project Management Economy
Question: Write an essay on Project Management? Answer: Here we are told of the critical path, now we must first understand the meaning of the word critical path, it means that when we take up a project we follow a certain path to finish its course and the paths can be different for different project but if the path that is taken proves out to be the longest path then it is called the critical path. Now here we will be given some precedence constraints to work on and the critical path must be chosen according to the precedence constraints set out by the Multiple sclerosis society of Canada, because the constraints determine the working principle that must followed in order to select the critical path that can be taken in order to serve the original purpose of the project of the Grand Bend Bicycle Tour. The critical path will be the longest path taken in order to accomplish the project so the project manager should keep in mind that if the projects deadline crosses over, he/she have to bear the consequences in order to finish the project efficiently so the project manger should always try to diminish the chances of taking up the critical path as the last resort, and revive all the stress of the number of participants involved or the capital needed or the administration involved (Heerkens, 2002). -In order to obtain the most efficient working process the project manager should try to reduce the chances of taking up the critical path to finish his task and so for that the project manger should undertake a sequence of tasks that would help him to reduce his chances of taking up the critical path in order to finish his project some of the methods or sequence of steps are given below. a) The Economy- The main usage of the critical plan comes into the picture when we talk about saving the capital associated with the project, so the first motive is to eliminate all kin sod unnecessary steps that could ensure a hit on the capital and undertaking of the critical path takes place. b) Identify the steps- Identify the unnecessary steps that require more time and obtain more chances of calling in the critical path to finish the project (Deeprose, 2002). So the project manager has the responsibility to reduce the number of unnecessary steps that are undertaken in order to reduce the chances of using the critical path. c) Customer Satisfaction- The project manager should also ensure that the dependency of the customers on the critical path must be reduced and for that they should make sure of taking the optimum time to finish the project so that there comes no need of taking up the critical path. Revised Critical Path- The revised critical path is the path under taken to complete the project in the allotted time by taking in all the methods that can be used in the process of the original critical path and completing the project in the allotted time by achieving all the constraints. Yes, an achievement of less than 23 days is made by taking up the revised critical path. The optimistic times must be undertaken, in order to finish the project of the bicycle tour in order to satisfy the needs of the customers who are in need in the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada (Wright, 2002). For that the project manager should think of all the means available in order to fulfill every aspect of the project without going into using the critical path as the last resort to its plan of accomplishing the project and for that the project manager has to deliver all the aspects of the project by completing the task to their ends and then delivering it to the customers and avoid using the critical path to achieve its goals. The present stress that the project managers are facing should be lifted as soon as possible in order to divert the project managers from the path which can be wring and prove itself as a catastrophe. For that the areas of stress must be identified in order to propose a suitable contingency plan and also certify a number of experts to work on the plan efficiently so that the expected objectives are gained (Kerzner, 2001). The contingency plan is nothing but a risk management procedure in order to save the project. References Deeprose, D. (2002).Project management. Oxford, U.K.: Capstone Pub. Heerkens, G. (2002).Project management. New York: McGraw-Hill. Kerzner, H. (2001).Project management. New York: John Wiley. Wright, J. (2002). Effective Project Management.International Journal of Project Management, 20(8), p.633.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Analysis Of Remuneration System Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Analysis Of Remuneration System. Answer: Introduction Remuneration refers to payment or compensation, which is received for services. It includes basic salary as well as any type of bonuses that an employee receives at the time of employment. However, there are principles, can distinguish better remuneration system that is focused on the study. The study has also purposed to critically analyze the impact of remuneration system on a business organization. In addition, OMeara Electronics Company is selected as the case study. It is a private limited company and has high market share in Australia. The organization has had a reasonably high market share in the general electronics sector in Australia. The organization has semi-automated factories which are operated electronics engineers as well as electronics technicians. Analysis of remuneration system Remuneration is an element that directly affects the success of the organization. There are no universal efficient systems that can be applied for specifying several types of businesses along with individuals (Guillen et al. 2015). There are two types of remuneration methods generally used in the business organization such as price rate method as well as time rate method. Remuneration system has a great impact on the employee of an organization. It can motivate the staffs to be more productive. Remuneration can praise or recognition for staffs of an organization. Remuneration awarded to the teams of a particular organization increases the levels of productivity as the team looking out for the collective product of the team. For an example, the sales team of an organization increases existing the account orders as well as producing leads for the new account. In addition, pooling staffs in a team with the collective target increases the productivity of proper remuneration is provided ( Van Dijk et al. 2014). On the other hand, remuneration can increase overall morale of staffs provided the advantages that are regarded as equitable. Moreover, providing tiered or