Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Research Paper Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Outline - Research Paper Example â€Å"So, parents argue that vaccinations shouldn’t be mandatory for children.†(Hesman). Although vaccinating children can help prevent certain diseases there are still many parent that are refusing to vaccinate their children. Vaccines against disease such as polio and MMR should be mandatory for all children who wish to attend school. These vaccinations can control the spread of deadly diseases, help protect children that are not able to get vaccinated and can save family time and money. Sturm, Lynne A., Rose M. Mays, and Gregory D. Zimet. "Parental beliefs and decision making about child and adolescent immunization: from polio to sexually transmitted infections." Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 26.6 (2005): 441-452. Smailbegovic, Mirsada S., Gabrielle J. Laing, and Helen Bedford. "Why do parents decide against immunization? The effect of health beliefs and health professionals." Child: care, health and development 29.4 (2003): 303-311. It is always way easier to prevent diseases than treat them. A study carried out in the United States concerning the economic impact resulting from child vaccination shows that the society saves more than five dollars in real cost for every one dollar that is spent on vaccination (Zhou et al.). Fangjun Zhou, Jeanne Santoli, Mark L. Messonnier, Hussain R. Yusuf, Abigail Shefer, Susan Y. Chu, Lance Rodewald & Rafael Harpaz. "Economic Evaluation of the 7-Vaccine Routine Childhood Immunization Schedule in the United States, 2001." Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med.159(12):1 (2001): 1136-44 . Document. Most of the people who oppose immunization are mostly led by religious reasons with some individuals thinking that vaccination is a western motive to wipe off the religions. Others are against vaccination stating that the use of human tissues to develop vaccines is immoral. Vaccines basically work on a common principle where antibodies are preserved from a healthy individual and introduced to a
Database Design and Implementation Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Database Design and Implementation - Coursework Example In other words, though they share common attributes, full time employment may require extra attributes to be recorded. ix. Invoices are prepared per client and can be generated as a report at any time. b. Entity Relationship Model: From the above assumptions, the following business rules are identified: Business Rules: i. Each ARO centre can receive contracts from one or more companies and each company can send contracts to one or more ARO centres. ii. Each company can request for one or more CRPs but each CRP must be requested by one and only one company. iii. No two clients have a same CRP and no two CRPs exist for a same client. iv. Each CRP must have at least one service but each service can exist in one or many CRPs. v. Each client can have one or many dependant buts each dependant must have one and only one client. vi. Each ARO centre must employ one or more employees and each employee must be employed by one and only one centre. vii. Each employee can be assigned only one CRP and each CRP must be assigned to one and only one employee. The above assumptions and business rules are transferred into an enhanced ER data model as shown in below figure: Fig: ER model for ARO database schema c. Data Dictionary Entity ARO_CENTRES Holds details about each ARO centres ARO_EMPLOYEE Holds details about the full time and part time employees employed at each ARO centres COMPANY Holds details about all affiliated companies of ARO CRP Holds details about each Client Relocation Plan created by ARO after receiving Contract from the company SERVICES Relocation services offered by ARO CLIENT Holds details about the client associated with the CRP CLIENT_DEP Holds details about all dependants of each client CONTRACT Attribute CENTRE_ID CENTRE_NAME CENTRE_LOCATION... According to the research findings it can therefore be said that all SQL statements built for creating the tables and relationship constraints are discussed. SQL queries that can used to build the reports given in the requirement were also presented. Further a critical review on the proposed model is discussed in detail. The database for ARO was designed and implemented in SQL SERVER 2008. Initially, an ER diagram was designed that best describes the overall operation of ARO in terms of entities (tables) and the relationship between them. Later, the ER model was transformed to SQL statements for creating the tables and defining relationships. The tables were then populated with sample data. In order to recreate the real business scenario of handling CRP, few rows in the table were initially populated with cost as zero CRP and status of CRP as ‘N’ or ‘P’. The status was later updated to ‘Y’ and the CRP service cost with the actual cost. SQL queri es were also created and executed to produce some of the reports given in the requirement. Further, a VIEW that combines multiple tables to produce invoice report was built and executed. In addition, a brief overview of the model and various security issues that can be considered while creating very large databases along with possible solutions were discussed. Though the overall database design serves the purpose of the requirement, the design can be further enhanced by using appropriate optimisation techniques for maximum efficiency and overall throughput.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Use of Phone Cameras Essay Example for Free
Use of Phone Cameras Essay Over the years, technology has reached new heights in terms of the services it offers to today’s generation. Our youth’s ingenuity has also evolved into higher levels in terms of getting away from studying. The rampant use of modern electronic devices to cheat on examinations have been so that carrying a cell phone, digital camera or some other electronic gadget has been banned in schools in China, South Korea, and the Philippines. (West, 2000) Cell phones have proved to be the leading gadget used for cheating in secondary school. The earlier method was using text massages to forward questions to other people outside the classroom who would look up the answers. With the advent of digital cameras being augmented to cellular phone features, the application has reached greater levels. In the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, students photographed test questions using their cell phone cameras. These images were then sent to classmates outside the exam room who had the job of looking up the answers and sending them back to their friends in the examination room. Ros Yabin, the dean of their college was amazed at the students’ ingenuity and at the same time exasperated at the dishonorable act saying: If theyd spend as much time studying, theyd all be A students. (Glater, 2006) In China, a