Monday, September 30, 2019
Inside Job Documentary Essay
The documentary Inside Job does a very good job of explaining what happened in a relatively short period of time and in an accessible way. The film also has compelling villains and outrageous behavior that is bound to engage and enrage viewers. It’s basically an overview of the financial crisis of recent years, which we are still recovering from. The thesis seems to be that the regulations that were put in place after the Great Depression have been systematically dismantled since the Reagan years (powered by Wall Street lobbyists) which played a pivotal role in this meltdown and lesser ones in previous years. And very little is being done to fix this faulty system and the ones who should be held liable are not and still filthy, filthy rich and very powerful. The most breathtaking fact is that the arrogance, greed and corruption that these people exhibit and the fact that none of them have been indicted for fraud and violation. This film not only makes me angry but also furious . This shows concept of capitalism at its worst. It is not about right, left, democrat or republican nor the failure of capitalism, it was about pure greed and corruption. What happened and continues to this day is not capitalism. It is corporatism I think which is also known as fascism. If it were truly capitalism, there would be no such thing as â€Å"too big to fail†and there would be so many fines and prison sentences handed down it would hugely dwarf the savings and loan scandal. This film portrays lots of psychopaths that only care about one thing: furthering their own personal gain and the ends justifies the means is their mantra. Over here psychopaths means the people who are over obsessed with money and they just want more and more. There is a lot of wrong doing which is not ethical but legal because the American government helped them to make it legal like CitiGroup acquiring Traveler. Why does the financial system have to grow more complex, in the sense of allowing high leverage, moral hazard, opaqueness, and brittle interconnections to flourish? Of course panic will continue to exist and be unpredictable. But the system itself needs to be transparent, properly capitalized, compartmentalized, and policed, so bankers don’t extract mountains of money in good times and then have it go down in flames in bad times every few years. If we can build a robust Internet or electrical grid, we can build a robust financial system. They should all be able to get bigger and more capable without being at risk of constant collapse. You can’t eliminate risk of failure, but you can keep it reasonably small. There is simply no excuse for building a system which can collapse in its entirety without government bailouts. And ultimately, that’s what makes the financial crisis so scary. The complexity of the system far exceeded the capacity of the participants, experts and watchdogs. Even after the crisis happened, it was devilishly hard to understand what was going on. Some people managed to connect the right dots, in the right ways and at the right times, but not so many, and not through such reproducible methods, that it’s clear how we can make their success the norm. What makes me sad is that our key systems are going to continue growing more complex, and we’re not getting any smarter, or any less able to ignore risks that we know we should be preparing for. In my opinion, the movie has a bright side and a dark side. I enjoyed seeing known people talk about the economical crisis and giving their side of the story. I enjoyed seeing witnesses given in Washington by bankers accused of their shameful practices. I think the movie put my attention on the deep problem of lobbying, which results in inefficient regulation and creates a threat for the whole system. The big problem with the movie, however, is black and white approach it takes. It presents 10% of a complicated picture and makes one to believe that it is 100%. For example, deregulation is widely accepted as one of reasons for the economical crisis. In the movie, it is represented in such a way that it looks ridiculous how a law on deregulation could pass – corrupted officials is a hint. The facts are well presented in the movie. Some of them are true like: 1) Banks want to be Too Big To Fail because they know that if they’re too big, they’ll be bailed out. 2) The progressive deregulation of the financial sector since the 1980s gave rise to an increasingly criminal industry. 3) The industry has made more money since the crisis. 4) The average salary of a Goldman Sachs employee is $600,000. 5) AIG paid Goldman Sachs $13 billion in taxpayer money. 6) AIG’s Joe Cassano made $315 million after the company took at least $85 billion from taxpayers. But some of the facts shown were not true. Like the one where it says Dick Fuld earned $485 million, on the other hand it was less than $310 million. It also says that in 2008, the collapse of Lehman Brothers and AIG triggered the crisis. But that is not true as the origins of the crisis can be traced back even further, to the implosion of two Bear Stearns hedge funds run by Ralph Cioffi and Matthew Tannin, the Bear Stearns High Grade Structured Credit Strategies Fund and the Bear Stearns High Grade Structured Credit Strategies Enhanced Fund. It actually all started back in early 90’s. I don’t fully understand the working of the derivatives and credit swaps we’ve heard so much about. But I’m learning. These are ingenious, computer-driven schemes in which good money can be earned from bad debt, and Wall Street’s Masters of the Universe pocket untold millions while they bankrupt their investors and their companies. The crucial error was to allow financial institutions to trade on their own behalf. Today, many large trading banks are betting against their own customers. In the real estate market, banks aggressively promoted mortgages to people who could not afford them. These were assembled in packages. They were carried on the books as tangible assets when they were worthless. The institutions assembling them hedged their loans by betting against them. When the mortgages failed, profits were made despite and because of their failure. There is no moral justification for how Wall Street functions today. One of the most fascinating aspects of â€Å"Inside Job†involves the chatty on-camera insights of Kristin Davis, a Wall Street madam, who says the Street operated in a climate of abundant sex and cocaine for valued clients and the traders themselves showing themselves as psychopaths. She says it was accepted parts of the corporate culture that hookers at $1,000 an hour and up were kept on retainer and that cocaine was the fuel. There’s a lot to dislike about Wall Street that I have generated after watching this film mainly the pay, the culture and in many cases, the people. A lot of observers understood we had a housing bubble  Dean Baker, for instance, had been sounding the alarm for years  but few of the housing skeptics saw everything going on behind the bubble: That the subprime mortgages had been packaged into bonds, that the bonds had been sliced into tranches, that the formulas being used to price and rate the tranches got the variable expressing correlation wrong, that an extraordinary number of banks had purchased an extraordinary amount of insurance against getting that correlation wrong from AIG, that AIG had also priced the correlation wrong and would be unable to pay its debts in the event of a meltdown, that a meltdown would freeze the mostly unregulated shadow market that major financial institutions and players used to fund themselves, that the modern financial system was so fragile that an uptick in delinquent subprime mortgages could effectively crash the global economy. What’s remarkable about the financial crisis isn’t just how many people got it wrong, but how many people who got it wrong had an incentive to get it right: journalists, hedge funds, independent investors and academics regulators. Even traders, many of whom had most of their money tied up in their soon-tobe-worthless firms. I don’t think anything can change my views about US markets. After watching this movie and my own views from reading day by day news articles and after President Barack Obama again reelecting those people to run the government who got us into this mess.
Elizabethan Age – Age of Marlowe and Shakespeare
Elizabethan age was an era of extraordinary juxtaposition of whole new avenue of thoughts and avalanche of ideologies, which flowed in words of great literary geniuses. It began with the spirit of Renaissance marked by the quest for adventure and material wealth. It was the age when the minds of the people were lured by the new visions of distant lands rich in gold jewels and were swayed by the captivating charm of the beauty and loveliness. Music, dance and mirth played a significant part in their lives. On the other hand, Elizabethan era also saw the decay of moral values. From the noble class to gentry and from royalties to peasantry: people in an inexhaustible pursuit of materialism devoid from spirituality, adopted greed and corrupt values. The literature world delved deep into the psyche of the masses to illustrate the situation whereby in their quest for lavish life, they forgot that a tragic end awaits them. Both Marlowe and Shakespeare created the characters in their enduring plays Doctor Faustus and Hamlet, Prince of Denmark who became the emblem of tragic heroes. Both protagonists enjoyed a life of royalty because of their noble birth but both of their lives ended in tragedy in virtue of their most tragic flaw in their character. Their flaw was their greed and pride, which led them to pursue their evil designs and eventually their death. Marlowe’s hero is  Faustus who had extraordinary qualities and was a super human but his consuming passion reaches beyond the ordinary aspiration until he met with his fate. On the other hand, we cannot say Hamlet was lacking in moral values but he was also a conqueror and his greed to revenge the murder of his father surpassed all his good actions and deeds. For the pow er and wealth, Claudius murdered King Hamlet whose soul wanders and tortures the young Hamlet to ponder upon some foul play. Faustus and Hamlet exemplified the different faces of the human struggle of choosing between doing good and evil and how the correct or wrong choices and actions surpass the moral fiber of the individual. An overview of Dr. Faustus would reflect how a man overpowered by greed and ambition can be driven to sell his soul to the Devil but in the end would suffer the consequences of such a repugnant act. He abjured the scriptures, the Trinity and Christ to fulfill his inordinate ambition to gain super human powers by gaining mastery over unholy art of magic. By selling the soul to Devil, he lives a blasphemous life full of vain and sensual pleasures in 24 years and did not even hesitate to insult and assault the Pope with the Holy Fathers at Rome (Sparknotes 2007, Doctor Faustus). Though he felt a constant dispute in his soul between his overweening ambition and conscience, he ignored such conviction until the time wherein it was too late as eternal damnation awaited him (Sparknotes 2007, Doctor Faustus). In his inordinate passion to unravel all the mysteries of the universe, he forgot that he cannot overpower the time and when ultimately the time came for the devil claim his soul, he rea lizes that his sins are unpardonable and nothing can save him. Before the devil totally snatches his soul to bring him to hell, Marlowe wrote a poignant expression of Faustus’ final soliloquy: â€Å"My God, my God, look not so fierce to me! Adders and serpents let me breathe a while! Ugly hell, gape not: come not Lucifer:  I’ll burn my books: Ah, Mephistophilis†(Marlowe1588, Scene XIV)! Shakespeare’s Hamlet told of a tragic end brought about by bitterness and revenge- but the end of Hamlet was not due to the flaw in his moral character but the waver of the mind of the noble soul to avenge the death of his father. The play began with the presence of supernatural element in the form of the Ghost of Hamlet’s father. The figure of Ghost implied the emergence of tragedy that would change the course of Hamlet’s life because of the greed of Hamlet’s uncle, Claudius who later ascended to the throne of Denmark after marrying Hamlet’s mother (Sparknote 2007, Hamlet). Torn between righteousness and vengeance, Hamlet decided to avenge the death of his father but as he was thoughtful by nature, he delayed the revenge and instead entered in a deep melancholy. A definitive turn of events caused Hamlet’s fit of rage happened when he attempted of