Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Samples of an Autism Arugmentive Essay - Is it a Scam?
Samples of an Autism Arugmentive Essay - Is it a Scam? Vital Pieces of Samples of an Autism Arugmentive Essay There's a complete spectrum of symptom that range from mild to serve. In a location similar to this, where the temperatures can become very high, it is a necessity so that you are able to cool off. Top Choices of Samples of an Autism Arugmentive Essay Nevertheless, there are numerous different challenges which come along with autism like autism affects children's emotion and typical improvement. It can also result in emotional trauma at an early age, particularly when there is a poor understanding between the child and the parent. People experiencing autism don't fully develop natural speech to satisfy their communication requirements. There are more than a few reasons that were fronted to account for the autism among children, together with adults. The expression spectrum refers to the broad variation in challenges and strengths possessed by every individual with autism. The other key characteristic that often is related to autism is every time a kid shows stereotyped and repetitive use of language. Additional there are various types of autism from combinations of various environmental in addition to genetic influences. Several techniques and ideas are worked on and developed to help the children afflicted by autism. With planning, you'll be in a position to start with whatever portion of the essay is easiest for you, without having to struggle over the debut, as an example, if you know this part is very difficult for you. A conclusion is, without a doubt, the main portion of the argumentative essay since you can either support the excellent impression or destroy it entirely. Your thesis ought to be relevant so the post can use a structure that's flexible in order to fit in the shoes of the readers. The topic has to be interesting, the topic has to be essential and finally the topic has to be informative. What You Need to Do About Samples of an Autism Arugmentive Essay Before It's Too Late The sad truth is that the range of autistic folks, especially children with autism has substantial proliferation in the recent decades. Autistic children might find it hard communicate their feelings with others also. As an example, find stories about those who have autism. People experiencing autism have problems understanding different people's feelings and thought and so they cannot interpret or predict another individual's actions. The most important function of teaching assistants was to make sure the students remained focused and motivated over the course of a lesson, understand what's being delivered and keep themselves organized. Participation is an additional important step that might help teachers to aid their students better. The whole community should also get involved in helping the children to develop far better. The Samples of an Autism Arugmentive Essay Stories The level of impairment varies from each person. Expert opinion has fronted that the ideal treatment program may encompass a mixture of the various therapies and techniques of treatment. Then you may continue developing the topic in the primary body. Communication problems like speech and language differ depending upon the intellectual and social maturation of the individual. The Hidden Facts on Samples of an Autism Arugmentive Essay 1 principal characteristic is behavioral problems like aggressive or self-injurious behavior. Accor dingly, it's important to comprehend the indications and symptoms of autism, effects as well as the causes of this condition. Several methods on the way in which the disease can be treated include the behavioral interventions that were fronted to be a remedy to the particular symptoms in individuals experiencing autism. Several methods on the way in which the disease can be treated include the behavioral interventions that were fronted to be a remedy to certain symptoms in individuals experiencing autism. It's purely due to changes to brain development that could be influenced by a variety of factors including gene mutations. Most professionals in the health care field agree that the efficacy of the treatment given to an individual with this disorder is related to once the treatment is administered. Strictly speaking, there isn't any medically verified cure for autism though the level of the indicators can be lowered by proper medication and therapy. However, other credible findings have pointed out the chance of the disease to be brought on by a mixture of factors. There isn't any known cure for autism, although medication may help a number of the symptoms in some instances. As much as there has not yet been proven a dose that would take care of the autism disorder completely, as soon as a patient takes treatment seriously, it's been demonstrated to enhance the condition of the patients experiencing the disorder. When a youngster is unable to socialize with different children it might just expose the iceberg to autism disorder.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Difference Between Hispanic and Latino
Hispanic and Latino are often used interchangeably though they actually mean two different things. Hispanic refers to people who speak Spanish or are descended from Spanish-speaking populations, while Latino refers to people who are from or descended from people from Latin America. In todays United States, these terms are often thought of as racial categories and are often used to describe race, in the way that we also use white, black, and Asian. However, the populations they describe are actually composed of various racial groups, so using them as racial categories is inaccurate. They work more accurately as descriptors of ethnicity, but even that is a stretch given the diversity of peoples they represent. That said, they are important as identities for many people and communities, and they are used by the government to study the population, by law enforcement to study crime and punishment, and by researchers of many disciplines to study social, economic, and political trends, as well as social problems. For these reasons, its important to understand what they mean literally, how they are used by the state in formal ways, and how those ways sometimes differ from how people use them socially. What Hispanic Means and Where It Came From In a literal sense, Hispanic refers to people who speak Spanish or who are descended from Spanish speaking lineage. This English word evolved from the Latin word Hispanicus, which is reported to have been used to refer to people living in Hispania  the Iberian Peninsula in todays Spain â€â€Ã‚ during the Roman Empire. Since Hispanic refers to what language people speak or that their ancestors spoke, it refers to an element of culture. This means that, as an identity category, it is closest to the definition of ethnicity, which groups people based on a shared common culture. However, people of many different ethnicities can identify as Hispanic, so its actually more broad than ethnicity. Consider that people who originate from Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico will have come from very different cultural backgrounds, excepting their language and possibly their religion. Because of this, many people considered Hispanic today equate their ethnicity with their or their ancestors country of origin, or with an ethnic group within this country. Reports indicate that it came into use by the United States government during Richard Nixons presidency, which spanned 1968‒1974. It first appeared on the U.S. Census in 1980, as a question prompting the Census taker to determine whether or not the person was of Spanish/Hispanic origin. Hispanic is most commonly used in the eastern U.S., including Florida and Texas. People of all different races identify as Hispanic, including white people. In todays Census people self-report their answers and have the option to choose whether or not they are of Hispanic descent. Because the Census Bureau recognizes that Hispanic is a term that describes ethnicity and not race, people can self-report a variety of racial categories as well as Hispanic origin when they complete the form. However, self-reports of race in the Census indicate that some identify their race as Hispanic. This is a matter of identity, but also of the structure of the question about race included in the Census. Race options include white, black, Asian, American Indian or Pacific Islander, or some other race. Some people who identify as Hispanic may also identify with one of these racial categories, but many do not, and as a result, choose to write in Hispanic as their race. Elaborating on this, Pew Research Center wrote in 2015: [Our] survey of multiracial Americans finds that, for two-thirds of Hispanics, their Hispanic