move to ban the use of cellular phones during examinations has been implemented to prevent massive cheating that has supposedly happened during their previous nationwide examinations. Further more, cell phone scramblers have been procured for the examination sites to beef up proctoring security. China’s minister of education hopes that these measures will be sufficient to regain the quality of their nationwide exam results. Similar actions are being done by South Korea, ever since 183 students in four organizations, including six female high school students were involved in an exam scandal that offered students to send correct answers to a nationwide examination in exchange for money. (Lee, 2004) These techniques are not limited to cellular phones. Another student from a California secondary school loaded his notes onto a Sidekick digital micro recorder and tried to access it during the examination. When questioned by the teacher, he initially reasoned that he was merely using the dictionary feature. The student was investigated by school authorities and was eventually proven guilty. (Glater, 2006) iPods have not yet achieved high popularity as a tool for cheating, but it is quickly rising through the ranks. Since it has gotten a lot easier to record one’s voice with the use of a computer, students have begun to take advantage of their iPods in their examinations. One Pepperdine student in 2004, who dictated all his notes in a file in his iPod and listened to it while taking the exam. He would have gotten away with it had it not been for one of his classmates who told on him. (Glater, 2006) At the journalism school at San Jose State University, students who were caught using spell check on their laptops, their examinations were invalidated because part of the writing test was to measure their ability in spelling. Whether they’re cell phones, digital camera features, micro recorders, or any other new-fangled device out on the market, student ingenuity will make use and abuse the possibilities of his new toys in making it easier for him to pass his weekly quizzes. It is up to teachers and proctors to keep open eyes and ears, to be mindful about any device that the student brings to the table. It is also the responsibility of school officials and the government to uphold the quality of education in their respective areas. References: Glater, Jonathan (April, 2006).Cheating gets easier with gadgetry. New York Times V. 125 Is. 43 23 – 24 Glater, Jonathan (May, 2006). Colleges Chase as Cheats Shift to Higher Tech. New York Times V. 125 Is. 44 11 – 13 Lee, Howard (2004). Exam Scandal: Answers Relayed From Other Organizations. Seoul Today V. 87 Is. 13 28 32 China Moves to Block Cellphone Cheats. Retrieved April 24, 2007 from The Chronicle website: http://chronicle. com/wiredcampus/article/1307/china-moves-to-block-cellphone-cheats West, Jordan (2000). Cheating and Technology. San Diego: Holdfast
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Tesco Value Proposition
Tesco Value Proposition INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report was to critically evaluate the value proposition of Tesco Plc to its customers. Given information about the target customers of Tesco and even a PEST analysis of the company was done. Tesco Plc competed with big supermarkets to become one of UKs best supermarkets ever. 1. DISCUSSION 1.1 Tescos Value proposition to its customers Companies that offer outstanding value turn buyers (tryers) into lifetime customers ( Weinstein and Johnson 1999,p.4). Some of the value driven strategies are Understanding customer choices Identifying customer segments Increasing competitive options(for example, offering more products) Avoiding price wars Improving service quality Focusing on what is meaningful to customers Improving brand success and (Weinstein and Johnson 1999,p.5). Tesco Plc is worlds third biggest super market (Sky news 2008). What would have made them reach this position? To compete the supermarkets like Sainsbury and Morrisons , there must be some talent behind. Tesco Plc which started its life in 1919 when Jack Cohen started selling surplus groceries from a stall in the East End of London. By 1970s, Tesco was building a national store network to cover the whole of the UK, which it continues to expand to this day, while also diversifying into other products (Telegaph 2008). As if now Tesco continues to dominate in UK. Why many customers turned to Tesco when they were happy shopping in Sainsbury and Morrisons ? How Tesco stole these customers from these supermarkets? The answer to these may be value proposition of Tesco Plc to these customers. Understanding customers is what the most important thing in business today. As in the lecture of adding value on week seven by Prof.Phillip Mutter, value proposition is how we intend to create value for our customer? Value of one customer may not be valuable to another customer. The impact the suppliers offer has on the customers own value chain. Customers do not buy features, products or services but solutions to their problem. May be this is what Tesco Plc is being doing. They might have understood customers more than Sainsbury and Morrisons do. How Tesco offer value to customers? Tesco in 1997 developed certain values some of them were: No one tries harder for customers. Understand customers better than anyone. Be energetic, be innovative and be first for customers. Use our strengths to deliver unbeatable value to our customers. Treat people how we like to be treated (Tesco Plc 2009). Cutting down the price Tesco studied that price can be one of the important factors which could bring customers to them. Tesco also maintained quality as the price cuts. Tesco made sure that no one could beat them in price. We have introduced bigger packs, representing even better value, on products like coffee, tea and bread and have also added 60 new products to the Value range, bringing the total to over 200. On Tesco Value, we promise customers that our prices wont be beaten (Tesco 1999). Use of ClubCards Using clubcard was one of the top strategies used by Tesco in 1995 to understand their customers. As for most other companies, did not realise the importance of Tesco using the clubcards. By the use of clubcards Tesco was actually stealing customers from other supermarkets. Tesco gave clubcards to frequent shopping customers. With the clubcard, Tesco got every information they wanted. Tesco stored all the information about customer in the customers clubcard. Like what did they shop? How much they use to spend in a day? What product they purchase etc. Tesco then sends special offers to them. Internet capture By seeing that many customers were shopping online, Tesco also used to give values through internet. Delivering products to the customers door. Customers used to visit the website and order things like groceries, books, cds, furniture, videos and other items and also arranging personnel finance. All in all great value. (brandingasia). Private