to kill Claudius, mistakenly he killed Polonius. Hearing the news of the death of Polonius, Ophe lia, Hamlet’s lover, went mad with grief and killed herself by drowning in the river (Sparknote 2007, Hamlet). Laertes wanted to avenge his father, Polonius and his sister, Ophelia’s death. Taking the advantage of confusion, Claudius instigated Laertes for a duel with Hamlet that allowed him to position a poisoned sword in Laertes hand to use against Hamlet, as well as poisoned drink (Sparknote 2007, Hamlet). Wounded Hamlet proved Claudius’ guilt from the dying Laertes; he picked up a poisoned sword, stabbed Claudius and forced him to drink the remaining of the poisoned wine. Claudius went into the eternal doom and Hamlet too died after he had his revenge. The first point of comparison easily becomes the moral fiber that Faustus and Hamlet had as two individuals reflected different motives and different objectives throughout that frame of the play. Marlowe had captured the moral value of greed for materialistic desires in the form of Dr. Faustus’ aspirations for gaining the knowledge of black magic. He had selfish motives that were strong enough for him to bid farewell the religious values of medieval period that valued Christian principles and that focused on the Will of God. Faustus believed that â€Å"these metaphysics of magicians and necromantic books are heavenly; O, what a world of profit and delight of power, of honor of Omnipotence, Is promised to the studious artizen: All things that move between the quiet poles shall be at my command†(Marlowe 1588, Scene I). Such a statement showed why Faustus was drawn to the black arts; he desired power and decided it was better than the traditional norms of knowledge th ey were accustomed to. He constructed his own demise when he initiated the deal with the Devil. He considered different fields of knowledge and dismissed them to be nothing compared to black arts, seeing them as something that would make him â€Å"a mighty god†(Marlowe 1588, Scene 1 Line 62). It was this greed that dominated Faustus’ morality that led him to be impressed with Mephastophilis’ lie of his so-called freedom and power (Marlowe 1588, Scene III Lines 76-80). On the contrary, Shakespeare’s protagonist, Hamlet was presented as a noble soul and possessed strong moral convictions. Although revenge was not considered morally righteous, it was his response to the evil that was injected in his life by his father’s murder. It presented a more human response to evil and how he adapted such ways because of the circumstance and not for his own selfish desires for wealth and power. As an effect, he killed Polonius whom he had mistaken for Claudius, his father’s murderer. Hamlet believed that it was his moral duty to avenge his father for his father to rest in peace. Hamlet declared such duty when he said â€Å"The time is out of joint, O cursed spite, That ever I was born to set it right†(Shakespeare 1600, Act I Scene V). Furthermore, Hamlet had shown disgust to other forms of immorality within his family as shown in how he hated his mother’s relationship with Claudius (Shakespeare 1600, Act I Scene II). According to Studer-Pauer (1994), â€Å"He acts rather on his moral sense of duty†¦ knowing that at the same time that he is sacrificing his own happiness and life, we consider Hamlet not only morally impeccable, but, indeed, a heroic figure†(94). The function of Hamlet’s complexity exemplifies a person’s goodness and how it can be challenged during the most difficult of situations. On the other hand, Faustus showed how some humans would not stop until they are satisfied with what they have, even reaching the most wretched of options to attain an imaginary level of satisfaction. The second point of comparison the Hamlet and Dr. Faustus in the actions they took to carry out their plans to achieve their goals. Faustus defied the medieval conventions of love, selflessness and trust to become all powerful and wealthy. He was an exaggerated manifestation of a man from the Renaissance period whereby man can go into an extreme extent to achieve his aims. Faustus pushed the limits of morality the different extents in their travels throughout Europe. There was a time wherein he even went to the pope. Mephastophilis and Faustus even used their powers to play tricks on the pope. During meal time, the two made themselves invisible to curse and to cause such a ruckus as the friars and the attendants tried to drive out the believed ghost from their presence. Faustus’ character showed that was the actually the one looking for trouble as his actions either provoked or caused it. A number of passages like the one below show the lack of wisdom Faustus held on the conce pt of hell. Mephastophilis describes hell to be any place that is not heaven. Faustus took hell merely as a continuation of the life on earth. His lack of morality blinded him from seeing the difference between him and Mephastophilis that he is not yet damned to hell for eternity and that he still had time to repent. However, he chose to see hell in a different light that made it seem a lot bearable that it was (Marlowe 1588, Scene V Lines 133-135). Hamlet’s motive was still connected to his sense of duty to his father’s vengeance. However, the route he took to achieve such goal was not through justice and righteousness by law. He took matters into his own hands with a path inconsistent with Christian values. Homicide and deception became his tools for revenge. He reveals such disdain for himself and his actions in a conversation with Ophelia, â€Å"I am myself indifferent honest; but yet I could accuse me of such things that it were better my mother had not borne me: I am very proud, revengeful, ambitious, with more offences at my beck than I have thoughts to put them in, imagination to give them shape, or time to act them in. What should such fellows as I do crawling between earth and heaven†(Shakespeare 1600, Act III, Scene I)? There was also a time when Claudius and even Hamlet’s own mother Gertrude did not want him to go home from school. Hamlet was such a deep thinker that he almost drove himself insane from all the pondering he has done, however it has driven him to melancholy. He was so depressed that he even contemplated on suicide. â€Å"O that this too solid flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fix’d His canon ’gainst self-slaughter! O God! O God! How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses of this world†(Shakespeare 1600, Act I Scene 2)! He did not commit suicide but his final actions led him to stab Claudius after Laertes revealed to him that he was truly the one to blame for the former King’s death. When Hamlet had received be vengeance for his father, he has already killed Polonius and Laertes by his sword and the play ends in a tragedy. The actions of the two protagonists showed how choices made and the actions taken were important despite the fact that one holds a high degree of morality and righteousness. In the same way that the biblical truth goes, faith without action is dead. Hamlet’s morality and goodness would not matter if he chose to do evil. Faustus from the start lacked that fiber of morality and it was reflected in how he was clueless as to what he was getting into. The third point lies on the fact that both lead characters from both plays exemplified the fight for goodness as both struggled throughout the play about the righteousness of their actions. Both of them had scenes wherein there was an inner struggle in their souls about the consequences of their deeds, an inner conflict of following good or evil. There may be a varying degree of the level of struggle and goodness; the point is it existed for both characters. Even if Faustus has already sold his soul to the devil there were countless instances wherein good tried interfering to push him to ask for forgiveness and repentance. In the beginning, there was a time wherein a good angel and the evil angel reflected that Faustus’ struggle whether he should stop studying the black arts and turn to the Scriptures of God again. Like the other times that he struggled, he chose the evil path. Near his death, he was urged by an old man to repent and to ask for forgiveness from God, â€Å"Ah, stay, good Faustus, stay thy desperate steps! I see an angel hovers o'er thy head, And, with a vial full of precious grace, Offers to pour the same into thy soul: Then call for mercy, and avoid despair†(Marlowe 1588, Scene XII Lines 44-46). Once again, Faustus listened to Mephastophilis. He renewed his vow to the devil and stabbed himself sending him to an eternity in hell. Even in his final hours when there he was asking for mercy. However, he could not completely be freed from his ties with the devil partly because he did not have enough faith the God would forgive him. It is Hamlet’s nature to be meditating on the things that are going on around him.  The presence of the ghost that was supposed to be his father’s symbolized his contemplation of whether the ghost really was his father or if it was an evil spirit trying to get him to murder Claudius. Hamlet caught up in the despair of it all said, â€Å"To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them†(Shakespeare 1600, Act III Scene 1). His despair brought him to a point of hopelessness and depression that he questioned whether it was better to take his own life, which was a mortal sin, or to live and suffer. Nevertheless, Hamlet suffered and struggled inside for the rest of the play, more so because of his genuine goodness. Faustus showed the same regard for the consequences of his actions. Both opted to choose evil, even if one was lesser than the others; one chose revenge over justice, the other chose temporary wealth and power over salvation. There was reformation in every sphere of life and people were swept by the waves of such change of mindsets. The struggle for good and evil reflects the reality of the common man who constantly fights to uphold goodness in one’s life. A number of times, people fail to triumph over evil as the will grows weaker against the desires of the heart. The important lesson manifested in both plays was the importance of choices that is available to everyone. Bibliography Marlowe C. (1588). Doctor Faustus. New York: P.F. Collier ; Son Company, 1909–14 Shakespeare W. (1600) .Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. New York: The Norton Shakespeare: W.W. Norton ; Company, Inc. (2007). Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark. Retrieved on October 17, 2007, from (2007). Faustus. Retrieved on October 17, 2007, from Studer-Pauer, H. (1994). Norms, Values, and Society. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ; ;
Sunday, September 29, 2019
A study of the catfishing scheme of hile according to special agent steve kim Essay