background is a part of their racial background – not something separate. This suggests that Hispanics have a unique view of race that doesn’t necessarily fit within the official U.S. definitions. So while Hispanic might refer to ethnicity in the dictionary and governmental definition of the term, in practice, it often refers to race. What Latino Means and Where It Came From Unlike Hispanic, which refers to language, Latino is a term that refers to geography. It is used to signify that a person is from or descended from people from Latin America. It is, in fact, a shortened form of the Spanish phrase latinoamericano â€â€Ã‚ Latin American, in English. Like Hispanic, Latino does not technically speaking refer to race. Anybody from Central or South America and the Caribbean can be described as Latino. Within that group, like within Hispanic, there are varieties of races. Latinos can be white, black, indigenous American, mestizo, mixed, and even of Asian descent. Latinos can also be Hispanic, but not necessarily. For example, people from Brazil are Latino, but they are not Hispanic, since Portuguese, and not Spanish, is their native language. Similarly, people may be Hispanic, but not Latino, like those from Spain who do not also live in or have lineage in Latin America. It was not until the year 2000 that Latino first appeared on the U.S. Census as an option for ethnicity, combined with the response Other Spanish/Hispanic/Latino. In the most recent Census, conducted in 2010, it was included as Another Hispanic/Latino/Spanish origin. However, as with Hispanic, common usage and self-reporting on the Census indicates that many people identify their race as Latino. This is especially true in the western United States, where the term is more commonly used, in part because it offers a distinction from the identities of Mexican American and Chicano  terms that specifically refer to descendants of people from Mexico. Pew Research Center found in 2015 that 69% of young Latino adults ages 18 to 29 say their Latino background is part of their racial background, as does a similar share of those in other age groups, including those 65 and older. Because Latino has come to be identified as a race in practice and associated with brown skin and origin in Latin America, black Latinos often identify differently. While they are likely to be read simply as black within U.S. society, due to their skin color, many identify as Afro-Caribbean or Afro-Latino  terms which serve to distinguish them both from brown-skinned Latinos and from descendants of the North American population of black slaves. So, like with Hispanic, the standard meaning of Latino often differs in practice. Because practice differs from policy, the U.S. Census Bureau is poised to change how it asks about race and ethnicity in the coming 2020 Census. The possible new phrasing of these questions would allow for Hispanic and Latino to be recorded as the respondents self-identified race.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Course Learning Outcomes For English 110 - 869 Words
As I reflect on my work at the end of this semester, I am able to see how much I have improved as a writer. I have learned my weaknesses through peer reviews, and the feedbacks that I received from you. This cover letter will address four of the course learning outcomes for English 110 such as, how to write effectively using a number of rhetorical strategies and patterns, demonstrate the ability to synthesize materials drawn from multiple sources using critical reflection and independent judgment, write a research paper of 2,500 words, and carry out essential steps in the writing process. I enclosed three works that I have submitted for this course which are, â€Å"The Journey of a Small Town Girl,†â€Å"The Wright Brothers,†and my research paper titled â€Å"The Dirty Dozen.†My purpose in writing the literacy narrative was to let different audiences to have a taste of what the struggle of an immigrant is like. This was the first paper that I had to write for this class and it was the easiest out of all. I got to express my struggles in a very unique way. During my peer review session for this paper, I was able to see my mistakes such as verb tense agreement, word choice and awkward phrasing. I learned to not use abbreviations throughout this piece because a mixed audience may not be familiar with them. I think the best part of my narrative is my introduction and conclusion. My introduction sets a mysterious tone by stating â€Å"I always wondered how would my life†¦Ã¢â‚¬ By starting theShow MoreRelatedThe Achievement Of Desire By Richard Rodriguez2333 Words  | 10 Pagestwo essential and complex pieces of English that are used in every day of our lives. During my time in English 110, I have learned numerous new key terms, ideas, and principals that have helped me develop my own theory on writing. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
The Future Of Health Care - 833 Words
The future of health care can be rocky with the push to mandate population health and bundle payments as the standard measure for future reimbursement. The ACA, increasing cost of health care and mortality rates are the driving force. Although population health and bundle payments are voluntary programs at this time, it will become the standard of care model in the future. Although population health has been associated with ACOs and the MSSP programs, the future reimbursement model for health care goes beyond these programs as more and more insurance companies are pushing for quality care and reduction in cost. In addition, CMS is leading the charge to increase bundled payment models. In regards to bundled payments there is a growing momentum and as of August 5, 2014 approximately 2,368 new potential participants joined Phase one and new episodes will be added until October 2015 and more episodes will be added to additional models and phases along with the patient survey to evalua te the patient’s experience therefore CMS is expecting the program to continue to expand throughout the market (CMS: Bundled Payment for Care Improvement Initiative (BPCI) Fact Sheet, 2015). Therefore these two models that are voluntary today are moving toward being the stand of tomorrow. The concept of population health is patient centric and is making inroad throughout the country and is broadly defined as a systematic effort to do three things that the U.S. health care system and its â€Å"utilize†Show MoreRelatedThe Future And Direction Of Health Care1269 Words  | 6 PagesThe future and direction of health care has been the topic of discussion amongst politician and U.S citizens today. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Project Management - 32831 Words
GIS PROJECT MANAGEMENT MSc Thesis Dissertation submitted in part fulfillment for the degree of Master of Science in Geographical Information Systems April 1997 J.G.A. Bestebreurtje Manchester Metropolitan University Mentor: Prof. Dr. H.J. Scholten Free University of Amsterdam Master Thesis: GIS Project management Final Version ABSTRACT Recent studies concerning GIS show that it is the fastest growing segment (both hard software) of the graphical computer market. 70% of private organizations expect to use GIS as a strategic tool within their company. Like a product, GIS in an organization has a life cycle. According to the model of Nolan this life cycle starts with awareness and ends when full integration with other†¦show more content†¦Change requests, expectations and deviations 3.9.1 General 3.9.2 Change Control 3.10. Exceptions 3.11. Threats in a project 3.12. Project Closure 3.12.1 General 3.12.2 Acceptance testing 3.12.3 Project Closure Meeting 3.13. Quality Review 3.14. Training 3.15. Support 3.16. Summary 4 THE SPATIAL COMPONENT; ARE GIS PROJECTS DIFFERENT? 4.1. Introduction 4.2. The G in GIS 4.3. The IS in GIS 4.4. What is so special about GIS? 4.5. The acquiring of Geo Information 4.6. Are GIS project different? 4.7. Conclusion 5 MANAGING A REAL PROJECT - THE MILGIS PROJECT 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Approach 5.3. Content of the MILGIS PID 5.3.1 MILGIS PID - Background 5.3.2 MILGIS PID - Mission, Objectives, Strategy 5.3.3 MILGIS PID - Scope of Work 5.3.4 MILGIS PID -Constraints 5.3.5 MILGIS PID -Methods 5.3.6 MILGIS PID Project Organization 5.3.7 MILGIS PID Project Plan 5.4. MILGIS Risks 5.5. MILGIS Quality 5.6. Does the proposed methodology work? 6 CONCLUSIONS 6.1. Introduction 6.2. The importance of Life Cycle and Methodologies 6.3. Project management for GIS 6.4. Area for further research ADDENDUM -Risk Management Checklist REFERENCES Page 81 Page 83 Page 83 Page 84 Page 85 Page 86 Page 89 Page 89 Page 89 Page 90 Page 90 Page 93 Page 94 Page 95 Page 96 Page 96 Page 96 Page 97 Page 99 Page 104 Page 106 Page 107 Page 108 Page 108 Page 109 Page 109 Page 110 Page 111 Page 113 Page 115 Page 116 Page 117 Page 121 Page 128Show MoreRelatedProject Management : Projects Management902 Words  | 4 PagesProject Management Project Management. What does the words Project Management mean and what are the steps to managing a great project. If we break down the two words Project Management it is defined on dictionary.com as â€Å"The process of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling the production of a system†. 