incremental bonus based on the staffs of the organization. In the present case study, an executive staff forum has been set up. In the setup, key executive staffs at the meeting are attended. Newbery (2016) stated that it is important to have positioned-based in remuneration system that is processed in OMeara Electronics. On the other hand, it is required to consider all aspects that can be achieved in the organization. The new system has the beneficial approach as well as gets everything up on the whiteboard. Thus, everyone nodded in the arrangement requires no argument for the particular statement (Houle et al. 2014). A participative approach for new remuneration management system can be helpful for this approach. In this perspective, it is important to process performance management system that can be or ganized in OMeara Electronics. In terms of providing effective remuneration system to the organization, it is required to analyze the organizational performance of O'Meara Electronics. However, it is not easy because of involving a lot of negativity. In order to critically analyze remuneration system of O'Meara Electronics, it is important to evaluate performance goals of the individual (Bertone, Lurton Mutombo, 2016). The organizational goal has an impact on individual targets as well as the performance of the organization. On contrary, it is important to work on the first stage; the staffs are required to work on the lower level of production. In the second stage, setting goals with the help of supervisors as well as managers would be helpful to achieve the target of the organization. Filler, Burkoski and Tithecott, (2014) stated that worker can specify a period where it can be demonstrated by workers. Being a consultant for the system of the organization, it would be helpful to process performance management system, which is based on relations with consumers. Analysis of the system results that there is lacking in processes as well as activities in order to manage performance. The employees of OMeara Electronics have made cle ar that supervisors as well as staffs of the organization do not work together. Thus, supervisors are afraid of getting complaints from the staffs working in the organization for several years. Gershman and Kuznetsova (2014) mentioned that as compensation, as well as reward system, acts an important role in the business of an organization, it is required to have effective remuneration system in OMeara Electronics. Every factor responsible for increasing business of the organization needs to be considered. Labour acts an important role in order to bring about the procedure of business. Along with these, different factors such as human emotions and ambitions at a vital role in the organization. Thus, a fair compensation system would be helpful for the staffs of the organization. An ideal compensation system has the positive impact on efficiency as well as results generated by staffs of the organization. It can encourage staffs of OMeara Electronics in order to perform better as well as achieve the standards fixed. Along with these, it will improve the procedure of evaluating job (Ekdahl, 2014). It will also assist to set up an ideal job assessment as well as set the standards that would be more realistic and achievable. The system needs to be simple as well as flexible so that staffs of OMeara Electronics would be able in order to compute own compensation receivable. However, it is easy for implementing that would not provide result in order to exploit the workers (Mrquez et al. 2015). It will raise morale and efficiency as well as cooperation among the staffs. The system can be helpful for management of the organization in order to comply with several labor acts. Solving disputes between the union as well as management of O'Meara Electronics can be helpful to follow the management of principle of getting equal pay. The remuneration system can be helpful for the organization through motivating and encouraging performance better and needs to provide scopes for staff. In addition, it is required to process effective compensation system that brings peace for relationship of employer as well as staffs of OMeara Electronics (Morrow, 2015). It has aims creation of healthy competition among staffs in order to work hard as well as efficiently. The system needs to provide development as well as advancement scopes to deserving staffs of OMeara Electronics. In addition, it is important to make perfect compensation system that can provide a platform for making happy as well as a satisfied workforce (Wendt, 2014). On the other hand, the organization is able retaining best talent through providing adequate compensation system from switching over to the different job. In addition, the business organization is able to think regarding expansion as well as the development of the organization. It supports to be sk illful and talented as well as the happy workforce. Thus, appropriate compensation system can be helpful for being the hallmark of the organization. Malone and Conway (2015) commented that it is important to have success as well as the prosperity of O'Meara Electronics. Pay-package provides to the staffs of the organization. It is important to make performance and management of the organization that can be helpful for the organization to make sense and creates fruitful outcome. It is important to make a performance that can be helpful for the organization that impacts on performance as well as staff morale (Mossialos et al. 2015). The staffs are required to evaluate the fault policy that can be helpful for making good performance and management that can be achievable at O'Meara Electronics. On the other hand, being the consultant for performance management, it is required to start from the beginning and left for contemplating the process. On the other hand, performance management forum starts for making contemplating the process. Pondering about the process at the organization can be helpful to make effective performance management system. Thus, effective performance management of the system can be helpful to gain an effective idea for remuneration (Renwick et al. 2016). Making performance with zero faul t policy as well as on attitude can make the process better through generating effective idea and system that would be helpful for the organization to be effective in its system (Honor, Munar de La Potterie, 2015). On the other hand, it is important to generate the effective idea that would set up remuneration for the staff forum. Performance management system can engage the staffs forum for the process. Hence, it is important to develop effective remuneration