Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Odyssey as a Hero Journey Essays -- Odyssey Hero Heroes Essays
"All of us have similar experiences. We share in the life journey of growth, development, and transformation. We live the same storiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the trappings might be different, the twists and turns that create suspense might be different from culture to culture, the particular characters may take different forms, but underneath it all, it's the same story, drawn from the same experiences"(Linda Seger, Creating Myth, 1). All people face trials and tribulations throughout their life. Thus, what defines one from one's fellow human beings is not the trials themselves, but how one overcomes the challenges along the journey, as well as the psychological and physical lessons one learns from the actions engaged. Heroes, as depicted in literature, often face the same trials the common man must face, and learn the same lessons, but their actions, reactions, and events are magnified to mythic proportions. Thus, the common man and the mythic hero both follow what Joseph Campbell calls "The Hero's Journey," which is used as a tool to describe the framework for many of the most famous myths of all time. While the story of the Journey first manifested itself in the ancient myths and legends, it is still relevant to contemporary society, the basis for almost all of the books and plays we read. For example, J.R.R. Tolkien's, The Hobbit, an epic fantasy adventure in which Bilbo Baggins, the connection for the reader to the fantastical world the book takes place in, is called to action and set in motion on his Hero Journey by Gandalf, a wizard. Another example of a famous myth following this archetypal framework is The Odyssey. Homer's epic story, The Odyssey, of the hero Odysseus and his son Telemakhos follows closely the cycle of Joseph Campbell's Hero Journey, as summarized by Linda Seger, both as a physical and psychological undertaking. The hero journey begins with a catalyst entering the hero's life, that calls him to adventure. The hero must be summoned on his journey by some force, either external (the will of another person) or internal, (the need for self-growth). The call is followed by the hero's refusal to leave a safe place, such as his home. He must be convinced that the undertaking is worthwhile, and must then, and only then, after he has agreed to take the journey, embark on it. Odysseus' journey begins twenty years prior to... ...hysical prowess, but learns the psychological lessons of survival. Using these lessons he can climb above the rest, a more mature and capable man, able to use all of his abilities together to lift himself and those around him closer to greatness. Thus is Odysseus truly a hero, as are all those who would strive for greatness in themselves and peace and justice for their homeland and family. "The cosmogonic cycle is now to be carried forward not by the gods, who have become invisible, but by the heroes, more or less human in character, through whom the world destiny is realized. The archetypal heroes become less and less fabulous, until at last, in the final stages of the various local traditions, legend opens into the common daylight of recorded time"(Joseph Campbell). Works Cited Campbell, Joseph. The Hero with a Thousand Faces. 2nd ed. Princeton: Bollingen, 1968. Homer. The Odyssey. Trans. Robert Fagles; Intro. Bernard Knox. New York: Penguin Books, 1996. Seger, Linda. "Creating the Myth." Signs of Life in the U.S.A.: Readings on Popular Culture for Writers. 4th ed. Ed. Sonia Maasik and Jack Solomon. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2003. 316-325. The Odyssey as a Hero Journey Essays -- Odyssey Hero Heroes Essays "All of us have similar experiences. We share in the life journey of growth, development, and transformation. We live the same storiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the trappings might be different, the twists and turns that create suspense might be different from culture to culture, the particular characters may take different forms, but underneath it all, it's the same story, drawn from the same experiences"(Linda Seger, Creating Myth, 1). All people face trials and tribulations throughout their life. Thus, what defines one from one's fellow human beings is not the trials themselves, but how one overcomes the challenges along the journey, as well as the psychological and physical lessons one learns from the actions engaged. Heroes, as depicted in literature, often face the same trials the common man must face, and learn the same lessons, but their actions, reactions, and events are magnified to mythic proportions. Thus, the common man and the mythic hero both follow what Joseph Campbell calls "The Hero's Journey," which is used as a tool to describe the framework for many of the most famous myths of all time. While the story of the Journey first manifested itself in the ancient myths and legends, it is still relevant to contemporary society, the basis for almost all of the books and plays we read. For example, J.R.R. Tolkien's, The Hobbit, an epic fantasy adventure in which Bilbo Baggins, the connection for the reader to the fantastical world the book takes place in, is called to action and set in motion on his Hero Journey by Gandalf, a wizard. Another example of a famous myth following this archetypal framework is The Odyssey. Homer's epic story, The Odyssey, of the hero Odysseus and his son Telemakhos follows closely the cycle of Joseph Campbell's Hero Journey, as summarized by Linda Seger, both as a physical and psychological undertaking. The hero journey begins with a catalyst entering the hero's life, that calls him to adventure. The hero must be summoned on his journey by some force, either external (the will of another person) or internal, (the need for self-growth). The call is followed by the hero's refusal to leave a safe place, such as his home. He must be convinced that the undertaking is worthwhile, and must then, and only then, after he has agreed to take the journey, embark on it. Odysseus' journey begins twenty years prior to... ...hysical prowess, but learns the psychological lessons of survival. Using these lessons he can climb above the rest, a more mature and capable man, able to use all of his abilities together to lift himself and those around him closer to greatness. Thus is Odysseus truly a hero, as are all those who would strive for greatness in themselves and peace and justice for their homeland and family. "The cosmogonic cycle is now to be carried forward not by the gods, who have become invisible, but by the heroes, more or less human in character, through whom the world destiny is realized. The archetypal heroes become less and less fabulous, until at last, in the final stages of the various local traditions, legend opens into the common daylight of recorded time"(Joseph Campbell). Works Cited Campbell, Joseph. The Hero with a Thousand Faces. 2nd ed. Princeton: Bollingen, 1968. Homer. The Odyssey. Trans. Robert Fagles; Intro. Bernard Knox. New York: Penguin Books, 1996. Seger, Linda. "Creating the Myth." Signs of Life in the U.S.A.: Readings on Popular Culture for Writers. 4th ed. Ed. Sonia Maasik and Jack Solomon. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2003. 316-325.
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