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Ensuring safety of the commuters and workers at the site is the responsibility of your company. The date of completion of the project is six months from now. This date cannot be extended because of an upcoming international summit in the city. To achieve the overall project time lines, the followingRead MoreProject Management Project And Change Management1940 Words  | 8 Pages Paper on project management in smart voice project Sohail Kamdar Project and change management Table of contents Name of the topic Page No. Abstract†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..3 Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦4-5 View point of project management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦5 Outlook of the project†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦5-6 Milestone inventory†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦6-7 WBS†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦7 Plan of project management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦7-9 Cost savings plan†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read MoreProject Management1713 Words  | 7 PagesProject Management The Project Manager has some tasks that have to be carried out, he/she is responsible for the full project. The Project Manager has to make the best use of all the resources so the project can be completed successfully. The project Manager sets the boundaries for the project, such as schedules and what is done and when it has to be completed. There are various tasks the project manager is responsible for such as: 1) Time and resource allocation and management 2) Setting upRead MoreProject Management1015 Words  | 5 Pagesor renewed interest in the field of project management? IT is growing at a rapid rate and with that growth demands people to manage this growth. People I think are more trained to be project managers and also there is new software that helps tremendously with the management part of the tasks. So demand is up, skilled workers are up, and the cost benefit is there for this renewed interest. 2. What is a project, and what are its main attributes? How is a project different from what most people do
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of The Poem Cadeon Woede Essay - 900 Words
Cadeon Woede came upon the headless bodies of his foster father and brothers first, the three slain in a desperate defense of their home. Their remains littered the ground near a demolished section of the barricades around their farmstead. Cadeon recognized the merciless slaughter as the work of revenants, corpse creatures dispatched by Omort the Deathless, their kingdom s most dreaded enemy. He shuddered in stunned disbelief, his mind refusing to accept this... The girls - Like a shot, he charged up a hillock to the smoldering shell of the family s house. His foster sisters might have escaped into the forest. Heart thundering, he searched the ruins, praying to find nothing within. Sweat rolled down his face and into his eyes, mingling with the swirling ash and soot. In the area where the hearth used to be, he found what was left of his younger foster sisters. They d been burned, and while they were still alive. Their muscles had contracted in the heat, their little bodies curling up on the floor. He lurched outside, retching until his throat was raw. No one had survived. Running his forearm over his face, he staggered to an old oak, sinking down against it. In the space of a day, everything he d loved in the world was dead. The threat of Omort had hovered idly over the land for decades, yet the dark sorcerer had chosen this time to attack. Cadeon feared he knew why. Mine own fault. He buried his head in his hands. All of this is my doing. To most who knew him,
Sociological Jurisprudence and Sociology of Law - 1819 Words
Sociological Jurisprudence and Sociology of Law Roscoe Pound (l87Oâ€â€1964) was the first jurist to make the social dimensions of law, a central concern of Anglo-American jurisprudence. He was by no means the originator of the sociological tradition in law, which in fact commenced in Germany and France. Pound’s achievement was to combine thoroughgoing technical study of the law in all its aspects with the insights and methods developed by sociologists of law. He called this branch of study sociological jurisprudence, to distinguish it from sociology of law. However, sociological Jurisprudence, as the name suggests draws inspiration, ideas and methods from sociology of law. Sociology The study of society is as old as philosophy. Political†¦show more content†¦The term ‘sociological jurisprudence’ was coined by its most famous proponent, Roscoe Pound, who is also known as Dean Pound because of his extraordinarily long tenure as the Dean of the Harvard Law School. The sociologist of law approaches law from the viewpoint of society and its diverse forms of social control. The law, and moves towards sociology in search of ways to improve the capacity of law to serve the ends of society. The meeting point according to the sociologist is the sociology of law, but according to Pound it is sociological jurisprudence Pound explains the role of the sociological jurist: He holds that legal institutions and doctrines are instruments of a specialised form of social control, capable of being improved with reference to their ends by conscious, intelligent effort. He thinks of a process of social engineering, which in one way or, another is a problem of all the social sciences. In sociological jurisprudence it is a special problem of achieving this engineering task by means of the legal order ... It is treated as problem of jurisprudence, and yet in its larger aspects as not merely a problem of that science. Law in all its senses is studied as a specialized phase of what in a larger view is a science of society. (1943, 20) Emile Durkheim (1858â€â€1917) is considered to be oneShow MoreRelatedRape, And Gender Crimes2220 Words  | 9 PagesExploring and mitigating â€Å"Rape†and gender crimes in India Introduction The chief contention of this project is that rape as a sexual and gender crime against women is a manifestation of the forces and sociological structures that are much less obvious than any literature on criminal jurisprudence on the subject of ‘rape’ and sexual crimes will suggest. Hence this necessitates a deep study and literature review of all dimensions that explain the institutional structures and forces that explain ‘rape’Read MoreThe Functionalist View of Stratification Essay examples1819 Words  | 8 PagesFunctionalism is a sociological perspective that focuses on the ways in which a complex pattern of social structures and arrangements contributes to social order. 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SOCIOLOGY  is the ordered, logical study of human society  and its origins, development, organizations, and institutions. It is a social science which uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis  to develop a body of knowledge about human social activity, structures, and functions. A goal for many sociologists is to conduct research which may be applied directly to social policy and welfare, while others focus primarily on refining the theoretical understanding of socialRead MoreThe Critique of Ibn Khaldun’s Muqaddimah Nathan Provost History of the Middle East2000 Words  | 8 PagesThe Critique of Ibn Khaldun’s Muqaddimah Nathan Provost History of the Middle East 600-1914 Dr. Serdar Poyraz April 5, 2014 The Muqaddimah is a thirteenth century historical and sociological work that was written by one of the greatest historians at the time, Ibn Khaldun. His work was used all the way up until the 19th century because no other work has given so much in-depth detail to the history and society of the Middle East in the Middle Ages and prior to that. Ibn Khaldun has read moreRead MoreAn Incident Regarding University Students Strike Essay3065 Words  | 13 Pagesinterpreted democracy better if they had the ‘sociological imagination to understand the larger historical context’ (Mills, 1959: p.5). Rightly, Mills said ‘neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both’ (1959: p.3). The above incident as an introduction, a day to day act, minute details of life has always been neglected in legal studies but requires a better examination in sociological understanding of law and it can be effectuated through the Read MoreProposal Annotated Bibliography