label success In the idea of increasing sales, Tesco thought to give more to existing customers in existing stores. Tesco started using private labels to sell the product with which they tried to give almost same quality of top brands with cheap price. Tesco labels it as Tesco value. Items which they sold using private labels were bakery, meat, ready meals, deli, dairy, HBC, wine and non foods. Many others too (corioliosisresearch 2004,p.20). Porters value chain on Tesco Plc As in the lecture discussed by Prof. Phillip Mutter, Porters value chain consists of five activities which are inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, service activities(Lysons and Farrington 2006,p.102). Inbound logistics include receipt of goods from suppliers, storage, handling and transportation and stocking. Tesco always tried to keep the customer choice in store. In Tesco, there is an opportunity to reduce the cost unfairly incurred by company and therefore preventing the cost being passed on to the customer. In operations, Tesco maintains the tasks such as opening every day in accordance with trading hours, maintaining the shelves, and the stocks. In outbound logistics, Tesco has home delivery service and also they increase the number of staffs at till to save the time of customers. Trolleys are arranged such a way that they are easily accessible. In marketing and sales, Tesco issues clubcards as discussed above and advertise in news papers, radio, national TVs etc Service activities include human resource and technological activities. In human resource management, Tesco trains the staff to do the job.There are a number of ways we support our people to achieve this, be it through an Options Development Programme, offering an Apprenticeship or encouraging the studying for a qualification whilst at work.(Tesco 2009) In the technological, Tescos brand name gives the product vitality and with the start of internet shopping, Tesco can be the best to shop. 1.2 PEST Analysis on Tesco Plc Political, economical, sociological and technological (PEST) analysis on Tesco Plc gives out the following results. Political Credit crunch usually leads to unemployment. As, Tesco being one of the largest and fastest growing supermarkets, more jobs are expected to be available in Tesco. Tesco politically, is facing a charge of driving out other retailers out of the competition. But under EU law, if an organisation has large market share can be dominant. Tesco to date has no charge legally of exploitation. Economical Economically, Tesco has not been badly affected when compared to others. Tesco has the brand name and all products cheap for all segments of the market. So whatever happens when Tesco opens the door, customers are ready to flow in. Sociological Sociological aspects for Tesco have also helped a lot. As the number of career minded persons like students from abroad are increasing in UK, ready meals are in demand to make the cooking easy. Tesco has also understood this segment too. Tesco has variety of products for such students. Technological Technological factors like internet are also friendly to Tesco. Customers can go online shopping in Tescos site. Tesco has also started carbon reduction programme. Customers are also encouraged to make low carbon choices. 1.3 Tescos Value proposition on Target customers The Clubcard database is helping us to give customers an even better and more focused offer: the mail-out at the end of February 1999 contained 80,000 variations of letter, offer and magazine, and issued  £50m-worth of reward vouchers, together with  £25m-worth of product coupons. By understanding customers shopping habits, we are now even better at targeting our offers to them ( Tesco 1999). Tesco created a student card and a card for mothers in 1996 which suited their needs. In 1997, Tesco direct service and financial services were added. Adding value also became mandatory, like expectant mothers were given the priority of parking outside the store, even personnel assistance to help them. In 1998, Tesco began to offer electricity and telecommunications products and services. By this time, Tesco had identified 108 customer market segments (brandingasia). For middle-income with young children, Tesco has opened bank with jargon-free, customer friendly approach, coupled with its perceived low prices, has obviously proved a winner (guardian 2005). Market share rose tremendously even customers are happy. Making nice use of technology, provided customers with great experience (brandingasia). CONCLUSION By looking into the value proposition of Tesco, it is for sure that it is going to be very difficult for any other supermarket to emerge. PEST analysis shows the company is still strong to compete politically, economically, socially and technically. Also Tesco is well aware of its target customers and doing well to them too. REFERENCES: Branding Asia. (). Tesco The brand experience is everything. Available: Last accessed 2 Jan 2010. Clark,T. (2008). A history of Tesco: The rise of Britains biggest supermarket. Available: Last accessed 1 Jan 2010. Coriolis research. (2004). TESCO: A CASE STUDY IN SUPERMARKET EXCELLENCE. Available: Last accessed 2 Jan 2010 Lysons,K.Farrington,B (2006). Purchasing and supplychain management. 7th ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. P102. Sky News. (2008). Tesco Sees Huge Jump In Profits . Available: Last accessed 1 Jan 2010. Tesco. (2009). Company Information: values and cultures. Available: Last accessed 1 Jan 2010. Tesco. (1999). from pennies to pounds. Available: Last accessed 1 Jan 2010. TESCO. (2009). Training Development. Available: Last accessed 3 Jan 2010. The Guardian. (2005). Every little helps so forget those Tesco quotes. Available: Last accessed 4 Jan 2010. Weinstein,A.Johnson,W,C (1999). Designing and delivering superior customer value: concepts, cases, and Applications. United States of America: CRC Press LLC. p4.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Lawmakers Should Pass the DREAM Act Essay -- Essays on the DREAM Act