A 29-year-old man from Michigan intended to kill a woman and her boyfriend from San Diego who got unwittingly involved in the man’s virtual love affair. The man, by the name of Hile, had gotten himself involved in a â€Å"catfishing scheme†. A â€Å"catfishing scheme†is â€Å"when a person uses social media to pretend to be someone their not, typically to engage in misleading online romances†. Hile was involved in an Internet-only relationship for two years. He exchanged explicit photos and romantic communications with someone who he believed was a woman. When Hile learned that the â€Å"women†he thought he was in a relationship was a man living in South Africa he â€Å"became enraged and vowed to find the man who deceived him and the women when images played a role in the deception†. According to Special Agent Steve Kim in the San Diego Division, â€Å"The woman, in this case, was a victim twice†. Kim explains â€Å"when the woman was 18 years old, she took revealing pictures of herself for personal use, never intending for them to be seen publicly. Those photos were later stolen from her online account, which she was aware of, but she had no idea what was being done with them†. Hile’s primary target for the revenge was the man from South Africa who actually dumped him. According to Special Agent Steve Kim South Africa was too far away and using a process she described as â€Å"circular logic†he went after the women instead. Even though the women had nothing to do with this internet-only relationship scam with the man from South Africa and Hile, he still believed she had some kind of responsibility just because she was used in the pictures. Hile was determined to learn the woman’s identity he cyberstalked her, conducted extensive online searches, and used hacking tools. Special Agent Steve Kim said â€Å"Eventually, he was able to hack into her e-mail account,† Hile got a hole of very detailed personal information on the women. He found not only information about the women but her live-in boyfriend and also their extended family and friends. After finding out her Address, telephone numbers and even information such as her favorite restaurant he purchased a bus ticket from Michigan to San Diego to kill the women. â€Å"Fortunately, Hile’s family sensed that he was planning something and alerted authorities, which eventually led to Hile’s detention in San Diego, about a mile from the woman’s residence.†When hill was arrested he not only had all of the information he collected about the women but also had duct tape, zip ties, and a to-do list which included things such as obtai ning a knife and chloroform. Special Agent Steve Kim said, â€Å"Had he gotten there, we are convinced he would have hurt or killed the victims†. â€Å"Hile was found guilty by a San Diego jury in August 2013.†This case influences my ethics because I feel that what this man did was wrong. Hile had no reason to attack the girl in the pictures, she was unknowingly involved with the internet-only romantic affair Hile was having. If Hile chooses to get involved in an internet-only romantic affair with someone he should have known the risks of doing so. I also feel that from a standpoint of him being arrested 5 years is not enough time in prison. â€Å"The maximum allowed by law for interstate stalking is five years in federal prison,†I think this man should have been charged with intent to kill. I know each state has its own cyber laws but is their not a law covering this type of situation? I could only find information on laws with intent to kill that involved a type of battery or assault paired with it. I could not find any laws specifically relating to someone who was cyber-stalking someone with an intent to kill them. I think this man should have had a different sentence due to the circumstances of this crime. My own computer security of ethics would be as follows. I would not use any knowledge I have learned to break into any computer systems. I would not use computer systems in any way that may harm people. I would not snoop around in another person’s files. I would not use someone’s computer or computer resources without authorization. I would also never release malicious software on to others computer systems. I think that having a code of ethics when using computers can be as simple as being considerate and respect for your fellow computer users.  References The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) (2013, December 23). Cyber Stalker – Cautionary Tale of Online Romance and Revenge. Retrieved March 2, 2014, from Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia (2014, February 26). Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved March 3, 2014, from
Cause and Effect in Economics
Organizing An Essay Often student writers are taught short-term solutions to the problem of organizing an essay. The most common short-term essay is the â€Å"five-paragraph essay†format. The five-paragraph essay uses the following organization: 1. Introduction–Background and thesis 2. First Body Paragraph–The first reason why the thesis is true 3. Second Body Paragraph–The second reason why the thesis is true 4. Third Body Paragraph–The third reason why the thesis is true 5. Conclusion–Recap of essayIt is important to understand that the five-paragraph essay is not necessarily bad. However, most student writers are led to believe or falsely believe that all essays must follow the five-paragraph essay format. Just a little thought makes clear that format is very limiting and limited and does not provide an adequate organization for many types of writing assignments. That is why I have crossed-out the description of the five-paragraph essay, so that you won't make the mistake of thinking that it is the best way to organize your essays.Instead, student writers should see that the form of an essay (its organization) needs to match the purpose of the essay. To begin with, we should look at one of the most common tasks student writers are asked to perform and the one of the organizational strategies effective for this task. Explaining Cause and Effect Often writers are asked to explain how certain conditions or events are related to the occurrence of other conditions or events. When a writer argues that â€Å"one thing leads to another,†he or she is making a cause-and-effect argument.For example, in an Economics class, students might be asked to explain the impact of increasing oil prices on the nation’s economy. Inherent in the question is the assumption that increasing oil prices is a cause, which produces specific effects in the rest of the economy. So, higher oil prices produce higher gasoline prices rais ing the cost of shipping goods. Higher oil prices produce higher jet fuel costs raising the cost of travel, and so on. Higher oil prices†is the cause, and increased shipping costs and travel expenses are among the effects. Writing tasks involving cause and effect analysis usually take one of two forms: explaining how a known cause produces specific effects; explaining how specific effects are produced by a previously unknown cause (which the writer has discovered). The second type of analysis is commonly referred to as root-cause analysis. The first type of analysis is what the technology and privacy topic requires.To argue that certain conditions will lead to other conditions (that the loss of privacy will lead to something else), first the writer needs to define clearly what those conditions are, and then the writer needs to make clear how those conditions lead to other conditions. Finally, the writer needs to explain what this cause-and-effect relationship means. This type of essay then has five parts (not paragraphs! ), with each part corresponding to a specific task the writer needs to perform, and each part consisting of one or more paragraphs.Essay Part| Scope| Purpose (not all necessary for every essay)| Introduction| General| * Background for the topic * Setting out the issues * Focusing the argumentâ€â€the purpose of the essay| Description of the â€Å"Cause†| Begins general; becomes increasingly specific| * What the specific conditions are * Specific illustrations of these conditions * How these specific illustrations are representative of (can stand in for) other situations In this first part of the analysis, the writer needs to provide enough detail for the reader so the reader can understand the present situation.In addition, the writer needs to focus the description of the situation in such a way as to prepare for the â€Å"effect†that the writer is arguing for. For example, if the writer wants to argue that the loss of privacy has led to (or will lead to) a loss of individual freedom, then the description of how technology affects our privacy should focus on technologies that affect an individual’s freedom to act. Description of the â€Å"Effect†| Begins general; becomes increasingly specific| * What the specific effect is (or effects are) * How we get from the specific conditions to the specific effects * Specific illustrations of these effects * How these specific illustrations are representative of (can stand in for) othersIn this second part of the analysis, the writer needs to walk the reader through the logical steps the writer has used to move from cause to effect. For example, if the writer rgues that loss of privacy leads to loss of individual freedom, the writer needs to explain carefully how privacy and freedom are linked. So perhaps the writer might claim that privacy allows an individual to be free from the observation of others. With our privacy becoming increasingly l imited by surveillance, we are no longer free from the observation of others. If we believe that we are always being watched, we will probably change our behavior and be less willing to take chances or act independently.If we feel we cannot act independently then we are no longer free. | Explanation of the meaning of the cause-and-effect relationship| More General| * Why this analysis is important * How we might act upon the ideas the writer has presentedIn this third part of the analysis, the writer argues for the importance of the argument’s findings, often by putting in perspective the short-term or long-term consequences of the â€Å"effect. †In addition, in this part the writer usually makes some sort of recommendation (what we should do).So if the writer is arguing that loss of privacy leads to loss of freedom, in this part the writer might speculate one what might happen if this trend towards further loss of privacy continues. In addition, the writer might desc ribe some of the specific actions we can take to safeguard our existing privacy, or how legislation might provide such safeguards. | Conclusion| General| * Summing up * How our understanding of the larger issue might be changed by the writer's analysis * Appeal to the readerâ€â€how this situation affects us|
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Educational system in 1920’s in America Essay
Around the year of 1920s, there were two types of schools in Americas education system. Generally, it consists of Public Schools and Private Schools. The Oregon School System does play a crucial role in their countrys education system, started from the year of 1922. A group of people which is also known as Ku Klux Klan and the Scottish Rite Masons had also involved in the formulation of educational system for the sake of the society in that time. They set the requirements of education for their young generations in that period of time. Basically, it requires all of the young generations especially children, who are free from physically disability, live more than three miles from the nearest road, have already completed the eighth grade in their previous school, and their age must be ranges from 8 to 16, to attend the Public School to further their studies. By the effecting of state law in 1 June 1925, it required all of the children in America to attend the public schools instead of neither private schools nor parochial schools. In order to ensure that such system is fully obeyed and followed by the parents, those parents who did not send their children to such schools will receive some punishments. They can be fined one hundred dollar or get into jail up to one month or both of the punishments. (, this type of education system do brings some protestation and objections from the society. The society especially parents wonder why they do not have the rights and choices to send their children to what kind of school and receive what type of education. Thus, such system was soon been challenged by the Society of Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, which it was originated from Catholic Nuns. They are promoting a private military school. Throughout such educational school, all orphans and young men between the ages of 5 to 21 will be taught in such institution. ( In The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway was graduated from New Haven School in 1915. Moreover, there were some rumours saying that Jay Gatsby was graduated from Oxford. Gatsby studied in college of St. Olafs, which is situated in Minnesota. But after 2 weeks, he quit from the college. Back to the author of The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald, he has attended St. Paul Academy in 1908. While in the year of 1911, he furthers his studies in Newman School, Hackensack, New Jersey. Lastly, he was enrolled in Princeton University in the year of 1913. (, the educational system in America had experienced some drastic changes in 1920s. For instance, the increases in numbers of students who attend public school had lead to the rises of demand of teachers. Besides that, Red Scare, religious controversy and political strife had also influenced the education system as well. Furthermore, the changes also included the opening of new classes for science subjects, physical education, home economics, geography and industrial arts. The educational system had slightly experienced small changes as well, which has only focus on Three Rs (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic). In 1896, Plessy v. Ferguson established the doctorine of separate but equal schools for minority ethnics. Indirectly, it greatly take advantage of the blacks. For sure, it does insured separation, but definitely not equality in education between Blacks and Whites. For example, we can see that the average expenditure of states and municipalities for educational purpose of white students was far more outweighing than black students. Furthermore, blacks are always being deterred from certain occupation and jobs as well.