Assignment: Capital Punishment1255 Words  | 6 Pagesthat there has been a push to hold criminals for accountable for their actions through tougher sentences and punitive measures. Additionally, capital punishment has always been a controversial issue in several disciplines, such as law, philosophy, ethics and sociology, with some arguing that capital punishment is not only unacceptable but ethically irresponsible especially in this day and age. Others argue that it serves as a powerful deterrent for prospective criminals and acts as a safeguard forRead MoreAmerican School of Thought5349 Words  | 22 Pagesvision and focus on fact .The realist approach to law is a part of sociological approach .sociological and psychological aspect plays vital role in the both school .Realist school has it own identity and it focus on fact and reality .The law is effected by situation of society and it can’t be separate from realist school. Realist made law as a main subject matter but not society. The social aspect directly affect in law making and development of law for the legitimate of it, it should concern to theRead MoreSociology and Other Sciences7090 Words  | 29 PagesSOCIOLOGY AND OTHER SCIENCES Sociology deals with society [people];how people interact, their culture, norms, values just like other social sciences like psychology, economics, psychology which also deal with people and how they behave, their mental processes. There is also a relationship between sociology and economics which is another social science. economics deals with the production of goods and services and how they are distributed to people just like sociology which also consider how theRead MoreDeviance and Social Control2641 Words  | 11 PagesDeviance and Social Control Final Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for SOCL 101 Sociology By Social control is techniques and strategies used for preventing deviant human behavior in any society. All levels of society such as family, school, bureaucratic and government has some form of social control. Examples of family social control include obeying your parents rules, doing your homework and chores. School includes standards they
The Indigo Spell Chapter Seven Free Essays
string(54) " me for a moment, like they could see all my secrets\." I MIGHT HAVE BEEN DETERMINED to find Marcus, but I certainly wasn’t going to argue against a gun. I raised my hands in the air and slowly stood up, keeping my back to the newcomer. Just as carefully, I stepped away from Marcus and set the vial on the floor. We will write a custom essay sample on The Indigo Spell Chapter Seven or any similar topic only for you Order Now Fumes still wafted out of it, but the reaction would burn itself out soon. Then I dared a peek behind me. When I saw the girl who stood there, I could barely believe my eyes. â€Å"Are you okay?†she asked Marcus. He was unsteadily getting to his feet. â€Å"I left as soon as you called.†â€Å"You!†I couldn’t quite manage anything more articulate. The girl standing before me was close to my age, with long, tangled blond hair. She still had the gun on me, but a small smile appeared on her face. â€Å"Nice to see you again.†The feeling wasn’t mutual. I’d last seen this girl when I faced down the Warriors in their arena. She’d been toting a gun there as well and had had a perpetual snarl on her face. She’d pushed me around and threatened me, making no secret of how heretical she thought my defense of Sonya was. Although she seemed much calmer now than she had with those fanatics, I still couldn’t dismiss what she was – or what the implications were. I turned to Marcus in disbelief. He was cradling the wrist I’d nailed with my elbow. â€Å"You . . . you’re one of them! One of the Warriors of Light!†I don’t think I’d ever been so let down in my life. I’d had so many hopes pinned on Marcus. He’d become larger than life in my mind, some rebel savior who was going to tell me all the secrets of the world and free me from being another cog in the machine of the Alchemists. But it was all a lie. Clarence had mentioned Marcus had convinced the Warriors to leave him alone. I’d assumed it was because Marcus had some incredible leverage he could use against the Warriors, but apparently, the key to his influence was that he was one of them. He looked up from his wrist. â€Å"What? Those nuts? Hell, no.†I almost pointed at the girl but decided it would be best not to make any sudden moves. I settled for a nod in her direction and noticed all the locks on the door had been undone. I’d been so caught up in the struggle with Marcus that I hadn’t heard them. â€Å"Really? Then how come one of them just saved you?†â€Å"I’m not really one of them.†She spoke almost casually, but the gun contradicted her tone. â€Å"I mean, I guess I kind of am. . . .†â€Å"Sabrina’s a spy,†explained Marcus. He looked much more at ease too, now that I wasn’t assaulting him. â€Å"A lovely one. She’s been undercover with them for over a year. She’s also the one who told me about you.†Once again, it was hard knowing how to respond to that. I also wasn’t sure if I bought this spy story. â€Å"What exactly did you tell him?†He shot me a movie star smile. His teeth were so white that I wondered if he had veneers. It seemed out of character for a rogue who lived on the run, but nothing about this day was really turning out like I’d expected. â€Å"She told me about this Alchemist girl who defended a Moroi and then helped lead a dhampir raiding party.†Lead? Hardly. No one – notably Stanton – had felt the need to enlighten me about that raid until I was in the middle of it. I didn’t want to tip my hand too early though. â€Å"The Alchemists sanctioned that raid,†I said. â€Å"I saw the way you spoke,†said Sabrina. Her eyes flicked between Marcus and me, fierce for me and admiring for him. â€Å"It was inspiring. And we watched you for a while, you know. You spent an awful lot of time with the Moroi and dhampirs in Palm Springs.†â€Å"It’s my job,†I said. She hadn’t really seemed inspired at the time. Mostly she’d looked disappointed at not having a chance to use the gun on me. Marcus’s smile turned knowing. â€Å"From what I heard, you and those Moroi almost looked like friends. And then, here you are, looking for me. You’re definitely the dissident we’d hoped for.†No, this was not turning out at all like I’d planned. In fact, it was pretty much the opposite of what I’d planned. I’d been so proud of my ability to track down Marcus, little knowing that he’d been watching me already. I didn’t like that. It made me feel vulnerable, even if they were saying some of things I’d hoped to hear. Needing to feel like I was in control, I tried to play it cool and tough. â€Å"Maybe there are other Alchemists about to show up,†I said. â€Å"They would’ve been here already†he said, calling my bluff. â€Å"They wouldn’t have sent you alone . . . though I did panic when I first saw you. I didn’t realize who you were and thought there were others right behind you.†He paused, and that cocky attitude turned sheepish. â€Å"Sorry about, um, punching you. If it makes you feel better, you did something pretty serious to my wrist.†Sabrina’s face filled with concern. â€Å"Oh, Marcus. Do you need to see a doctor?†He tested the movement of his wrist and then shook his head. â€Å"You know we can’t. Never know who might be watching at a hospital. Those places are too easy to monitor.†â€Å"You really are hiding from the Alchemists,†I said in amazement. His nodded, almost looking proud. â€Å"You doubted? I figured you’d know that.†â€Å"I suspected, but I didn’t hear it from them. They deny you exist.†He seemed to find that funny. In fact, he seemed to find everything funny, which I found slightly irritating. â€Å"Yup. That’s what I’ve heard from the others.†â€Å"What others?†â€Å"Others like you.†Those blue eyes held me for a moment, like they could see all my secrets. You read "The Indigo Spell Chapter Seven" in category "Essay examples" â€Å"Other Alchemists wanting to break free of the fold.†I knew my own eyes were wide. â€Å"There . . . there are others?†Marcus settled on the floor, leaning against the wall and still cradling his wrist. â€Å"Let’s get comfortable. Sabrina, put the gun away. I don’t think Sydney’s going to give us any trouble.†Sabrina didn’t look so sure of that, but after several moments, she complied. She joined him on the floor, positioning herself protectively next to him. â€Å"I’d rather stand,†I told them. No way would I willingly sit on that filth. After rolling around with Marcus, I wanted to go bathe myself in hand sanitizer. He shrugged. â€Å"Suit yourself. You want some answers? You give me some first. Why’d you come looking for me off the Alchemist clock?†I didn’t like being interrogated, but what was the point of being here if I wasn’t going to engage in a dialogue? â€Å"Clarence told me about you,†I said at last. â€Å"He showed me your picture, and I saw how you’d tattooed over the lily. I didn’t even know that was possible.