Imagine a world with an educated youth. Now imagine a parallel world where children are fighting to keep a smile on their faces, because, in truth, it is the only thing they have. In reality, this is what is happening. Youth, who have the privilege to be American citizens, are granted a very fulfilling education with a promise of a career. Children of illegal and undocumented immigrants do not have such luck. Some undocumented children in America have very promising futures and even a degree under their belts, but they cannot apply for a job because they have no proof of citizenship. A controversial topic is the matter of the DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education, for Alien Minors) which permits undocumented immigrants to obtain citizenship and later get a job. Is this topic really a law†¦ or a lifestyle? Should we really be arguing on the matter of life or death? When the Dream Act is put into play, its positive effects are more numerous than the negative ones. With this act, undocumented children are given an education and a future. What is better than an educated America? With education, America can be even more dominant. Everyone, despite their legal classification, deserves to have the option of success. On the matter of money, taxpayers would not have to pay $16.2 billion annually on behalf of deportation fees. With these children growing to be citizens, they will have to pay taxes which will also help the growing deficit. America was born on the morale that all people deserve a safe asylum and freedom. There are, however, some negatives to this act as well. Some voters speculate that instituting this bill will create a large scale â€Å"chain migration†. They feel that this act is only a â€Å"magnet†for the famil... ...Multiculturalism: Essential Primary Sources. Ed. K. Lee Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, and Adrienne Wilmoth Lerner. Detroit: Gale, 2006. 353-355. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 11 Apr. 2014 Malkin, Michelle. "Lawmakers Should Reject the DREAM Act." The Children of Undocumented Immigrants. Ed. David Haugen and Susan Musser. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Rpt. from "Harry Reid's Illegal Alien Student Bailout." Michelle 2010. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 11 Apr. 2014. Valbrun, Marjorie. "Children of Illegal Immigrants Struggle When Parents Are Deported." The Children of Undocumented Immigrants. Ed. David Haugen and Susan Musser. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Rpt. from "Foster Care, Uncertain Futures Loom for Thousands of Immigrant Children." America's Wire. 2012. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
Friday, October 25, 2019
One Of The Weaknesses Of The N :: essays research papers
One of the weaknesses of the novel, Pride and Prejudice is that the characters are divided up between those you like and those you don’t. Discuss. The characters found in the novel, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, are easily contrasted. While some characters are likeable, we have others who are seen as silly and petty. Thus, we have strong differences between the various characters, who present to us the nature of society in those times. The reflection of the 19th Century through the characters, does not detract from the novel in any way, but actually increases its complexity.      Elizabeth, is clearly one of the most likeable characters in the novel. With her wit, charm and charisma she is in all senses an ‘accomplished woman’. Elizabeth is a strong-minded and courageous character, who was not afraid to stand up to others. â€Å" I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.†, (Ch. 34) she exclaims in response to Darcy’s initial proposal. However, with all her strong-mindedness, her courage is still shown when she admits that she is wrong after she read Darcy’s letter of explanation and said: â€Å"But vanity, not love, has been my folly.†Through this realisation, we see that Elizabeth does not have the stereotypical nature of the majority of the people in her society, who, in contrast are unable to recognise their own faults.      Vastly contrasted to Elizabeth, we have the comical Mr.Collins, who lacks the self-reflection and self-awareness that is evident in Elizabeth. One trait Mr. Collins surely portrays is that of self-importance. It never occurred to him that Elizabeth would refuse his marriage proposal, and when she does, he can only say: â€Å"†¦it does not appear to me that my hand is unworthy your acceptance†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Mr Collins’ proposal was extremely serious, as he really believed that he was a good catch, and therefore he was mortified when Elizabeth turned him down. Mr.Collins continually amuses the reader with his ironically ‘wise’ discussions in which he attempts to convey his prestige in Rosings. In a letter to the Bennets after the scandal with Lydia and Wickham, he writes: ‘I am truly rejoiced that my cousin Lydia’s sad business has been so well hushed up, and am only concerned that their living together before the marriages took place, should be so generously known.’ Mr.Collins is so ironically naive that he incessantly thinks that his opinion will be respected and deemed correct, by all. One Of The Weaknesses Of The N :: essays research papers One of the weaknesses of the novel, Pride and Prejudice is that the characters are divided up between those you like and those you don’t. Discuss. The characters found in the novel, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, are easily contrasted. While some characters are likeable, we have others who are seen as silly and petty. Thus, we have strong differences between the various characters, who present to us the nature of society in those times. The reflection of the 19th Century through the characters, does not detract from the novel in any way, but actually increases its complexity.      Elizabeth, is clearly one of the most likeable characters in the novel. With her wit, charm and charisma she is in all senses an ‘accomplished woman’. Elizabeth is a strong-minded and courageous character, who was not afraid to stand up to others. â€Å" I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.†, (Ch. 34) she exclaims in response to Darcy’s initial proposal. However, with all her strong-mindedness, her courage is still shown when she admits that she is wrong after she read Darcy’s letter of explanation and said: â€Å"But vanity, not love, has been my folly.†Through this realisation, we see that Elizabeth does not have the stereotypical nature of the majority of the people in her society, who, in contrast are unable to recognise their own faults.      Vastly contrasted to Elizabeth, we have the comical Mr.Collins, who lacks the self-reflection and self-awareness that is evident in Elizabeth. One trait Mr. Collins surely portrays is that of self-importance. It never occurred to him that Elizabeth would refuse his marriage proposal, and when she does, he can only say: â€Å"†¦it does not appear to me that my hand is unworthy your acceptance†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Mr Collins’ proposal was extremely serious, as he really believed that he was a good catch, and therefore he was mortified when Elizabeth turned him down. Mr.Collins continually amuses the reader with his ironically ‘wise’ discussions in which he attempts to convey his prestige in Rosings. In a letter to the Bennets after the scandal with Lydia and Wickham, he writes: ‘I am truly rejoiced that my cousin Lydia’s sad business has been so well hushed up, and am only concerned that their living together before the marriages took place, should be so generously known.’ Mr.Collins is so ironically naive that he incessantly thinks that his opinion will be respected and deemed correct, by all.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Foods representing American Essay