system that can be helpful for making the organization effective management of the organization. It is important to develop the effective idea that can lead to making proper performance management system for the organization. On the other hand, pondering about the process for setting the staff forum needs to consider the potential for promotion as well as their absence (Condo et al. 2014). On the other hand, general administration of the organization requires setting loyalty and potential for promotion as well as their absence. Moreover, OMeara Electronics has been operating for 20 years (Hauck, Thomas, Smith, 2016). Thus, the effective setting of the process can obtain an effective system that leads the development of the system through setting up subsidiaries in several countries in South-East Asia as well as the system that can be helpful for the organization. Remuneration is referred as monetary rewards received by staffs. On the other hand, it is required to have proper remuneration system for the organization. On the other hand, remuneration is different from compensation. It sets earnings of the staffs redeemed in the organization (Neumann, 2013). Along with these, the minimum age is the lowest remuneration employer of O'Meara Electronics can be helpful for the organization. It can be enforced with the help of Federal Law and make the state for which the amount is higher. Developing an idea for intermediate as well as intermediates would be helpful to format and calculate as well as model data. On the other hand, being on salary can make the process easier taking absences from work. Most of the businesses and staffs are paid hourly need to schedule absences as well as take paid leave if they are not present. It is important to make an appropriate system for the organization (Arnason Gissurarson, 2017). Hence, it is important to develop effective remuneration system for employees of the organization through which the organization can gain competitive advantages in the market. Recommendation Remuneration refers to total compensation that can be received with the help of executive that includes base salary and gets a bonus as well as expense accounts as well as different forms of compensation. On the other hand, the amount of remuneration can be helpful to make an effective system for the organization. Thus, it requires taking proper strategy regarding remuneration system of the organization. The organization needs to follow government rules and regulation regarding distribution of compensation and implementing effective compensation system. In addition, the non-discrepancy policy would be helpful in this aspect. Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded that effective remuneration system has an important role for employees of an organization. The Fair Labor Standard Act can classify employees and certain professionals as well as executives through exempting the process. Thus, with the help of effective remuneration system, the organization can gain benefits. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Internal Combustion Engines Essay Paper Example For Students
Internal Combustion Engines Essay Paper Internal Combustion EnginesAn internal-combustion engine is a heat engine that burns fuel and airinside a combustion chamber located within the engine proper. Simply stated, aheat engine is an engine that converts heat energy to mechanical energy. Theinternal- combustion engine should be distinguished from the external-combustion engine, for example, the steam engine and the Stirling engine, whichburns fuel outside the prime mover, that is, the device that actually producesmechanical motion. Both basic types produce hot, expanding gases, which may thenbe employed to move pistons, turn turbine rotors, or cause locomotion throughthe reaction principle as they escape through the nozzle. Most people are familiar with the internal-combustion reciprocating engine,which is used to power most automobiles, boats, lawn mowers, and home generators. Based on the means of ignition, two types of internal-combustion reciprocatingengines can be distinguished: spark-ignition engines and compression-ignitionengines. In the former, a spark ignites a combustible mixture of air and fuel;in the latter, high compression raises the temperature of the air in the chamberand ignites the injected fuel without a spark. The diesel engine is acompression-ignition engine. This article emphasizes the spark-ignition engine. The invention and early development of internal-combustion engines areusually credited to three Germans. Nikolaus Otto patented and built (1876) thefirst such engine; Karl Benz built the first automobile to be powered by such anengine (1885); and Gottlieb Daimler designed the first high-speed internal-combustion engine (1885) and carburetor. Rudolf Diesel invented a successfulcompression-ignition engine (the diesel engine) in 1892. The operation of the internal-combustion reciprocating engine employseither a four-stroke cycle or a two-stroke cycle. A stroke is one continuousmovement of the piston within the cylinder. In the four-stroke cycle, also known as the Otto cycle, the downwardmovement of a piston located within a cylinder creates a partial vacuum. Valveslocated inside the combustion chamber are controlled by the motion of a camshaftconnected to the crankshaft. The four strokes are called, in order of sequence,intake, compression, power, and exhaust. On the first stroke the intake valve isopened while the exhaust valve is closed; atmospheric pressure forces a mixtureof gas and air to fill the chamber. On the second stroke the intake and exhaustvalves are both closed as the piston starts upward. The mixture is compressedfrom normal atmospheric pressure (1 kg/sq cm, or 14.7 lb/sq in) to between 4.9and 8.8 kg/sq cm (70 and 125 lb/sq in). During the third stroke the compressedmixture is ignitedeither by compression ignition or by spark ignition. Theheat produced by the combustion causes the gases to expand within the cylinder,thus forcing the piston downward. The pistons connecting rod transmi ts thepower from the piston to the crankshaft. This assembly changes reciprocatinginother words, up-and-down or back-and-forth motionto rotary motion. On thefourth stroke the exhaust valve is opened so that the burned gases can escape asthe piston moves upward; this prepares the cylinder for another cycle. Internal-combustion spark-ignition engines having a two-stroke cycle combineintake and compression in a single first stroke and power and exhaust in asecond stroke. The internal-combustion reciprocating engine contains several subsystems:ignition, fuel, cooling, and exhaust systems. The ignition system of a spark-ignition engine consists of the sparkingdevice (the spark plug); the connecting wire from the plug to the distributor;and the distributor, which distributes the spark to the proper cylinder at theproper time. The distributor receives a high-energy spark from a coil, ormagneto, that converts low-voltage energy to high-voltage energy. Some ignitionsystems employ transistorized circuitry, which is generally more efficient andless troublesome than the mechanical breaker-point system used in the past. Mostignition systems require an external electrical energy source in the form of abattery or a magneto. .