†The tattoo never faded. â€Å"Clarence Donahue?†Marcus looked genuinely pleased. â€Å"He’s a good guy. I suppose you’d be friends with him if you’re in Palm Springs, huh?†I started to say we weren’t friends but then reconsidered. What else were we? â€Å"Getting this isn’t easy,†added Marcus, tapping the blue tattoo. â€Å"You’ll have to do a lot of work if you want to do it.†I stepped backward. â€Å"Whoa, I never said that’s what I wanted. And why in the world would I do it anyway?†â€Å"Because it’ll free you,†he said simply. â€Å"It prevents you from discussing vampire affairs, right? You don’t think that’s all it does, do you? Think. What stops it from exerting other control?†I pretty much had to just give up on any expectations for this conversation because every topic was crazier than the last. â€Å"I’ve never heard of anything like that. I’ve never felt anything like that. Aside from it protecting vampire information, I’m in control.†He nodded. â€Å"Probably. The initial tattoo usually only has the talking compulsion in it. They only start adding other components with re-inks if they’ve got a reason to worry about you. People can sometimes fight through those and if they do . . . well, then it’s off to re-education.†His words sent a chill through me, and I rested a hand on my cheek as I flashbacked to the meeting I’d had when I was given the Palm Springs assignment. â€Å"I was re-inked recently . . . but it was routine.†Routine. Normal. Nothing like what he was suggesting. â€Å"Maybe.†He tilted his head and gave me another piercing look. â€Å"You do anything bad before that, love?†Like helping a dhampir fugitive? â€Å"Depends on your definition of bad.†Both of them laughed. Marcus’s laugh was loud and rollicking and actually pretty infectious – but the situation was far too dire for me to join in. â€Å"They may have reinforced your group loyalty then,†he said, still chuckling. â€Å"But it either wasn’t very strong or else you fought through it – otherwise you wouldn’t be here.†He glanced over at Sabrina. â€Å"What do you think?†Sabrina studied me with a critical eye. I still had a hard time believing her role in all of this. â€Å"I think she’d be a good addition. And since she’s still in, she could help us with that . . . other matter.†â€Å"I think so too,†he said. I crossed my arms over my chest. I didn’t like being discussed as though I weren’t there. â€Å"A good addition to what?†â€Å"Our group.†To Sabrina, he said, â€Å"We really need a name for it, you know.†She snorted, and he returned his attention to me. â€Å"We’re a mix. Some are former Warriors or double agents like Sabrina. Some are ex-Alchemists.†â€Å"And what do you do?†I gestured around us. â€Å"This doesn’t exactly look like a high-tech base of operation for some covert team.†â€Å"Look at you. Pretty and funny,†he said, looking delighted. â€Å"We do what you do – or what you want to do. We like the Moroi. We want to help them – on our own terms. The Alchemists theoretically want to help them too, but we all know that’s based on a core of fear and dislike – not to mention a strict control of its members. So, we work in secret, seeing as the Alchemists aren’t fans of those who break from the fold. They really aren’t fans of me, which is why I end up in places like this.†â€Å"We keep an eye on the Warriors too,†said Sabrina. She scowled. â€Å"I hate being around those nuts, having to play along with them. They claim they only want to destroy the Strigoi – but, well, the things I’ve heard them say against the Moroi too . . .†I thought back to one of my more disturbing memories of the Warrior arena. I’d heard one of them make a mysterious comment about how someday, they’d deal with the Moroi too. â€Å"But what do you guys actually do?†Talking about rebellions and covert operations was one thing, but actually effecting change was another. I’d visited my sister Carly at her college and seen a number of student groups who wanted to change the world. Most of them sat around drinking coffee, talking a lot and doing little. Marcus and Sabrina exchanged glances. â€Å"I can’t quite get into our operations,†he said. â€Å"Not until I know you’re on board with breaking your tattoo.†Breaking your tattoo. There was something sinister – not to mention permanent – about those words, and I suddenly wondered what I was doing here. Who were these people, really? Why was I even humoring them? Then another, almost terrifying thought hit me: Am I doubting them because of the tattoo’s control? Is it making me skeptical around anyone who questions the Alchemists? Is Marcus telling the truth? â€Å"I don’t really understand that either,†I told them. â€Å"What it means to ‘break’ the tattoo. Do you just mean putting ink over it?†Marcus stood up. â€Å"All in good time. Right now, we’ve got to get out of here. Even if you were discreet, I assume you used Alchemist resources to find me?†I hesitated. Even if these guys were legitimate and had good intentions toward the Moroi, I certainly wasn’t going to reveal my involvement with magic. â€Å"Something like that.†â€Å"I’m sure you’re good, but we can’t take the chance. This place has been compromised.†He cast a wistful glance around the studio. Honestly, I thought he should be grateful I’d given him a reason to leave. Sabrina rose as well, her face hardening. â€Å"I’ll make sure the secondary location is ready.†â€Å"You’re an angel, as always,†he told her. â€Å"Hey, how did you know I was coming?†I asked. â€Å"You had time to hide and call her.†What I really wanted to know was how he’d seen me through the invisibility spell. I’d felt the magic fill me. I was certain I’d cast the spell correctly, but he’d discovered me. The spell wouldn’t work if someone knew to look for you, so maybe he’d happened to glance out the window when I was scaling the fire escape? Worst timing ever. â€Å"Tony warned me.†Marcus flashed me another of those dazzling grins. I think he was trying to make me smile back. â€Å"Good kid.†Tony? Then I knew. The boy in the parking lot. He’d pretended to help me and then sold me out. He must have spoken to Marcus while I climbed the fire escape. Maybe Marcus only answered to some secret knock. At least I had the comfort of knowing I’d cast the spell correctly. It simply hadn’t worked because Marcus had advance warning that some girl was coming after him. He began packing up his meager belongings into a backpack. â€Å"The Catcher in the Rye is a great book, by the way.†He winked. â€Å"Maybe someday we’ll have a literary discussion.†I wasn’t interested in that. Watching him, I saw that he kept favoring his uninjured wrist. I couldn’t believe I’d caused damage like that and felt a little guilty, despite everything that had happened. â€Å"You should get that taken care of,†I said. Sabrina nodded in agreement. He sighed. â€Å"I can’t. At least, not through conventional means. The Alchemists have eyes everywhere.†Conventional means. â€Å"I, uh, might be able to help you get it healed through unconventional means,†I said. â€Å"You know some off-the-grid doctor?†asked Sabrina hopefully. â€Å"No. But I know a Moroi spirit user.†Marcus froze, and I kind of liked that I’d thrown him off guard. â€Å"Seriously? We’ve heard of them but never met one. That woman they had – Sonya? She was one, right? She was gone before we could find out more.†Talking about Adrian made me nervous, but Sabrina probably already knew he existed if they’d been watching me. â€Å"Yeah, she was one, and there’s another in Palm Springs. I could take you to him and let him heal you.†Excitement lit Marcus’s features. Sabrina looked at him in horror. â€Å"You can’t just go off with her.†Was that concern or jealousy in her voice? â€Å"Why not?†he asked. â€Å"She’s taking a leap of faith with us. We can’t do any less. Besides, I’m dying to meet a spirit user. The safe house isn’t that far from Palm Springs. You make sure everything’s in order and then come pick me up later.†Sabrina didn’t like that, not at all. Maybe I didn’t understand the dynamics of their group yet, but it was obvious she regarded him as a leader and was insanely protective. In fact, I suspected her feelings for him were more than professional. They went back and forth on whether he’d be safe or not, and I listened without a word. All the while, I wondered if I’d be safe heading off with some unknown guy. Clarence trusted him, I reminded myself. And he’s pretty paranoid. Besides, with Marcus’s wrist out of commission, I could probably take him. He finally convinced Sabrina to let him go but not before she snarled, â€Å"If anything happens to him, I’m coming after you.