The United States of America is a melting pot of different ethnic cultures and hence in that respect is considered to be one of the most diverse countries in the universe. The cultural cuisine is marked by the influence of different cultures and is difficult to actually say which one stands out to be a symbolic representation of American culture. But before one can delve any further it is important to understand the root significance of what is it like to be American or the American way of life. What is the American way of life all about ? Or, what is Americanism all about and how does it permeate it’s way into defining certain kinds of food onto an iconic level. Imagine food being granted the iconic status of being truly American! An average outlook on the part of most Americans, is that they generally like and prefer food that is cheap, quick, and convenient regardless of whether it is purchased from a supermarket or a fast food store. In other words, cooking or buying food is never expected to be a hassle- it ought to be fast, easy, â€Å"with minimal or economic sacrifice†(Ikerd,2009). The characteristics of America’s food culture are cost, convenience, and appearance. Let us take a look at some of the foods that have acquired an iconic brand status of being truly American. These foods have a sense of place and a signature style as being a symbolic representative of a place / region in America. What one generally gets to hear about is hamburgers, French fries, potato chips, e. t. c Apart from just the usual common food/snack varieties that are popular, and if one were to really look harder for a search- there are regional / locational foods that have shaped the thought process all across America. Apple Pie, New England Clam Chowder, Pastrami (New York), Shoofly(Pennsylvania), Smithfield ham(Virginia), Po boys (Louisiana), Fajitas (Texas). a) Apple Pie: is considered to be a European import and has come to stay in America for centuries and been perfected over the years. An American Apple pie is homely and rustic in appearance. b) New England Clam Chowder: No trip to Boston is complete without a proper bowl of clam chowder. A proper chowder is deep and aromatic, with layered flavors atop a porky foundation (Bonne, 2009) c) Pastrami (New York): Pastrami is man’s mastery over meat. It begins with a simple slab / plate of meat  a cut which is different from the grill-and-serve of the obvious hunk of a cow, needs the much needed transformation. It is then subjected to a dry cure process: salted with a good portion of cracked black pepper and maybe with a little sugar and spice  which rest on the meat as it is left to be smoked. When it is finally ready- whole pastramis are steamed for quite a few hours before serving. d) Shoofly pie (Pennsylvania): is a fruity pie and quite a tasty one. It is crusty with molasses and crumbs. The crumbs add texture to the dense and rustic pie rich with molasses in taste. According to popular Amish folklore one is reminded of the fact that the name derives itself from an activity that refers to the constant need to shoo away flies from these succulent and juicy sweet treats atop which are the generous pools of molasses that lay formed. d) Po-boys (Louisiana): This a generally considered a workaday food meant for hungry and hardworking people trying to meet ends. It’s discovery is attributed to two brothers viz. , Benjamin and Clovis Martin, who ran a restaurant in the city’s French Market. Eating a ‘Po-boy’ is quite an unforgettable sandwich treat. WORKS CITED Ikerd, John (2009) â€Å"The American Food Culture†Retrieved on 29th May, 2009 Bonne, Jon (2005) â€Å"10 Foods that make America great†Retrieved on 29th May, 2009. < http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/8392312//>
How Do I Spend Long Summer Vacation Essay
Examinations are over the long summer vacation has begun. How do you feel? How do you want to spend your long holiday? Many of you may spend hours playing ICQ or computer games. Others will sleep through the days. Indeed we deserve some rest and relaxation. But how about some other interesting and meaningful options? Let’s begin with taking care of our physical well-being. Choose an exercise or a game that you would like to learn. Joining a swimming or judo class, or learning to ride a bike with friends can all be good fun. Just remember, you need patience and discipline to master a skill. Reading is fun too. It helps improve your language skills. Why not make a trip to the big central library in Causeway Bay or visit a nice bookstore? Find a sear, relax and read. Set yourself a goal of reading at least one book this summer. There are also a variety of activities and camps on offer for young people leadership training and adventure-based activities are all appealing. Do you know what A.Q. and E.Q. stand for? Adversity quotient and emotional quotient respectively. You can find out more about them through those activities. It may be difficult for you to make up your mind. Consult your teachers or family. There is a saying: â€Å"Helpfulness is the source of happiness.†You are a powerful and practical source of help to those in need. There are various organizations that recruit and offer training for voluntary workers. Voluntary work can be a challenging and rewarding experience. Years ago, when I was still at school, I enjoyed my time serving physically disabled children at a special school. The experience later inspired me to pursue a career in helping others. No matter what, enjoy a meaningful and fruitful summer vacation.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Review Question: Outline the Psychosocial Issues Associated with Dementia Essay
Naturally, ageing is associated with ‘slowing down’, including changes in memory and cognitive functioning caused by physical changes in the central nervous system and brain structure. It has been established that good health behaviours, mental exercises and targeted treatment of some organic brain syndromes can help older adults maintain their good cognitive health (Hoffnung et al. , 2010). However, some degenerative brain diseases can cause dementia, particularly in older people, and with international shift towards an older population (Botsford, Clarke & Gibb, 2011), it is predicted that by 2040 there will be over 80 million people having some form of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease being the most common cause (â€Å"Predicting Alzheimer’s†, 2008; Hoffnung et al. , 2010). Although dementia mostly diagnosed in those over 65 years of age, younger people also get diagnosed with this degenerative condition, commonly described as ‘younger onset dementia’ (â€Å"Exploring the Needs of Younger People with Dementia in Australia†, 2007). Symptoms of dementia include impaired orientation, intellect, memory and judgement, and as sufferers experience confusion, delusions, changes in behaviour and personality, they lose independence and require more and more care and controlled environments to keep them safe (Hoffnung