Write about live performance of Alicia Keys & Jay-Z - Empire State of Movie Review
Write about live performance of Alicia Keys & Jay-Z - Empire State of Mind - Movie Review Example She engages the crowd by asking their readiness to enjoy the song, a true and a clear sign of quality music. When Jay Z comes in emotions run high which cause an audio adrenaline overload. He comes in a hood a common fashion among followers and people who like the song. It is an orchestral rap Ballard having a tonal piano loop played at first with Alicia keys, who does not only profanity the crowd during the live performance, but also brings out enthusiasm depicted by the crowd. The song has a style of pop rap musical style represented by electropop and orchestral pop. A long range of 84-tempo beat per minute evidences this. The song contains a sample 1970 Billboard R &B chart single which had a title of love on a two way street composed by the moments. The piano component of the song makes the song, more appealing, as it runs through the whole song. The song a sequence of F#-C#/B-B-F of progression. The crashing piano chords of the song are a new Sinatra, which proclaims the essence of new York. N words are present through the song whereby a hip-hop legend prevails upon the entry of Jay Z in the stage. The first line for instance, â€Å"Year, Imma up at Brooklin†is a commemorating Deniro and local dialect stanza, which transforms English words into crowd soothing and moving words. The music is a result of inspiration in Alicia keys about New York. This gets depicted in the original video, which opens, by a slide show of New York City. The slide show is in black and white forms, which is then cut by an opening stanza by Alicia keys before welcoming Jay Z. to make the song rock the crowds and funs, Jay Z and Alicia keys dress in the young generation outfits. During the live performance, various lyrics are used, which contain profanity to capture the attention of funs. In addition, it is a song, which adds dichotomy, in an aggressive way that leaves the crowd, in anxiety and need for more. In conclusion, the song,
Friday, September 27, 2019
Cost Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cost Concepts - Essay Example That is why HMO plans are cheaper than other plans. However, it is noteworthy that the added control over cost is achieved on the cost of quality of the health care. In this type of managed care organization, physicians offer their services at a cheaper rate. This is a mutually beneficial practice in which physicians earn more because of increased business while the patients get the services at a significantly lower cost. The FFS plans provide patients with maximum freedom in terms of choice of physician. Patients can use these plans to select a health care professional of their own choice whom they feel satisfied served by. However, the freedom amplify the cost of service they are given. In many ways, POS resembles HMO. Health care providers have the capitation arrangement for the people enrolled. However, in this type of managed care organization, there are no specific hospitals for doctors to work in. They are compensated annually for every patient they check. â€Å"Increasing the percentage of the patient population in lower-reimbursed, managed segments†¦ [and] †¦changing practice patterns across all patient populations, including higher-utilization unmanaged segments†(Majkowski, 1997). Ways in which physicians may be reimbursed in managed care organizations are numerous and vary from type to type. For example, in HMOs, physicians receive fixed salaries while in POS, the â€Å"network providers are compensated on capitation basis, however the enrollees can choose a provider outside the network, who is reimbursed on fee-for-service basis†(Virk,
CASE- 3 Computer technology and the networked organization Essay
CASE- 3 Computer technology and the networked organization - Essay Example On the other hand use of networking systems will help me in gaining a competitive edge among all other restaurants operating in the same area. The entire facility will be well equipped with computers and other related devices networked with one another. Following is the brief description of the overall networking architecture. In order to establish Italian Food Restaurant I would require computer networking for customer orders, processing and delivery of services. Star topology would be most feasible for this purpose as it will integrate all computers connected to the central network (Risley, 2001). Although this particular setup might create bottlenecks in the data transference but that would be managed by security systems later discussed in this paper. Moreover, I would be needing protocol system for the provision of internet services. Wireless internet connection would be available to all employees and customers who might be willing to utilize it. Generally protocol is defined as a set of signals and rules which are used by the computers to communicate within the same network (Risley, 2001). Here, I would be using TCP/IP or Transmission Control Protocol for cross multiple and routable internet. LAN is a contemporary data network which can effectively and efficiently increase the customer service processes at the restaurant. It is most suitable for small geographic area. In typical circumstances it is used to connect personal computers, servers and printers with other devices. Moreover, LAN facilitates the file exchange, electronic mailing and other similar applications (Internetworking Technology Handbook, 2012). In the restaurant setting customers would be entering their orders at the main counter which will be directly transferred to the concerned department through wireless networking. Thereafter the responsible customer service staff member will carry out further
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Cuban Revolutionary War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Cuban Revolutionary War - Research Paper Example According to Minster, the Cuban revolutionary war was started by the former Sergeant army Fulgencio Batista who took power following a highly contested and disputed presidential election. History has it that Batista became president of Cuba from 1940 to 1944 and again attempted to resume power in the 1952 presidential election. Upon realizing that he was likely to lose in the election, retired Sergeant Batista seized power before actual election date. In the reports of Minster, the presidential election of 1952 was projected to favor a new presidential candidate, Fidel Castro. Upon cancellation of election results due to the ensuing political upheaval, Mr. Fidel Castro begun to plan strategies by which he could oust President Batista. In order to fight the ruling government, Mr. Fidel Castro had to organize for weapons to wage attacks specially destined against Moncada Barracks, which was perceived to bear the power of the government military force. In July1953, Castro organized 138 militia men with whom they attacked Moncada Barracks resulting in the capture of the rebel militia men and death of nineteen federal soldiers (Minster). The war also led to the arrest of Fidel Castro and Raul Castro alongside some of the rebel soldiers. Other soldiers died of gun shots of the fierce federal armies. Fidel Castro and Raul Castro together with the rebels faced to public trial for their involvement in the botched coup. Hutsell, Sanders and Kuntz report that being a professional lawyer; Fidel Castro defended himself by claiming that he waged a just war against the perceived dictatorial regime under the leadership of Batista. Despite the justification of Castro’s defense speech, he was sentenced to fifteen year imprisonment. Minster reports that in May 1955, Batista’s government faced numerous accusations from the international spectrum accusing him of tyrannical leadership. In the effect, the government released all the prisoners including the rebels who took part in the attacks on Moncada Barracks. Hutsell, Kuntz and Sanders further confirm that upon release, Fidel Castro and Raul Castro flew to Mexico to organize another strategy for more sustained attacks on Batista’s government. In Mexico, Raul and Fidel met the exiled Cubans with whom they joined hands to form the 26th July Movement typically named as a commemoration of the Moncada militia attacks. In the group of the organ ized revolutionary militia in Mexico organized to propagate war against Batista’s government, were the Camilo Cienfuegos and the Argentine doctor by the name Ernesto Che Guevara. In November of 1956, the top leaders comprising of Fidel, Raul, Camilo and Ernesto together with other eighty two men sailed to Cuba in full preparation for the revolutionary war against the government of President Batista (Hutsell, Kuntz and Sanders). Minster illustrates that the arrival of the militia group from Mexico was well discerned by Batista’s administration and had therefore prepared to face them off. However, the ingenuity of Raul and Fidel made them to lead their group to the thick and impenetrable woodland located in the center of Cuba. Minster confirms that the revolutionary group used the opportunity in the forest to regroup and attract other new members. The period spent on the highland forest also assisted towards collection of weapons for waging the guerrilla war against the armies of the ruling government. On 26th July
Inverted perspective and the axiom of realism Essay
Inverted perspective and the axiom of realism - Essay Example Similarly, Arnheim defines art as the nature of visual perception together with the nature of medium of representation. That is, art combines what is seen in nature and the way it is represented. Consequently, it is quite common that an artist will use linear perspective, whereby the lines in the artistic representation tend to converge at a common point at a distant horizon. This aspect tends to represent the artistic work in relation to the axiom of realism. On the other hand, Arnheim claim that use of inverted perspective is inherent in the history of art. Inherently, this paper looks at the Arnheim argument in relation to different artistic representation. Inverted perspective The aspect of inverted perspective was introduced in 1907 by Oskar Wulff. The term inverted perspective means the opposite of traditional linear perspective. Compared to linear perspective, which develops the illusion of space through having images in the distance become smaller and smaller with everything demonstrating a single vanishing point. 1With the inverted perspective, the reality of space in the ground is denied. The images in the ground are sometimes larger compared to those in the foreground and the diminishing points are over and over again in the foreground. This keeps a person’s attention in the foreground between the object of veneration and the viewer. Examples of Inverted perspective include: Buddhist mural which open up and expand hence increasing the viewer’s sense of awe. 2Arnheim also puts across the difference between the representational and intellectual concepts and consequently depicting the distinguishing factors in intellectual development and representational abilities. According to Arnheim, the early forms of representation have formal qualities. Moreover Arnheim claims that the linear perspective is not actually privileged whereas he terms the inverted perspective as a misnomer owing to the fact that it is genetically and naturally privilege d. In actual sense, the inverted perspective is advantaged by the fact that it can be in a position to render size together with volume unambiguously. Notably, Arnheim has described various ways through which images are perceived differently due to the difference in our learning. The Arnheim’s law of differentiation suggests that a perceptual feature should be presented through the use of structurally simplest of its entire number of interpretations. This is because the consequences of interpretation can be great. More importantly, Arnheim suggests that inverse perspective offers a functional approach towards simple interpretation. According to Arnheim the inverted perspective is a pictorial device that is normally used by the artists who are not aware of geometry of perspective, as in the western paintings or who have actually decided not to obey it. More importantly, the inverted perspective serves as a perfect example that is used in illustrating two diverse ways of accoun ting theoretically, the deviations which result from the projective realism. First, is due to the prejudice that comes from specific convections of western art and secondly it provides the psychological base used to explain pictorial phenomena. Features of inverted perspective Clearly, inverted perspective solves a number of issues that other perspectives are not in a position to. Despite the fact that the isometric perspective illustrates an artistic expression of nature just