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63 , .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63 .postImageUrl , .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63 , .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63:hover , .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63:visited , .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63:active { border:0!important; } .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63:active , .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63 .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ube36ef24bbd83f5eeac8c371cba37e63:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Philosophy of Religion EssaySpark-ignition engines require a means for mixing fuel and air. This may beeither a carburetor or fuel injection. A carburetor atomizes the fuel into theengines incoming air supply. The mixture is then vaporized in the intakemanifold on its way to the combustion chamber. fuel injection sprays acontrolled mist of fuel into the airstream, either in the intake manifold orjust before the intake valve or valves of each cylinder. Both carburetors andfuel injectors maintain the correct fuel- to-air ratio, about one part fuel tofifteen parts air, over a wide range of air temperatures, engine speeds, andloads. Fuel injection can compensate for change s in altitude as well. Internal-combustion engines require some type of starting system. Smallengines are generally started by pulling a starting rope or kicking a lever. Larger engines may use compressed air or an electric starting system. The latterincludes a startera high-torque electric motorto turn the crankshaft untilthe engine starts. Starting motors are extremely powerful for their size and aredesigned to utilize high currents (200 to 300 amperes). The large startingcurrents can cause a battery to drain rapidly; for this reason a heavy- dutybattery is usually used. Interrupting this connection is an electrical switchcalled a solenoid, which is activated by the low- voltage starting switch. Inthis way the ignition switch can be located away from the starter and yet stillturn the starter on and off. The cooling system is important because internal-combustion engines operateat high temperatures of combustionspark- ignition engines at approximately2,760 degrees C (5,000 degrees F) and diesel engines at even higher temperatures. If it were not for the cooling system, these high temperatures would damage andmelt many parts of the engine. The cooling system essentially dissipates theheat of combustion in metal, water, or air and automatically regulates thetemperature so that the engine can operate at its optimum temperatureabout 93degrees C (200 degrees F). Air-cooled engines, popularly used to power small lawn mowers, chain saws,power generators, and motorcycles, as well as small cars and airplanes, oftenrequire no moving parts, and therefore little or no maintenance, for the coolingsystem. The head, or uppermost part, of the cylinder and the cylinder block havefins cast into them; these fins increase the surface exposed to the surroundingair, allowing more heat to be radiated. Usually a cover or shroud channels theair flow over the fins. A fan is sometimes included if the engine is locatedaway from a stream of fast-moving air. Water-cooled engines have water jackets built into the engine block. Thesejackets surround the cylinders. Usually a centrifugal water pump is used tocirculate the water continuously through the water jackets. In this way the highheat of combustion is drawn off the cylinder wall into the circulating water. The water must then be cooled in a radiator that transfers the heat energy ofthe water to the radiators cooler surrounding fluid. The surrounding fluid canbe air or water, depending on the application of the engine. Internal-combustion engines include an exhaust system, which allows the hotexhaust gases to escape efficiently from the engine. In some small engines theexhaust gases can exit directly into the atmosphere. Larger engines are noisierand require some type of muffler or sound deadener, usually a canister with aninner shell that breaks up the sound waves, dissipating their energy within themuffler before the exhaust gases are permitted to escape. The power capacity of an engine depends on a number of characteristics,including the volume of the combustion chamber. The volume can be increased byincreasing the size of the piston and cylinder and by increasing the number ofcylinders. The cylinder configuration, or arrangement of cylinders, can bestraight, or in-line (one cylinder located behind the other); radial (cylinderslocated around a circle); in a V (cylinders located in a V configuration); oropposed (cylinders located opposite each other). Another type of internal-combustion engine, the Wankel engine, has no cylinders; instead, it has a rotorthat moves through a combustion chamber. .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8 , .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8 .postImageUrl , .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8 , .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8:hover , .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8:visited , .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8:active { border:0!important; } .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8:active , .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8 .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u71cd9997fce933502ad902f2827a61d8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Salem witch trials1 EssayAn internal-combustion engine must also have some kind of transmissionsystem to control and direct the mechanical energy where it is needed; forexample, in an automobile the energy must be directed to the driving wheels. Since these engines are not able to start under a load, a transmission systemmust be used to disengage the engine from the load during starting and then toapply the load when the engine reaches its operating speed.