et al. , 2010). While the loss of independence and gradual cognitive loss is obviously causing anguish to the patient, dementia also leads to profound changes for those around them (Botsford et al. , 2011). Burden of providing care for an aged person, for example, would often be carried by the spouse or by adult children (Hoffnung et al. , 2010). Providing care involves physical and emotional effort, and sometimes significant financial commitment, as the paid employment may have to be forgone by the caregiver. Perhaps spouses experience the most significant impact of dementia diagnosis, best described by a spouse saying how heartbreaking it is to know that you are â€Å"gradually losing your best friend†(â€Å"Predicting Alzheimer’s†, 2008). It is logical to suggest that the combination of caregivers’ experiences of grief, isolation, life stressors, restricted freedom and other issues (Hoffnung et al. , 2010) may lead to caregiver depression with nearly half of the caregivers being at risk for clinical depression, and with spouses, compared with nonspouses, being significantly more depressed (Schulz et al. , 2004). Institutionalised care facilities for dementia sufferers, subsidized by the Government, may provide some relief for the families, but they do not remove emotional issues that relatives face. Schulz et al. (2004) found that after institutionalising their loved one, relatives did not get relief from depressive symptoms and anxiety and that spouses had higher levels of depression and more anxiety after than their nonspouse counterparts. On the positive side, the benefits of caregiving, particularly by adult children, may include experiencing personal growth (Hoffnung et al. , 2010), and providing help to the relative can make one feel more useful, needed, appreciated, and important (Schulz et al. , 2004) Botsford et al. 2011) have researched the effects of dementia on partners in the context of ethnic minorities and their cultural diversity and such approach has identified that ethnic background appears to influence how people engage with diagnostic and support services and the way they organize care. For example, research identified that black Caribbean people, being conscious about maintaining autonomy and not wanting to be regarded as ‘crazy’, may present to dementia services too late or not at all, thus prompting the authors to highlight the importance of promotion of dementia awareness in specific ethnic communities (Botsford et al. 2011). Report â€Å"Exploring the Needs of Younger People with Dementia in Australia†(2007) outlines a number of additional issues specific for younger people with dementia and their families, including difficulty in diagnosis, effects on family responsibilities while still raising children, working and significant financial commitments, life plans, social and sexual implications and difficulty in accessing appropriate services, as such services are not normally designed for access by younger people.
Business level
Business Purposes P5 Criteria â€Å"Explain the characteristics of the local business environment. †Define a local government. Identify the departments within a local government and explain its general purpose. (Why is it beneficial for local residents to have specialist departments within the local government? ) Name your local government, mention the: Number of ethnic minorities. What is the impact of this on the local area? (Mention more incentive for businesses to start up in the area)(lnformation is available onRedbridge website). Number of shopping centre's. What is the impact of these on the local area? (mention job increase-Information is available on Redbridge website). Number underground and train facilities. What is the impact of this on the local area? (mention- people can commute out of the area to study and find a Job- Information is available on Redbridge website). What has your local government recently introduced into the area? How has this improved the local economic wellbeing, especially during the period of recession? ention shopping centre's) Save in your area the following file TaiYear 12 Level 2 the consultation draft. On pages 27 and 28 there are 2 bar charts, which you need to add to your assignments. Once you have copied these into your assignments you need to analyse them. What has happened to Redbridge in the last 10 years? What sector is more dominant in Redbridge? (How could Redbridge council encourage more of those businesses to start up in the area? )What is the rate of unemployment in Redbridge? Which business industrial sectors are growing in Redbridge? What industrial sectors are declining in Redbridge? What is happening to average earnings in Redbridge? What is happening to the growth of businesses in Redbridge? What is the local borough doing to support businesses? How is this helping the local area? Talk about at least two things in detail. Conclude your findings. (Do you think your local government is helping to pr omote economic wellbeing in the local area? )
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Crime essays
Crime essays There has been a lot of talk from many individuals about wiping out crime, but many times efforts are forfeited to rationalization that crime can never be stopped. There has always been crime, and there will always be crime as long as the causes of these crimes are not dealt with in a suitable manner. In preventing these causes, much of the crime that exists today can be stopped before it starts. Many factors can be involved when considering the causes of crime. Of these factors poverty, lack of education, and peer pressure are among the leading causes. The first contributing element to crime is poverty. Many of the people in poverty are desperate to do something about their situation so they turn to crime as a means of doing so. In many cases, the people see the money that can come out of crime. Such things as robbing banks and convenient stores offer a good source of income as long as they are not caught. When comparing the crime rates of states to the poverty levels, one can see there is a great correlation between the two. States like New Hampshire, where the poverty level is relatively low, have very low crime rates. On the other hand, places such as Washington D.C., where the poverty level is very high, have very high crime rates. On the website, it has many stories of the lives children in poverty face. All of the stories included crime as a result of poverty. The website also tells of the cycle that poverty and crime have with each other. It states that the reasons people in poverty commit crime s are to fulfill needs that are not met on low incomes, lack of love and respect from people close to you, and for the rush and excitement for it all. The main idea linking these reasons for crime is the lack of self-respect the people in poverty have. The website states: you've worn the same shirt and pants for five days, how are you going to feel? Your social worker just screwed you over for ...