Tbd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Tbd - Essay Example In addition, Frank (with a large commercial law firm In Brussels) has helped negotiate a suitable site on the edge of the industrial area, just in a strategic position- industrial park of the town-which could most likely be a suitable location for the business. This will make it possible for the commissioning and construction of new factories for the company. It is possible to built friendships and customer base in Belgium as it has been the case in Holland. Business experts say that every business must grow slowly and it should be given enough time to do so. A good customer relationship is developed when the company (ESC Electronica) provides better services for the people in the new country. In doing so, the company will be able to form a strong customer base just as it has been the case in the native country. In addition, Jan is not leaving his business entirely but it will be possible for him to conquer other international markets for the betterment of the company. As for the case of family matters, it will be prudent for Marguereet to combine her family life and the business which will keep the whole family financially stable. The best approach you (Jan) can use is to call family meeting and discuss the broad aspects of the business starting with the business plan, goals and objectives, family issues (togetherness, retirement and ot her external factors that need to be addressed affecting the family) and more pressing challenges and opportunities for the businesses in context of increased competition. The strategy of bringing the whole family on board is considered a best option in a case where the family is undergoing any kind of turmoil. Failure to convince the children for example Frank need to put his priorities right for further future prospects. Marguereet is already a graduate with enough knowledge on
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Hollywoods success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Hollywoods success - Essay Example In addition, many critics of Hollywood perceive that the film industries played a big principal role towards the attack that happened in United States in the year 2001 (Godawa, & Winter, 2009:25). The political class blame the Hollywood for typecasting corporations as bad characters and for rejecting women who are thirty years and over. Critics hold that Hollywood exploits child audiences; the movies depict hyper-violence, for their openness to multiple styles of sexuality, and stereotyping people’s culture. Despite the strong wave of criticism, the Hollywood studios continue to penetrate the global film market. The Hollywood studios capitalise on their blockbusters films globally to develop programs that calls for buyers to take several and less desirable properties. Hollywood has an increasing and fair reception from different parts in the globe. This implies that Hollywood is in every aspect of the cinema. This paper supports the arguments of Hollywood conglomerates. Conglo merates assertions of the success of Hollywood are well founded. For many years, Hollywood has prospered in the past and it is moving on well. There is a substantial evidence to concur with the conglomerates claims that Hollywood is doing fine. ... Hollywood is a global leader in the entertainment industry providing products and services for leisure to the audience around the globe. It is a giant in the financing, producing, and distribution of entertainment content. In addition, the Hollywood gives audience identification of youngsters. People widely acknowledge that Hollywood has undergone a tremendous change and contributes to the economy of United States. This industry is not just an entertainment industry but also is a great venture to make money. Hollywood has expanded beyond boundaries and the customers have received it with wide appreciation. Sound distribution, marketing, and exhibition of movies are principal factors for the success of Hollywood. Hollywood movies make a lot of money all over the world. This puts Hollywood as a pioneer and leader in movie-making industry. It defines many directions of development for the world movie industry. The competitors of the Hollywood who majorly comprise of private film studios cannot withstand the competitive advantage of this film company. The widespread of the Hollywood movies in the world has captured people’s attention and therefore many people demand more of the movies on daily basis. Moreover, the strong home base of production and distribution networks has seen Hollywood advance to reach high level of success (Miller, et al, 2005:75). The conglomerates claim of their success is attributable to the prudent marketing strategy is well founded. With the unparalleled technological advancement, Hollywood has invested a lot in the television, and internet. All Hollywood products are in the international cinemas, exhibitions, and even in educational programs. Hollywood uses
How does social reproduction relate to our understanding of the global Essay
How does social reproduction relate to our understanding of the global political economy How is it defined in the context of IPE - Essay Example From an overarching perspective there is the recognition that social reproduction has been situated within the global political economy in hierarchical ways. For instance, Bakker noted, â€Å"social reproduction is not confined to the household, but forms the foundation of Braudel’s hierarchical model of the economy†(Bakker, p. 542). This hierarchical structure is then view in terms of systematic interaction between the different levels. Notably, this view of social reproduction views it as necessarily in a conflicting relationship with the demands or processes of capitalism. One example of such systematic interaction is given in terms of witch hunts. In this way hundreds of women were executed on the grounds that they were witches. Within the context of the political economy this is viewed as a means of the capitalist apparatus reclaiming power. The fundamental recognition in this sense is that as ‘witches’ demonstrated alternative forms of morality, it w as necessary to execute them to reclaim the power of reproduction. Ultimately the extent this systematic interaction is dependent on conscious or unconscious perspectives is contingent on a variety of notions of social reproduction in the political economy. In the context of international political economy social reproduction takes on another mode of interpretation. Social reproduction not only involves the processes of human reproduction, but also the moral and cultural implications tied into these processes. An extensive array of research has examined this in the context of the international economy. Steans & Tepe consider the ways that international political organizations have worked to change the policy regarding specific groups or demographics. Considering one study they note it examines, â€Å"social reproduction, especially through the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) development
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Week 2 discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Week 2 discussion - Assignment Example 239), as well as balancing its flexibility. One of the methods of creating a balance between the need of flexibility with the need for stringent order for purposes of creating a culture of innovation is for an organization to reconsider its main aim of operation, and define its corporate objectives (Shehabuddeen, 2007). As the company experiences growth in its operations, it tends to employ new people, who come with a different mindset. This people have a higher tolerance of risk, as opposed to the old employees, who are stable and familiar with the business operations. To reconcile this people, the company must define its objectives, and create mechanisms that will ensure employees adhere to the rules and objectives of the organizations. The organization must restructure its goals, and its culture, and redefine the responsibility of older members of the organization, for purposes of encouraging innovation and flexibility in the business set up (Frankline et al, 2009). To create a balance between the need for flexibility and the need for stringent measures of a business organization, the organization needs to initiate a change in its recruitment process (Patel and Patel, 2008). It must create new methods of assigning duties, and change the manner of interaction within the organization. It must create a new reward policy that encourages innovation, as well as the need of stringency in the business set up. The traits to look for in recruitment are people with a right mind set, people willing to challenge the status quo, and individuals willing to learn and adapt a challenging environment. Finally, the organization needs review its internal and external operations. This is by creating a managerial group whose role and purpose is to communicate the expectations of the company to its employees (Shehabuddeen, 2007). This group will encourage innovation, and develop ways and methods of balancing the need of
NATIONAL RESPONSE FRAMEWORK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
NATIONAL RESPONSE FRAMEWORK - Essay Example The organizational structure of the agencies which function during disasters is one main issue; those with much disciplined personnel and structure are likely to function properly than those which are not as disciplined. Exchange of information between agencies is another issue. It is essential that information is relayed in a proper manner, since overloading a particular agency with information is likely to cripple the agency in functional terms. Additionally, inter and intra-agency flow of information should be tightly controlled, as false information may misdirect the relief efforts and in some cases may become a cause of panic during working for relief during disasters. Coordination between agencies is not only important in post-disaster scenarios, but also in situations where a disaster is expected to hit a community. In scenarios where a disaster e.g. a hurricane is expected to strike a city, coordination between different agencies is extremely important. In situations like this, it is extremely important that the agency which determines the magnitude of an expected disaster provides the correct information to allow the other agencies react accordingly. Misinformation in this context is likely to result in over or under-preparation by the other involved agencies, which may ultimate result in loss of lives or a wastage of resources. Perry, M. (2007). Natural disaster management planning: a study of logistics managers responding to the tsunami. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 37(5),
Monday, September 23, 2019
Budget Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Budget - Essay Example ncreased interest in research on this topic, and to analyze whether the current approaches of budgeting hinder the effectiveness of modern organizations. Dynamic Business Environment: The present business environment presents a very dynamic situation in front of the managers. In this scenario, budget is seen as a constraint rather than as a planning tool. As a result of this dynamic business environment, the relevancy of the budget is very short lived. Budges result in centralization of the decision making process. This delays the decision making and reduces and organization’s ability to respond to changing environment. The concept of how a successful company operates in the information age is shifting from â€Å"make-and-sell†to â€Å"sense-and respond†(Haeckel, 1999). Budgeting done in isolation: Many managers who are against budgeting believe that budgeting encourages a myopic planning horizon indicating a delinking of the budget and strategy (Shastri, 2008). Budgets are done in isolation and are not aligned to company strategy and goals. Moreover, the budgeting horizon is not linked to the business cycle resulting in long budgeting periods in rapidly changing industries and short budgeting periods in extremely dynamic industries. Hinders Innovation: The bureaucracy and controls created as a result of the budgeting process stop the culture of challenging the status quo. Most of the units focus on operating within the budget thereby reducing the chances of innovation. Most of the subunits focus on operating within their own budgets and hence do not take innovation as a philosophy (Hope and Fraser, 2001). Expensive: It is often argued that the budgeting process followed at organizations is inefficient. This results in the wastage of time of the senior management. Budgeting is also an expensive exercise in terms of capital required for the budgeting purpose. Sophisticated Budgeting Techniques: With the drawbacks of the budget and the budgeting techniques,