†Apparently her hard-core character in the arena hadn’t been entirely faked. We parted ways from her, and before long, Marcus and I were on the road to Palm Springs. I tried to get more information out of him, but he wouldn’t bite. Instead, he kept complimenting me and saying things that were only one step away from pickup lines. Judging from the way he’d bantered with Sabrina too, I didn’t think there was anything particularly special about me. I thought he was just used to women fawning all over him. He was cute, I’d give him that, but it took a lot more than that to win me over. It was sunset when we pulled up to Adrian’s apartment, and I belatedly wondered if I should’ve given him some advance warning. Too late now. We walked up to the door, and I knocked three times. â€Å"It’s open,†a voice called from within. I stepped inside, and Marcus followed. Adrian was working on an abstract painting of what looked like a crystalline building from some fantasy world. â€Å"Unexpected treat,†he said. His eyes fell on Marcus and widened. â€Å"I’ll be damned. You found him.†â€Å"Thanks to you,†I said. Adrian glanced over at me. A smile started to form – and then instantly dried up. â€Å"What happened to your face?†â€Å"Oh.†I lightly touched the swollen spot. It still smarted but wasn’t as painful as it had been earlier. I spoke my next words without thinking. â€Å"Marcus hit me.†I’d never seen Adrian move so fast. Marcus had no chance to react, probably because he was exhausted from our earlier encounter. Adrian shoved Marcus up against a wall and – to my complete and utter astonishment – punched Marcus. Adrian had once joked that he never dirtied his hands, so this was something I never could have prepared myself for. In fact, if Adrian was going to attack someone, I would’ve expected something magical and spirit-driven. Yet . . . as I watched him, I could see that anything as thoughtful as magic was far from Adrian’s mind. He had kicked into primal mode. See a threat. Go after it. It was yet another surprising – yet fascinating – side of the enigma that was Adrian Ivashkov. Marcus quickly got his bearings and responded in kind. He pushed Adrian back, wincing a little. Even with his injury he was still strong. â€Å"What the hell? Who are you?†â€Å"The guy that’s going to kick your ass for hurting her,†said Adrian. He tried another punch, but Marcus dodged and managed to land a hit that knocked Adrian back into one of his easels. When Marcus swung again, Adrian eluded him with a maneuver that was straight out of Wolfe’s class. I would’ve applauded him if I wasn’t so appalled by the situation. I knew some girls thought it was sexy to have men fight over them. Not me. â€Å"You guys, stop!†I cried. â€Å"No one’s going to throw you around and get away with it,†said Adrian. â€Å"What happened with us has nothing to do with you,†retorted Marcus. â€Å"Everything about her has to do with me.†The two circled around each other, waiting for the other to pounce. â€Å"Adrian,†I exclaimed. â€Å"It was an accident.†â€Å"Doesn’t look like an accident,†he replied, never taking his eyes off Marcus. â€Å"You should listen to her,†growled Marcus. The easygoing guy I’d met earlier was gone, but I guess being attacked would do that to you. â€Å"It might save you from getting your pretty face wrecked. How much styling did you have to do to get your hair like that?†â€Å"At least I brush my hair,†said Adrian. Marcus lunged forward – but not directly at Adrian. He grabbed a painting off an easel and used it as a weapon. Adrian again managed a dodge, but the painting didn’t fare so well. The canvas tore, and Marcus tossed it aside, ready for the next advance. Adrian spared the canvas a brief glance. â€Å"Now you’ve really pissed me off.†â€Å"Enough!†Something told me they weren’t going to listen to reason. This required direct intervention. I stalked across the room and pushed myself between them. â€Å"Sydney, get out of the way,†ordered Adrian. â€Å"Yeah,†agreed Marcus. â€Å"For once he’s got something worthwhile to say.†â€Å"No!†I held out my hands to separate them. â€Å"Both of you back off – now!†My voice rang through the apartment, and I refused to budge. â€Å"Back. Off,†I repeated. â€Å"Sydney. . . .†Adrian’s voice was a little more uncertain than when he’d told me to get out of the way. I looked back and forth between them, giving each guy a healthy glare. â€Å"Adrian, it really was an accident. Marcus, this is the guy who’s going to help you, so show some respect.†This, more than anything, seemed to derail them. â€Å"Wait,†said Adrian. â€Å"Did you say ‘help’?†Marcus was equally flabbergasted. â€Å"This asshole is the spirit user?†â€Å"You’re both acting like idiots,†I scolded. The next time I had nothing to do, I’d have to get a book on testosterone-driven behavior. This was out of my league. â€Å"Adrian, can we talk somewhere in private? Like the bedroom?†Adrian agreed, but not before giving Marcus one last menacing look. I told Marcus to stay where he was and hoped he wouldn’t take off or call in someone else with a gun. Adrian followed me to his bedroom and shut the door behind us. â€Å"You know,†he said, â€Å"under normal circumstances, you inviting me to the bedroom would be the highlight of my day.†I crossed my arms and sat on the bed. I did so out of simple fatigue, but a moment later, I was struck by what I was doing. This is where Adrian sleeps. I’m touching the covers he’s wrapped in every night. What does he wear? Does he wear anything? I jumped up. â€Å"It really was an accident,†I told him. â€Å"Marcus thought I was there to abduct him.†Adrian, having no such hang-ups with the bed, sat down. He winced, probably from the blow to the stomach. â€Å"If someone like you showed up to abduct me, I’d let you.†Even when he was in pain, it never stopped with him. â€Å"I’m serious. It was just instinct, and he apologized over and over in the car once he realized who I was.†That got his attention. â€Å"He knew you?†I gave him a recap of my day in Santa Barbara. He listened avidly, nodding along, his expression shifting back and forth between intrigue and surprise. â€Å"I didn’t realize when I brought him back here that you’d inflict more damage,†I said, once I’d finished the story. â€Å"I was defending your honor.†Adrian gave me that devil-may-care smile that always managed to both infuriate and captivate me. â€Å"Pretty manly, huh?†â€Å"Very,†I said dryly. I didn’t like violence, but him doing something so out of character for me actually was kind of incredible. Not that I’d ever tell him that. â€Å"You did Wolfe proud. Do you think you can manage not to have any more ‘manly’ displays while he’s here? Please?†Adrian shook his head, still smiling. â€Å"I’ve said over and over, I’d do anything for you. I just keep hoping it’ll be something like, ‘Adrian, let’s go hot tubbing’ or Adrian, take me out for fondue.'†â€Å"Well, sometimes we have to – did you say fondue?†Sometimes it was impossible to follow Adrian’s train of thought. â€Å"Why in the world would I ever say that?†He shrugged. â€Å"I like fondue.†I didn’t even know what to say about that. This whole day was getting more and more exhausting. â€Å"I’m sorry I’m not asking for something as glamorous as melted cheese. But for now, I need to find out about Marcus and his group – and the tattoo.†Adrian recognized the situation’s severity. He stood up and gently touched the lily on my cheek. â€Å"I don’t trust him. He could be using you. But then . . . I don’t like the idea of this controlling you either.†â€Å"That makes two of us,†I admitted, losing some of my earlier toughness. He traced the line of my cheek for a few breathless moments and then dropped his hand. â€Å"It might be worth helping him to get some answers.†â€Å"Will you promise not to get in any more fights? Please?†â€Å"I promise,†he said. â€Å"So long as he doesn’t start one.†â€Å"I’ll have him promise too.†I just hoped their â€Å"manly†natures wouldn’t get the better of them. As I ruminated on this, something I’d nearly forgotten about tumbled to the forefront of my mind. â€Å"Oh . . . Adrian, I’ve got one more favor to ask you. A big one.†â€Å"Fondue?†he asked hopefully. â€Å"No. It’s about Ms. Terwilliger’s sister. . . .†I told him what I’d learned. The amusement in his face faded and turned to disbelief. â€Å"You just mention this now?†he exclaimed when I finished. â€Å"That some soul-sucking witch might be after you?†â€Å"She doesn’t know I exist.†I felt surprisingly defensive. â€Å"And I’m the only one who can help, at least according to Ms. Terwilliger. She thinks I’m some super-investigator.†â€Å"Well, you do have that Sherlock Holmes thing going for you,†he said. His joking didn’t last; he was too upset. â€Å"But you still should’ve told me! You could’ve called.†â€Å"I was kind of busy with Marcus.†â€Å"Then your priorities are off. This is a lot more important than his band of Merry Men. If we need to take out some evil sorceress before she gets to you, then of course I’ll help.†He hesitated. â€Å"With one condition.†I eyed him warily. â€Å"What’s that?†â€Å"Let me heal you too.†I jerked backward, almost more shocked than if he’d suggested hitting me again. â€Å"No! Absolutely not! I don’t need it. I’m in better shape than him.