A Summary of the Guidelines to Achieving Effective Reading Essays
A Summary of the Guidelines to Achieving Effective Reading Essays A Summary of the Guidelines to Achieving Effective Reading Essay A Summary of the Guidelines to Achieving Effective Reading Essay Effective reading is indispensable to a learner’s success and it can merely be achieved by holding the right instructions and learning methods applied. The instructions must be given in the best manner possible to guarantee that the scholars meet their desired aims. Instruction execution should go on in a manner that it does cover every signifier of information engineerings. including the networked information which obviously is quickly turning. The undermentioned paper will sum up the guidelines to the accomplishment of these set uping accomplishments. Effective Reading among Learners Learning reading methods has been found to necessitate a batch of betterment in schools in order to hold the scholar reading with a batch of easiness and without tonss of jobs. Research has shown that instructors need to use methods that should assist their scholars know how to travel about their reading. It has besides been realised that novices need to be given introductory accomplishments on reading because this AIDSs in the betterment of their public presentation and promotes success. In relation to this. the International Reading Association has place statements that guide instructors on how to travel about learning the reading methods. With this in topographic point. there are still contentions over the places. The contention comes as a consequence of some kids non using the methods as taught and hence doing it appear as though the instructor has non followed the direction as stated. On the other manus. every bit much as there is contention in methods of learning reading. at that place seems to be less contention in what a kid should larn. A skilled reading methods teacher can see their scholars and cognize what to learn to each of the kids so that in the terminal. the instruction methods are efficaciously taught to the scholars. When learning kids reading accomplishments. the instructor must cognize what to learn to which scholar. A kid who has learnt missive sounds does non necessitate phonemic lessons. therefore the method employed on every kid. depends on the child’s degree of promotion in larning. In conformity with this. it is proper that the federal province merely offer support and provides resources to the policy shapers for them to do the places because they stand a better opportunity of explicating the places. The International Reading Association recommends that the school territory must affect the parents in assisting the instructors know their kids and therefore assistance in their academic advancement. The Role of Teaching Specialists in Guaranting All Children Learn How to Read Harmonizing to the National Researcher council. it is of import that all schools have a reading specializer whose function is to help kids get the hang their reading accomplishments. This is besides as a consequence of the complex state of affairss and the broad scope of diverseness in schools today. They together with the instructors work to guarantee that all kids emerge good readers. A reading specializer is a individual with educational certificates and hence. is a professional with makings and experience required by the instruction organic structure and meets the proficiencies of the criterions. The specializers may work in one or more of the available instruction degrees runing from early childhood to secondary to private establishments across to the grownup scholars. It is recommended that the specializers working with the grownup scholars need to hold more apprehension for their scholars. Children scope from those who are fit and healthy to those from hapless backgrounds. those with physical. psychological and emotional jobs. There are besides those that are fighting to larn English and hence those with jobs as respects their reading necessitate the aid of a reading adviser to steer them. The function of a reading specializer in assisting the pupils improve their reading include: ( a ) Instructive function whereby the specializer does the work of supplementing and heightening the work of the schoolroom instructor who must work collaboratively with the reading specializer. The two can give the instructions in category or the specializer may give instructions outside the schoolroom if pupil requires specialised instructions. ( B ) The specializer besides does the appraisal of the development of literacy degrees. This the specializer may make by detecting the pupil. measuring the consequences of the past literacy trials. The specializer besides plays the function of coordination with the territory and province criterions. He or she gives the study on the development in literacy acquisition. ( degree Celsius ) All coupled. reading specializers have the leading function in that they aid the instructors. decision makers and parents to acquire to understand more about learning reading. By join forcesing with both instructors and parents. they help construct good place school connexions. This therefore calls for reading specializers to be knowing and be professionally fit to execute their work efficaciously. Internet and Its Impact on Even Literacy Levels across the Globe In today’s universe. the degrees of literacy alteration every clip given the handiness of the cyberspace. With the engineering in topographic point. scholars are required to update their cognition in order to hold their literacy degrees right. In order to hold the scholars and the first bettering engineering at per. a figure of factors must be looked into. These include the rapid rate at which the cyberspace is acquiring into about all schoolrooms in the developed states around the universe and therefore calls for proper steps to be put in topographic point to guarantee the kids get entree to it. This is done by holding computing machines connected to the cyberspace in every schoolroom. Equity in the entree of cyberspace in the developed and developing states should be improved in order to avoid widening the literacy spread between the two sets of states. Education that is equal should be provided and