Discuss the major barriers to entry of new firms into an industry and Essay
Discuss the major barriers to entry of new firms into an industry and how these barriers can either give rise to or maintain a monopoly company - Essay Example Such firms face little or, in some cases, no competition at all. Each firm in perfect competition is a price taker. This means that changes in output by one firm do not shift the industry supply curve sufficiently to alter the price. If the whole industry makes more or less output, the supply will shift and the price will change but not if one firm increases or decreases output, this means each firm can sell all it wants at the given market price. This also indicates that marginal revenue equals price. Since each unit is sold for the same price in such a market structure, marginal revenue also tends to stay constant therefore giving us a straight horizontal line. However, a monopolist faces a downward sloping demand and is able to set either the price or the output, but not both. A profit maximizing monopolist would choose the output where marginal cost equals marginal revenue. This output will be somewhere over the price range where demand is pricing elastic and will be sold at the price consumers will pay. In most instances, the total revenue for such firms are higher than the cost hence enabling monopolies to earn abnormal profits in the short run as well as the long run. In order for a firm to maintain its monopoly power and abnormal profits there must be barriers to the entry of new firms. Barriers to entry are specifically designed to prevent potential firms from entering into a market. They provide firms a degree of market power without losing their existing market share. Barrier to entry anything that allows incumbent firms to earn supernormal profits without threat of entry (Boyes and Melvin, 220-222). The barriers that can be used to create or maintain a monopoly include: The high fixed cost or setup cost can be the toughest obstacle to tackle. The barrier here is access to capital. Only large firm will be able to fund the necessary investment. An established monopoly is likely to have developed specialized
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Introduction to management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Introduction to management - Essay Example Information is crucial to managers, and because the value chain that links suppliers, Cadbury, its distributors and the customers is dependent on the system. All these crucial value chain issues are relevant to managers. Some of the managerial issues that influence the system the most include concerns for increase in efficiency in the form of trying to cut redundancies. The system is also aimed to provide a more efficient integration of the companys operations with the help of information technology that will result in substantial cost savings to the company. Over the years, Cadbury has gone through major changes. One of these changes include the integrated global IT system in 2002, where it has been implemented first in Australia. This change has not been effectively managed as unanticipated delays have occurred which has resulted in huge trouble to the company. The acquisition of Green and Black in 2005 has been well integrated in the companys operations, and the change is well-managed, as Cadbury has been able to adopt the Fair Trade practice of G&B. The effectiveness of the companys introduction of â€Å"Pathatrix†--a pathogen testing system in 2008, which aims to minimise the financial losses as well as the losses associated with its reputation is apparent in the companys higher revenues in the first half of 2009. The company has also undergone a restructuring of its legal team in order to reduce redundancy in 2008 as well as the closing down of one facility in Keynsham. The company has effectively managed these changes through good HR practicesâ€â€systems of informal rewards and effective communications which have resulted in loyalty among employees. Because of the companys strong dedication to good HR practices, changes like these as well as its de-merger with Schweppes has not created a chaotic environment within the company, which
Warren Buffet Case Study Essay Example for Free
Warren Buffet Case Study Essay Executive Summary: On May 24, 2005, it was announced that Berkshire Hathaway would acquire PacifiCorp. from parent, Scottish Power, for $5.1 billion in cash and $4.3 in liabilities and preferred stock (Bruner, Eades, Schill). After the announcement of the acquisition, the market responded very positively the same day. Berkshire’s stock price had increased by 2.4%, PacifiCorp.’s parent, Scottish Power’s by 6.28% and SP 500 closed up 0.02%. Berkshire Hathaway’s 2.4% shares increase was equivalent to $2.55 billion. Since this is not consistent with results of other acquisitions of the same order, it must be Warren Buffet’s â€Å"cult†-like following that allows this to happen. Rather than rationally studying the market information of the acquisition, the general public puts their trust in Warren Buffett as an investment guru. Berkshire held many different types of industries in their portfolio, but prior to the acquisition of PacifiCorp., Berkshire did not have significant investment in the energy sector. The now more diversified investment portfolio of Berkshire after the acquisition was expected to provide more stable returns. Often throughout the case study, Buffett’s view on a company’s â€Å"intrinsic value†was spotlighted as one of his predominate investing strategies. Book value and the investment outline are the two alternatives to intrinsic value. Buffett rejects them because these alternatives neither can give clear and accurate information about the expected profit in the investment. A company’s intrinsic value, though, is a company’s value relative to the present value of its discounted future cash flows (Bruner, Eades, Schill). And this is how Buffett evaluates his investments, asking will future cash flows provide an acceptable return on investment. Problem: The primary problem in the Warren Buffett case study would be whether or not the intrinsic value of PacifiCorp. justifies Berkshire Hathaway’s bid price? Secondary problems presented include how does the PacifiCorp. acquisition stand up against Berkshire’s â€Å"elephant only†approach to investing? Thus, whether or not PacifiCorp.’s acquisition would be able to further Berkshire’s already staggering annual growth rate of 24%? Analysis: Drawing from the financial statements in the text’s exhibits, PacifiCorp.’s annual operating cash flows equaled $1.76 billion. Given this calculation, it would seem as though it would be a relatively short time before Berkshire Hathaway would accumulate enough value on the acquisition for them to receive an expedient return on their investment. â€Å"The cost of lost opportunity†is a philosophy of Warren Buffett’s that also applies to this case (Bruner, Eades, Schill). By entering into the energy market with the acquisition of PacifiCorp., the firm can hopefully continue on their incredible growth rate trend. Without it, Berkshire would likely have eventually plateaued. Recommendation: It is advised that Berkshire Hathaway follow through with the acquisition of PacifiCorp. The firm will continue to cycle large sums of cash flows through their company with this deal, therefore inducing growth and also adding intrinsic value to their firm. The firm also has a lot to gain by entering into the energy market, which already has a stronghold on American interests and adds diversity to their portfolio.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Essay Example for Free
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Essay Hello fellow classmates, today I’m going to inform you on Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Alcohol abuse is due to many factors, including how you were raised, your social environment and your emotional health. American Indians and Native Alaskans are more likely to develop alcohol abuse, also people who have a family history of alcoholism or heavy drinkers are more likely to develop some sort of drinking problem. People who suffer from mental health problems such as anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder are at risk because alcohol may have been used to self-medicate Alcohol abuse effects society in many ways including more people getting divorced, domestic violence problems, unemployment and even living in poverty, also if you have children they are effected the most as they are sensitive and are most likely to suffer from long-lasting emotional trauma because a parent or caretaker is an alcohol abuser Many people experiment with drugs for different reasons. Many people try drugs for the first time because they are curious; think they’re going to have a good time, because everyone around them is doing it including friends, others do it to enhance athletic performance or to ease other problems such as stress, anxiety or depression. Some may think using drugs automatically leads to abuse but it depends on the individual. Drug Abuse isn’t about how much you take or how frequently you take it, it’s about the consequences from taking the drug, if it’s causing problems at home, school, work or even relationships, it’s possible you have a drug abuse problem. Drug abuse affects society in many different ways such as, neglecting your responsibilities at school, work or home, causing problems in your relationships such as fights with your partner, family member or friends We need to change the way Alcohol and Drug abuse affects not only society but the abusers, because it is unfaithful to God’s teachings as he never wanted us to abuse anything in anyway shape or form. God’s love for everyone is so strong and powerful that he doesn’t want you to get hurt because you feel the need to abuse Alcohol and especially Drugs The solution to these problems is depending on there condition. Most abusers can control there use therefore and easy solution for them is moderation, for example setting limits and using there will power, but if that doesn’t work they need to obtain counselling, which will help them with different strategies in coping with all there emotions, but if someone is a social drinker because they have a low self-esteem, they can get psychological help to feel better about themselves so they don’t have to drink So we need to spread the word of god to start decreasing the number of people who abuse drugs and alcohol
Major determinant of Cross-elasticity of Demand
Major determinant of Cross-elasticity of Demand When it comes to Cross-elasticity of demand, we must first illustrate the concept of elasticity of demand. We can say that elasticity of demand is the foundation of the theory of cross-elasticity of demand because elasticity of demand is related to only one good while cross-elasticity of demand is about the relation of 2 goods. We should first compare the elasticity of demand with the cross-elasticity of demand. Introduction of Elasticity of Demand Elasticity of demand is often referred to as the own-price elasticity of demand for a certain good, such as the elasticity of demand with respect to the price of a good. Elastic demand reflects that consumers are very price sensitive. This concept is understandable because we all know price is one of important determinant of quantity, and the quantity demanded of a good is negatively related to its price. We can suppose: for a seller, lower price promotes sales; for a buyer, higher price constraints their desire of purchase. Take the example from the textbook, suppose that a 10% increase in the price of an ice-cream cone causes the amount of ice cream you buy to fall by 20%. According to the formula We calculate your elasticity of demand as 20%/10%= 2. This result can be explained as the elasticity 2 reflects the change in the quantity demanded is twice as large as the change in the price in proportion. This result owes to reasons as follows: First, market for ice cream is very competitive instead of monopolistic. Second, consumers have choices of other substitutes such as other desserts. Third, when the price of ice cream rises, consumers can buy cakes, milk-shake or other desserts. The above formula usually yields a negative value, because of the inverse nature of the relationship between price and quantity demanded. They are described by the law of demand (Gillespie, Andrew (2007). p.43.) but economists tend to refer to price elasticity of demand as a positive value (i.e., in absolute value terms). Definition of Cross-elasticity of Demand Based on the theory mentioned above about price