†â€Å"You want to go back to Amberwood with that on your face? You’re not going to be able to hide that, Sage. And if Castile sees it, he really will come after Marcus.†Adrian crossed his arms defiantly. â€Å"That’s my price.†He was bluffing, and I knew it. Maybe it was egotistical, but I knew he wasn’t going to let me go into a dangerous situation without him. He did, however, have a point. I still hadn’t seen the mark Marcus had left, but I didn’t want to explain it back at school. And yes, there was a good chance Eddie would want to hunt down my assailant. Being beat up by an avenging dhampir might make working with Marcus difficult. Yet . . . how could I agree? At least the magic I used was on my terms. And although my tattoo had trace amounts of vampire magic, I took comfort in knowing it was tied to the â€Å"normal†four elements, the ones we understood. Spirit was still an unknown entity, with abilities that continually surprised us. How could I subject myself to rogue vampire magic? Guessing my inner turmoil, Adrian’s face softened. â€Å"I do this all the time. It’s an easy spell. No surprises.†â€Å"Maybe,†I said reluctantly. â€Å"But each time you use spirit, you’re more likely to go crazy.†â€Å"Already crazy about you, Sage.†At least this was familiar territory. â€Å"You said you wouldn’t bring that up.†He simply regarded me without comment. Finally, I threw my arms up. â€Å"Fine,†I said, with more boldness than I felt. â€Å"Just get it over with.†Adrian didn’t waste any time. Stepping forward, he reached out and rested his hand on my cheek once more. My breath caught and my heart rate went up. It would be so, so easy for him to pull me to him and kiss me again. A tingling warmth spread over my skin, and for a moment, I thought it was just my normal reaction to him. No, I realized. It was the magic. His eyes locked onto mine, and for the space of a heartbeat, we were suspended in time. Then he removed his hand and stepped away. â€Å"Done,†he said. â€Å"Was that so bad?†No, it hadn’t been bad at all. The throbbing pain was gone. All that was left was the constant inner voice nagging me that what had just happened was wrong. That same voice tried to tell me that Adrian had left a taint behind . . . but that was hard to believe from him. I released the breath I’d been holding. â€Å"Thank you,†I said. â€Å"You didn’t have to do that.†He gave me one of those small smiles. â€Å"Oh, believe me, I did.†A moment of awkward silence hung between us. I cleared my throat. â€Å"Well. We should get back out to Marcus. Maybe we’ll have time for dinner before Sabrina shows up, and you guys can patch things over.†â€Å"I doubt even a moonlight stroll would fix things between us.†His words reminded me of something else I’d meant to bring up when he got back to town, something that had taken a very low priority. â€Å"Your coat – you never took it back after the wedding. It’s in my car.†He waved dismissively â€Å"Keep it. I’ve got others.†â€Å"What am I going to do with a wool coat?†I asked. â€Å"Especially here in Palm Springs?†â€Å"Sleep with it,†he suggested. â€Å"Think of me.†I put my hands on my hips and tried to stare him down, which wasn’t easy since he was so tall. That, and because his words suddenly returned me to the disorienting feeling I’d had sitting on his bed. â€Å"You said you weren’t going to bring up any romantic stuff around me.†â€Å"Was that romantic?†he asked. â€Å"I was just making the suggestion, since the coat’s so heavy and warm. I figured you’d think of me since it was such a nice gesture. And yet, once again, you’re the one who finds romantic subtext in everything I say.†â€Å"I do not. You know that’s not what I meant.†He shook his head in mock sympathy. â€Å"I tell you, Sage. Sometimes I think I’m the one who needs to take out the restraining order on you.†â€Å"Adrian!†But he was already out the door, knowing laughter echoing behind him. How to cite The Indigo Spell Chapter Seven, Essay examples
Anthrax you cant catch it from terrorists, only Essay Example For Students
Anthrax: you can?t catch it from terrorists, only Essay farm animals and env1. The anthrax bacillus is considered the first germ proved to cause human disease. In 2001, Anthrax was deliberately spread through the postal system by sending letters with powder containing anthrax. This caused 22 cases of anthrax infection. 2. Anthrax is a serious disease caused by Bacillus anthracis, a bacterium that forms spores. There are three types of anthrax:skin (cutaneous)lungs (inhalation)digestive (gastrointestinal)3. Anthrax is not known to spread from one person to another. Humans can become infected with anthrax by handling products from infected animals or by breathing in anthrax spores from infected animal products (like wool, for example). People also can become infected with digestive anthrax by eating undercooked meat from infected animals. 4. The symptoms (warning signs) of anthrax are different depending on the type of the disease:Cutaneous: The first symptom is a small sore that develops into a blister. The blister then develops into a skin ulcer with a black area in the center. Gastrointestinal: The first symptoms are nausea, loss of appetite, bloody diarrhea, and fever, followed by bad stomach pain. Inhalation: The first symptoms of inhalation anthrax are like cold or flu symptoms and can include a sore throat, mild fever and muscle aches. Later symptoms include cough, chest discomfort, shortness of breath, tiredness and muscle aches. 5. Antibiotics are used to treat all three types of anthrax. Early identification and treatment are important. Treatment is usually a 60-day course of antibiotics. Success depends on the type of anthrax and how soon treatment begins. 6. Vaccination. There is a vaccine to prevent anthrax, but it is not yet available for the general public. 7. Those who are often exposed to animals, or those in developing countries, especially those without strong veterinary public health programs. 8. The bacteriums destructive properties are due largely to toxins, which consist of three proteins: protective antigen, edema factor, and lethal factor. Protective antigen (PA) binds to select cells of an infected person or animal and forms a channel that permits edema factor and lethal factor to enter those cells. Edema factor (EF), once inside the cell, causes fluid to accumulate at the site of infection. EF can contribute to a fatal buildup of fluid in the cavity surrounding the lungs. It also can inhibit some of the bodys immune functions. Lethal factor (LF), once inside the cell, disrupts a key molecular switch that regulates the cells functions. LF can kill infected cells or prevent them from working properly. 9. In the United States, only 236 anthrax cases were reported between 1955 and 1999, an average of about five per year. In October 2001, anthrax spores were sent through the U.S. mail and caused 18 confirmed cases of anthrax (11 inhalation, 7 cutaneous). Five individuals with inhalation anthrax died; none of the cutaneous cases was fatal.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Schizophrenia Synthesis Essay Example For Students
Schizophrenia Synthesis Essay Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disease. Although schizophrenia affects men and women with equal frequency, the disorder often appears earlier in men, usually in the late teens or early twenties, than in women, who are generally affected in the twenties to early thirties. Available treatments can relieve many symptoms, but most people with schizophrenia continue to suffer some symptoms throughout their lives; it has been estimated that no more than one in five individuals recovers completely. There are different ways of treatment, which were discussed in May and Palo Alto’s article and in Mark Vonnegut’s article. May and Alto suggested the old way of schizophrenia’s treatment and they were not effective. In Mark’s article, he suggested the latest way of treatment and ended his article by saying that there is no cure for schizophrenia and that much effort has gone into treating its symptoms. We will write a custom essay on Schizophrenia Synthesis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now After five years of investigatng schizophrenia mental disorder, May assessed five methods of treatment: Pharmacotherapy, Psychotherapy, Pharmacotherapy with Psychotherapy, electric shocks and milieu therapy (May Et Al, pg 56). The compensation does not from the patient, but from the satisfaction of the work done and to have defeated fears and prejudices. On the other hand, Palo Alto studied a considerable number of chronic patients. In the area of rehabilitation, some authors think that it should be a place in the shelter and others think that the mentally ill should do the same to avoid stigmatism and discrimination. May suggestions were ineffective in which her way of treatments were not experimented to be able to observe the efficiency of