Monday, December 2, 2019
What do you think is the best strategy for existing businesses to adopt in response to the entry of a new large competitor free essay sample
What do you think is the best strategy for existing businesses to adopt in response to the entry of a new large competitor? Justify your answer with reference to the UK bottled water market and/or other markets that you know. Almost all business operates in competition with other businesses, whether this is Sainsburys competing with Asda for customers at a local, national and international level or two local hairdressers competing for clients in a single town. Competition is usually between firms supplying the same product. For example, British Gas compete not just with other suppliers in the gas provision market but also with the suppliers of other types of fuel, including coal, electricity and oil. The managing director of Waterman Pens is famously quoted as saying: We are not in the market for pens, but executive gifts. Therefore he redefined the companys competitors as Dunhill and Rolex, rather than Parker and Bic. We will write a custom essay sample on What do you think is the best strategy for existing businesses to adopt in response to the entry of a new large competitor? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Competition is generally regarded as being positive, bringing benefits in particular to customers. The advantages of competition are based on the fact that, in order to gain market share, firms need to offer the cheapest or the best quality products to customers. This requires them to operate as efficiently as possible, in a cost effective way while at the same time improving the quality of products and services as much as possible. However, competition also has some negative. Where competition is based solely on price, product quality might be sacrificed because resources that are devoted to competing with other firms, such as the huge amounts spent on advertising and packaging, could be directed to producing cheaper or better products. Also, competition between firms means that, inevitably, some businesses will be forced out of the market, with the economic and human consequences of redundancy and unemployment. Finally, the competitive process tends to mean that successful established businesses gradually take over, for example Nestle and Danone – or merge with unsuccessful ones. This in turn leads to the existence of a smaller number of larger and larger businesses. This has happened, for example, in the supermarket sector. In very competitive markets, such as those that can be described as monopolistic competition, new competitors enter all the time. For example, a new hairdresser or a new cafe might set up on the high street. In order to compete, existing businesses will need to ensure that their product or service is of an appropriate quality, is priced and promoted appropriately and has its own USP. For example, in order for Nestle and Danone to give their bottled water a USP they could introduce different size bottles, and different flavours. In some industries, barriers to entry prevent or deter new firms from entering. They thus enable existing firms to continue relatively unchallenged and, in effect, protect them from new entrants and allow them to earn higher profits than they might in a more competitive environment. This is the case in monopoly or oligopoly markets such as car manufacturers, supermarkets and banks. However, from being a relatively small player in a market, a business can develop into a dominant business as a result of a takeover or a merger. This can have a significant impact on the competitive forces for existing firms that are now faced with a more powerful competitor. For example, in 2003, Morrisons, a medium sized bust fast growing supermarket chain, took over Safeway and became a much more significant competitor for Asda, Tesco and Sainsburys. The more competitive the market, the less opportunity there is for profit as firms try to cut costs and prices in order to attract customers. Where there is little competition but a strong demand, supernormal profits may be made. Such profits are often a sign of unfair competition. To retain a good reputation, Nestle and Danone must make sure their actions are fair competition. Fair competition is where firms compete on equal terms in a way that offers consumers the best choice of products and prices. An example of unfair competition would be Danone only supplying retailers that promise not to stock Nestle or Coca Cola or that agree to stock the whole range of Danones products.
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