elasticity of demand, we can go further to find out the relation of two goods. In order to distinguish it from the elasticity of demand for that good with respect to the change in the price of some other good, i.e., a complementary or substitute good. (Png, Ivan (1999). p.57.) The latter type of elasticity measure is called a cross-price elasticity of demand. In microeconomics, cross-elasticity of demand is also called cross-price elasticity of demand, which measures the responsiveness of the demand for a good when there is a change in the price of another good. According to its definition, it is measured as the change in demand in percentage for the good A that occurs in response to a change in price in percentage of the good B. The formula to calculate cross-elasticity of demand is as follows: Major Determinant The cross-price elasticity of demand is often used to see how sensitive the demand for a good is to a price change of another good. The major determinant of cross-elasticity of demand is the closeness of the substitute or complement. A high positive cross-price elasticity indicates that if the price of a certain good goes up, the demand for the other good goes up as well. A negative one tells us the opposite that an increase in the price of one good causes a decrease in the demand for the other good. A small value (either negative or positive) tells us that there is little or no relation between the two goods. They are listed in the table below: Cross-price Elasticity Indication Example Graph A positive cross-price elasticity If the price of one good goes up, the demand for the other good goes up as well. Pork and chicken, etc. A negative cross-price elasticity An increase in the price of one good causes a drop in the demand for the other good. Bicycles and helmets; Petroleum and cars, etc. A small value There is little relation between the two goods. Things have little or no relation at all For example, if we suppose the price of chicken goes up by 20%, and as a result the quantity demanded of pork increases by 10%, at the premise that there is no change in the price of pork or anything else that would have influence on the demand for pork (such as quality, advertising, location, etc). Then the cross-elasticity of demand for pork, with respect to the price of chicken, is 10%/20% = 0.5. This concept is also easy to understand. Firstly, as we know that for two goods that complement each other show a negative cross elasticity of demand, which means that an increase in the price of one good cuts the demand for the other. For instance, if the price of bicycles goes up, we will expect to see a decline in the demand for bike helmets; if the price of petroleum goes down, the demand for car will be expected to rise. In this sort of case, we can say the goods are complements and they have a close link in price and demand. Secondly, on the contrary, two goods that are substitutes have a positive cross elasticity, it means that an increase in the price of one good will therefore increase the demand for the other good. When we observe a positive cross-elasticity, we can assume that the two goods are substitutes, as with chicken and pork, butter and margarine. The Third circumstance is two independent goods. If two goods are independent, undoubtedly they have a zero cross elasticity of demand. Practical Application For firms and corporations, it is necessary for them to know the cross-elasticity of demand for their products when they consider the effect on the demand for their products of a change facing with the challenging price of a rivals product or a complementary product. If the quality and appearance is almost the same (regardless of the factors of affection location, and loyalty, etc.) but the price of Firm A is higher than that of Firm B, most consumers will choose the products of Firms B. Among theories of marketing, pricing is not only difficult but technical. These are vital pieces of information for firms when making their production and strategic plans. However, for goods those complement each other, a firm is supposed to promote the sales of both the products and their complements. Nowadays, the price of petroleum is constantly high and it will continuously get higher in the near future. This is definitely a disaster for automotive industry. Some of the automobile companies adopt the strategy of reduction but gets an unsatisfactory feedback. What affects the decision of a consumer is mainly the price of petroleum instead of the automobile, so some companies think out of a promotional tactic: buy car get petro discounted (though the price of a car may be very expensive), and this may be to some extent cater to the consumers psychology. Another application of the concept of cross-elasticity of demand is in the field of international trade as well as the balance of payments around the world. Whats more, for different industries and fields, the concept of cross-elasticity of demand can be used to measure the closeness of relation of each other. For those monopoly enterprises, they are the unique suppliers in market and they are powerful enough to control the whole market, so they wont suffer the pressure from others. However, for some industries, such as Ministry of Railway, if it decides to raise the price in a large scale, many passengers will prefer other transportation, which will make aviation industry or highroad industry prosperous. This will undoubtedly lay itself in an unadvantageous position.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The History Of The Family Systems Theory Sociology Essay
The History Of The Family Systems Theory Sociology Essay The definition of Family has become increasingly controversial over the past few decades. Family in the twenty-first century is different to everyone; all families have different structures and functions, beliefs and parental attitudes. The term family refers to a unit consisting of people who are related to each other either biologically by notions of blood relations, or alternatively by legal means such as by marriage (Kirby, et al 2000, p45). The definition of a family has changed a lot over the years; there are several reasons for the definition to change. The view of the typical nuclear family is no longer the norm within society. Nowadays there are more families of divorce, stepfamilies, and extended families, rich and poor families. There is not a single definition for what a family is; people have their own view of what a family is. There are many factors that make families different, such as ethnicity, religion, and economics. Levine (N.D) suggests that families have three basic goals for the children; survival, economic self-sufficiency and self-actualization (Enrique, et al, 2007) Family structure and family functioning can affect a childs development in many ways. Family structure is the way in which a family is set up, for example, single parent families, extended families and nuclear families. Family functioning refers to how family members are emotionally attached, how well they communicate emotions and information and respond to problems (Freistadt and Stohschein. 2012). Everyone has a different view of what family is and how families should be structured. Some make the assumption that children can only be brought up successfully in a two-parent family structure involving a heterosexual relationship. Others take the perspective that children can function well in any family structure, provided certain basic conditions are met (Wise, 2003). According to Schaffer family structure plays less importance part in a childs development than family functioning. The family is a social system endorsed by law and custom to take care of its members needs (Kepner, 1983). The emotional bondings and relationships between the members of the family, and their responsibility to the family unit hold them together through the changes of transitions and the complicated connections. Family Systems Theory Murray Bowen developed the family systems theory, he recognised that the family was an emotional unit and any changes to the family functioning would influence all members of the family. The family systems theory emerged from the general systems theory by scholars who found that it had a lot of relevance to families and other social systems. The family systems theory refers to a family as a system in which each member can never be considered in isolation without reference to the roles, responsibilities and behaviours of other members of the family. The family is seen a dynamic unit according to the family systems theory. Changes are constantly occurring and each member of the family takes on new roles and responsibilities, and internal patterns are adopted. The relationships between the individuals in the family unit are mutual and constantly changing. The family is an example of an ongoing, self-regulating, social system that has certain features such as its unique structuring of gender and generation set it apart from other social systems. Each family system has their own structure, the psychobiological characteristics of its individual members, and its sociocultural and historic position in its larger environment (Broderick, 1993, p37). The family as a system links all individuals together and understands that things going on in the environment can influence all individuals even if not all of them are actively engaged, for example parents workplace. The family system theory recognises that small things can impact the family system, for example, the loss of a parent can affect the relationship the child has with the other parent and/or siblings. According to Bowen each member of the family system has a roles and boundaries. Individuals in the system are expected to engage with each other in a certain ways according to their role and their relationship with other members. There are four main principles of the family systems theory; wholeness, integrity of subsystems, circularity of influence and stability and change. Wholeness refers the family as one unit however each member of the family have certain attributes of their own. Integrity of subsystems means that each relationship is a subsystem, for example; mother and father relationship or mother and child relationship or vice versa. Relationships between relationships are also subsystems. Circularity of influences means that the subsystems and relationships depend on each other and if there is a change in one subsystem it has an impact on other systems. Stability and change refers to external influences that can affect the individual or subsystems, for example parents workplace. The wellbeing of the child, therefore, can be conceived of as dependent upon the functioning of elements of the entire family system (McKeown and Sweeny 2001: 6) Family systems are different in all families. Parental attitudes are important in setting up an environment in which their child can flourish. Campion (1985) says that if a child grows up in a stable and loving environment, the child will usually develop a sense of self-respect and self-discipline. The child understands what is expected of him and However it can be argued that a child who has been brought up in a family system where the parents attitudes lack maturity, the child is more likely not to flourish in the environment and not understand what is expected of them, therefore cannot develop a sense of their own competence. Campion (1985) suggests that children take on the roles, which have a function in their family system. It is believed that if children see themselves as the disobedient one in the family setting, they may carry out their difficult behaviours in school. Likewise a child who is obedient may also carry out this behavior at school. The ecological systems theory Bronfenbrenners ecological systems theory states that the environment is reflected in an individuals development. Bronfenbrenners ecological approach refers to layers of environmental influences that impact an individuals development. The interactions with people and the environment are key to development. This theory can apply to individuals at any stage of development. The theory identifies five environmental systems in which the individual interacts with; microsystem, meosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem. The microsystem refers to each setting, which the individual is an active participant, such as; family, school, community, friends. This layer has the most immediate and earliest influences on the child. The relationships in the microsystem can be bi-directional; this means that the childs behaviours can be influenced by the family and vice versa. The meosystem refers to the relationships between the settings in the microsystem and the individual; an example of this would be the relationship between home and school. The exosystem refers to a setting or setting where an event happens, which affects or is affected by what happens in the setting that the developing person is in. The child is not an active participant in this system. The structures in the exosystem can affect a childs development by interacting with the structures in the microsystem, for example; mothers work place can affect the amount of time the mother spends with the child. Although the child is not directly involved with the structures in the exosystem, they do feel the positive and negative impacts that are involved with the interaction between the systems. The Macrosystem refers to the wider social systems, for example; government legislations and economic factors. These things affect the child indirectly however it has an impact on the developing childs life. An example of this could be that the childs family is living in poverty therefore this can cause social exclusion and the child might not have access to school trips or community play areas. The chronosystem refers to how things change over time as it relates to the childs environment. There are various elements within this system that can be internal or external. An internal influence could be the physiological changes that occur while the child gets older. An external influence could the timing of their parents getting a divorce. The older the individual gets might impact how they react to environmental changes and may be able unders tand how the change will influence them. External influences