these methods. I believe she thought that for every psychological problem they have to be treated by the electric shocks. On the other hand, her suggestions helped Alto in his studies on the schizophrenic people through his studies. I disagree on the way he thought it would be the way of treating, which is the rehabilitation. I think that changing the place will not affect the patients since the place does not matter but the problem is a psychological problem. I think he should have studied the reasons that make them suffer from this disease. I believe that the reasons might be the stimulating point for such a study rather than suggesting treatments without any observation, and using these treatments in another study. In Mark’s Vonnegut’s article about schizophrenia, he suggested the latest schizophrenic treatments and diagnosis. He said that to meet the criteria for the diagnosis, the patient’s symptoms must have been evidenced for at least six months. The symptoms also must have been accompanied by a marked disturbance in either the patient’s social or occupational functioning and not caused by the direct physiological effects of a drug or medical condition. He wrote, â€Å"the timelines in the schizophrenia are important†(Vonnegut, Mark pg 74). If the active schizophrenic symptoms have persisted for less than a month, a diagnosis of brief psychotic disorder would be made. If the disorder persists in evidence for more than a month but less than six months, a diagnosis of schizophreniform disorder would be appropriate. He suggested that patients suffering from schizophrenia will go under three treatments: Antipsychotic ( neuroleptic drugs ), social treatment, an d psychological treatment. The social treatment involves attention being paid to the patient’s environment and social functioning. In their psychological treatment, this consists of reassurance, support, and a good therapist relationship. In his article, he added that â€Å"there is no cure for schizophrenia and that much effort has gone into treating its symptoms†(Vonnegut, Mark,1972, pg76). In Vonnegut’s article, he had his studies on his observations and suggested the effective treatments in treating the symptoms since there is no cure for the schizophrenia. He clearly stated the treatments he came up with after his observations, and they were so effective in treating the symptoms. I believe that his way of studying the schizophrenia cases were helpful especially that he observed them for a long time for about six months. Vonnegut’s studied all the different ways of treating from social treatment to psychological treatment showing what he observed and how he got to his observations. .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc , .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc .postImageUrl , .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc , .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc:hover , .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc:visited , .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc:active { border:0!important; } .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc:active , .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u53586492ff37797c0f8c2d74bd152abc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Consequeces of Cheating EssayMay and Alto’s results were both suggested without experimenting and observing them. I believe that her suggestions were based on her believes that the schizophrenia is not a mental disease but like the other psychological disease that can be treated easily and cured with any come up suggestions. On the other hand, Alto based his studies and his rehabilitation suggestion on May’s suggestions. In which, his observations was in a way to prove that May’s suggestions were right. In addition, Alto did not even try to look for the real reasons for any the psychological schizophrenia problem. Both May and Alto’s suggestions were in effective. On the contrary, Vonnegut’s article clearly stated his studies through observations on different cases he studied for a long time so that he will be certain of his observations. He did not depend on any of the previous suggestions, which turned out to be ineffective. After comparing the three articles I believe that the Mark’s way of treatment was much effective especially that he wrote in his article that there is no cure for schizophrenia but it is a treatment for the symptoms trying to keep the patient stable at the most of his independent level possible. In conclusion, schizophrenia is the chronic brain disease that is caused by many reasons and has many symptoms, which drove many researchers to work on it seeking the best treatment for it. Vonnegut said:†Schizophrenia is not a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. Schizophrenia is an abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation too†. Both May and Alto’s studies did not provide good reasoning and observations. While Mark Vonnegut’s article provided good reasoning and suggestions based on studies and a long time observations. References:1.Clipson, Clark R., 1998, Schizophrenia Case Study, Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology, page 67-78, Boston. 2. Dalby, J. Thomas, 1997, The treatment of the chronic patient, Mental Disease in History, page 49-69, New York.
Oral Communications free essay sample
If you are not able to speak proper Standard English try emulating someone who does. Even try attending an Oral Communications course. It is very important you learn how to expunge slang out of your vocabulary when the time is appropriate. Oral Communication will teach you how to code-switch. Code-switching is being able to know when to speak proper English and when to transfer back overt to slang. I realized that when someone speaks proper English others are found to grimace and make fun. This results of that Is chronic misuse of the English language.Oral Communications teaches you to be compatible with Standard English. It also teaches you to write in Standard English. Personally, oral communications is a great course of studies. It helps you for whenever and whatever you are ready to do. It especially helps you for ? The real world?. Without oral communications our community would remain abysmal. We will write a custom essay sample on Oral Communications or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Being African-American we are already viewed as being uneducated, uncouth, and an ignorant society. So it Is very Important for us to learn to speak proper English by taking an oral communications class.Most people say that speaking proper is also known as ? Talking white?. For an African-American speaking proper English is known as anomalous. I am very austere when It comes down to proper speaking. I do not think it is talking white and oral communications helps you efface that thought. Oral communications will force proper English while In class and while doing that speaking proper will not be arduous. Oral Communications is such an advocate in their studies they will bet money that you will leave there getting a great Job. That is a very true statement.Oral Communications also helps your vocabulary. They help you aggrandize your style of writing, thinking, and especially speaking. While taking the Oral Communications class and using what you learned In your neighborhood, your friends might join as well. It is an advantage to have not only in the corporate world but for general purposes. If you practice proper language then it will come easy and you will start using it unconsciously. From more personal experience, taking the Oral Communications seemed boring and a waste of my time.As time moved on I realized that what I thought I knew I aches you the parts of speech and etc. One thing it taught me was how to speak in front of a group. When I first stepped foot in the class my nerves automatically Jump. Whenever it was time to get in front of a group it felt like I was going to vomit. After a couple a public speeches it is very easy for me to go in front of a group and speak. Oral Communications taught me to make fun out of my speeches. Instead of me being nervous make the audience nervous. In my head I vision that everyone was in their underwear and I was only one dressed.That help a lot and Oral Communications is the reason I feel comfortable in front of a group. I would recommend Oral Communications to anyone that wants a chance at life. What I mean is most teenagers really do not want anything out of life. The only thing they can is see what is 10 feet ahead of them. Learning how to carry yourself properly will insure your survival in this world. With Oral Communication in your background you are liable to handle any advertising position. Oral Communications is where your future is being held, it takes you to go out and grab it.
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