The Tempest - Barbarism versus Civilization :: English Literature Essays
The Tempest - Barbarism versus Civilization In Shakespeare’s play, "The Tempest," an underlying theme of barbarism versus civilization appears. Shakespeare creates characters that exemplify symbols of nature or nurture. The symbolism of the characters is derived from their actions. These actions show Shakespeare’s view of the uncivilized and the civilized, as well as help the reader develop his own opinion of each side. In this whimsical play, Prospero, the former Duke of Milan, after being supplanted of his dukedom by his brother, arrives on an island. He frees a spirit named Ariel from a spell and in turn makes the spirit his slave. He also enslaves a native monster named Caliban. These two slaves, Caliban and Ariel, symbolize the theme of nature versus nurture. Caliban is regarded as the representation of the wild; the side that is usually looked down upon. Although from his repulsive behavior, Caliban can be viewed as a detestable beast of nature, it can be reasonably inferred that Shakespeare’s intent was to make Caliban a sympathetic character. During the first encounter, Caliban comes across very bestial and immoral. While approaching Caliban’s cave, Prospero derogatorily says, "†¦[he] never/Yields us kind answer," meaning Caliban never answers respectfully. When Prospero reaches the cave, he calls to Caliban. Caliban abruptly responds, "There’s wood enough within." His short, snappy reply and his odious tone, reveal the bitterness he feels from leading a servile life. Caliban’s rudeness makes him seem like an unworthy and despicable slave. Also, Caliban displays an extreme anger toward Prospero. When Caliban is asked to come forth he speaks corruptly, "As wicked dew as e’er my mother brushed/With raven’s feather from unwholesome fen/Drop on you both!†¦And blister you all o’er!" Caliban’s attitude and disrespect is unfitting for a servant. However, his actions are justified. Until Prospero arrived on the island, Caliban was his own king. The island was left to him by his mother, Sycorax. Nevertheless, Prospero took charge of the isle and eventually enslaved Caliban. "†¦Thou strok’st me†¦I loved thee†¦" is part of a quote that illustrates Caliban’s relationship with Prospero before he was his slave. Prospero comforted Caliban and gave him water and berries; he taught him how to speak, as well. During this time Caliban loved Prospero and showed him the features of the island, "The fresh springs, brine-pits, barren place and fertile†¦" Caliban regrets helping Prospero as he says towards the end of his speech, "Cursed be I that did so!" Caliban feels this way due to his imprisonment.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings :: essays research papers
Miss Clairol In the story, Miss Clairol, written by Helena Maria Viramontes, was about a woman who goes to the store with her daughter to buy items for a date that she was preparing for later that night. Arlene, who was the woman that was getting ready for her date is a chicana (Mexican Amerian) who throughout the story refers to things or events that brought a smile to her face as â€Å"sounding right.†As I read the story I could not help but smile throughout the story because it was so close to home. I too am a chicana and could relate to all the events that were happening. I was able to picture myself there. The language Viramontes used was that of what we use at home too. Viramontes takes a woman who is in my eyes, is recalling all that made her happy throughout her years. I think that Arlene did what many women do, remember all that made them happy and try to capture a glimpse of how it used to be. And, how it made them feel. At the beginning of the story Arlene and her daughter, Champ, are at K-Mart. Arlene is looking for makeup and hair dye that will go with a dress that she is borrowing. This is where Viramontes first uses the phrase â€Å"it sounds right†. Now think, will this color go good with Pancha’s blue dress? – Pancha is Arlene’s comadre. Since Arlene has a special date tonight, she lent Arlene her royal blue dress that she deeps in a plastic bag at the end of her closet. The dress is made of chiffon, with satin-like material underlining, so that when Arlene first tried it on and strutted about, it crinkled sounds of elegance. The dress fits too tight. Her plump arms squeeze through, her hips breathe in and hold their breath, the seams do all they can to keep the body contained. But Arlene doesn’t care as long as it sounds right. (1-526 ) Here is a woman who tries on a dress that makes her feel young and beautiful. And, takes her back in my opinion to a time t hat outer beauty came naturally. Nowadays, beauty is so commercialized that a woman feels she must look a certain way to fit in. A beautiful woman, by the U.S. Standard of Beauty, should be Caucasian (but able to tan); she should preferably be blonde, and her hair should be long enough to provide a secondary fetish (after her body).
Positions of Blacks in the Civil War and Emancipation Essay example --
â€Å"Once let the black man get upon his person the brass letters, U.S., let him get an eagle on his button, and a musket on his shoulder and bullets in his pockets, and there is no power on earth which can deny that he has earned the right to citizenship in the United States." The quote mentioned above was proclaimed by African American abolitionist Frederick Douglass, and served as motivation for African Americans to enlist in the Union’s Army efforts and take an initiative in their future. With President Abraham Lincoln's issue of his Preliminary draft of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, the Civil War developed to be a war to ultimately save the union and to abolish slavery. Blacks overall played a substantial part in the victory of the union, helping them turn the tide against the confederate army. In all, there were roughly 200,000 black soldiers who served in over 100 units in the Union Army and Navy (10 percent of the Union). But while their involvement in war efforts deemed valuable there was tension on many fronts, there were major anti-Black prejudice against black involvement from people in Free states and in the loyal slave states; who were not in favor of arming the Black soldiers and letting them participate in combat. With tha t being said, what were the Social conditions for blacks in the North (Franklin) and the South (Augusta) prior to the war? How did many African Americans participate in the war and in what way? Did these conditions post war? The main purpose of this paper is to monitor African American contributions to the war and illustrate how these contributions changed their social status in society. With the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, it forecasted tremendous change for the entire country... ...863. †¢ Christy, Jacob. â€Å"Franklin County: Jacob Christy to Mary Jane Demus, August 10, 1864.†The Valley of the Shadow, August 10, 1864. †¢ Hargrove, Hondon B. Black Union Soldiers in the Civil War. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland, 1988. †¢ Jordan, Ervin L. Black Confederates and Afro-Yankees in Civil War Virginia. Charlottesville, Va.: University Press of Virginia, 1995. †¢ Mobley, Joe A. Weary of War†¯: Life on the Confederate Home Front. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2008. †¢ Quarles, Benjamin. The Negro in the Civil War. Boston: Little, Brown, 1969. †¢ Wesley, Charles H. Afro-Americans in the Civil War: From Slavery to Citizenship. 1979 ed. International Library of Afro-American Life and History. Cornwells Heights, Pa: Publishers Agency, 1978.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Analysis of Chapters 1 through 8 of Great Expectations Essay -- Great
Analysis of Chapters 1 through 8 of Great Expectations Plot and Setting- The plot starts out with a little boy name Phillip Pirrip. It is a first person narrative about a boy back in the nineteenth century. The first eight chapters deal mostly with Pip’s childhood years. It also deals with who Pip is, and his family. In the beginning of the story Pip introduces himself, and introduces his dead parents. He is in the graveyard, and then a scary looking man comes up. The man threatens him. The plot of the story I think is good because it deals a lot with the struggles in a child. He has no one to turn to. The author really helped us relate to the story. Pip gets in trouble at Christmas time. He gets hit with â€Å"The Tickler†which was a sarcastic name for a paddle. In the middle of the story two officers with Muskets come to the house. They need a blacksmith. Outside they capture two convicts. One of those convicts is Pip’s convict. The other one is the one that Pip’s convict tried to kill. They are both caught. Later on in the story, and later in his life, Pip meets a young girl named Estella. He secretly has a crush on her. Estella does not care much for Pip. She thinks he is not very gentlemen like. She also thinks that he is coarse and common. Estella and Pip do talk though. She is like a mother to Pip, she kind of disciplines him. Pip is in love with her, but she would have nothing to do with him. She thinks that his is nothing spectacular. Characters- The first character introduced in the story is a boy name Pip, he is the boy I talked about above. The next two introduced, are his mother and father. They are both dead, and Pip is all alone in life accept for his sister. That is who is introduced next. His sister is married to a man named Joe. Pip lives with these people. The scary convict described above was the next character introduced into the story. Mr. Wopsle is the next character introduced into the story. He was the clerk at the church, and he also goes to the Three Jolly Bargemen with Joe. The whell-wright was Mr. Hubble, and his wife. Joe’s uncle’s name is Mr. Pumblechook, he and Pip are pretty good friends in the beginning sections. They share many experiences together. Miss Havisham and Estella are the next to be introduced. Estella is Miss Havisham’s supposable daughter. Miss Havisham find... ...t around it, and he had a drawbridge. He loved his house. Wemmick ended up being a very good guide for Pip, because he helped him make some pretty tough descisions. Barnard’s Inn- This place is just a dump. It is in a part of the city where the buildings are close together, and Pip does not really enjoy staying here. He always talks about a guy named Barnard, although there was no guy really named Barnard. This place is definitely a place where Pip will not want to go back to. The Temple- Pip enjoys this place a lot better than Barnard’s Inn. Him and Herbert live there, and they share the room. They each have there own room in there, and Provis stays there for a while. I pictured this place as a kind of apartment building that was not very modern. I can get a good picture in my head of what The Temple looked like. Joe’s Home- This is where Pip grew up at, so I am guessing this is where his greatest memories are. So much had happened in that house, since the time he was little and even up to when Joe and Biddy were married. That house to me always seemed so out in the middle of nowhere, but still warm and a great family environment. A typical country home.
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