development of staff demands to be done to guarantee the instructors often integrate new literalises in their course of study. Teachers’ instruction plans can greatly assist in fixing the instructors in utilizing the new direction engineerings. To accomplish the coveted consequences. the Professional Literacy Organization should offer support in the proviso of originative enterprises and increased entree. supply professional development and heighten the teachers’ instruction plan. With the above wanting to be acted on. the public policies must be adjusted in such a mode that reading is non merely defined around books but should include the networked information engineerings that have become critical in the success of pupils. Reading must be efficaciously taught and to accomplish this. instructors should do usage of professional development to larn new direction schemes. They should besides give equal chances to pupils in accessing the ICT installations. In general. to hold reading instructions win ; Parents. instructors. school decision makers. teachers’ pedagogues. policymakers and research workers must join forces to hold acquisition maintained at the needed criterions. Recommendation In order for reading novices to finally go successful pupils. they need to hold obtained the necessary accomplishments that mould them into perfect readers. The U. S. docket purposes at bettering the literacy public presentation of pupils. sing the increasing demands for educating all pupils to accomplish at high degrees. It is of import that schools have qualified forces to turn to the challenges confronting the pupils. Such forces must include a professional reading specializer as a nucleus member of the educational squad. However. in-between schools and high schools should hold the same instructional support. because effectual reading direction must be guided by reading specializers across all class degrees. In add-on to this. networked information engineerings require incorporation so that larning meets demands of the quickly bettering instruction degrees. References International Reading Association. 1999. Using Multiple Methods of Get downing Reading Instruction. Retrieved from lt ; World Wide Web. reading. org gt ; . International Reading Association. 2000. Teaching All Children to Read: The Roles Reading Specialist. Retrieved from lt ; World Wide Web. reading. org gt ; . International Reading Association. 2009. New Literacies and twenty-first Century Technologies. Retrieved from lt ; World Wide Web. reading. org gt ; .
Monday, October 21, 2019
Examine the ways in which Shakespeare presents the changed character of Othello Essays
Examine the ways in which Shakespeare presents the changed character of Othello Essays Examine the ways in which Shakespeare presents the changed character of Othello Essay Examine the ways in which Shakespeare presents the changed character of Othello Essay To be capable to note a change in the character of Othello we must look at his initial behaviour and how Shakespeare presents his personality. A Shakespearean tragedy consists of a heros life and their downfall, which will ultimately lead to their death. For a character to become a hero he must be respected and noble, to do this Shakespeare creates scenes to raise Othellos status. We expect to have a great deal of respect for the protagonist. In another of Shakespeares Tragedies Macbeth, the protagonists status is raised similarly as they are both powerful generals whose success in battle make them respected by the audience because of their service to their country. This is shown in the first acts of both plays for example, King Duncan exclaims, For brave Macbeth- well he deserves that name and Othello is refeared to as valiant moor by the Duke. The fact that both of the protagonists are respected by people of a high status in the opening scenes is to create standards which the audience will expect to see throughout the remainder of the play. It is significant that both Macbeth and Othello are soldiers because their pasts are referred to throughout both plays and have shaped who they are, which also contributes to their downfall. Othellos status has been raised because in Act 1Scene 3 the duke is informed to send for his trusty and most valiant servitor, which is Othello. Moreover, the admiration we feel for Othello is created by that of his own behaviour alongside the behaviour of others towards him. Othello does not retaliate to Brabantios threats and says were it my cue to fight, I should have known it. Othellos calm reaction, although he is a solider, who obviously can fight well, shows that he is an honourable and noble character. Similarly Othellos status is also raised by the love he feels for Desdemona and how noble, he speaks of her: I do love thee gentle Desdemona, which shows that he is capable of loving to such an extent and doing a job with all my heart that he is an honourable character. The language Othello uses before his demise is romantic and poetic; These nine moons wasted. He mainly speaks in blank verse which is commonly used in Tragedy for high status characters, or low status characters when saying something of significance or morality. Shakespeare illustrates a change in Othellos character in Act 4 Scene 1 by altering his language. He now speaks in prose, for example, what then? This compared to his previous idiolect suggests to the audience that his character is weakened both mentally and morally and no longer deserves respect as a high status character. During the opening scene of Act 4, Othello asks a lot of questions. This is unusual because Othello previously control and dominance oozed from his speeches. Lie with her? Lie on her? We say lie on her when they belie her. Lie with her! Handkerchief- confessions handkerchief! Ist possible? confess? Handkerchief? O devil! Here Othello speaks confusedly and distractedly. He is clearly not in control of his senses. This change in language and behaviour brings attention to Othellos altered character. The large number of interrogative sentences shows Othellos weakness and confusion whereas the number of exclamative sentences shows Othellos raw emotion and distress. In previous situations when we have expected Othello to be distressed e. g. the confrontation with Brabantio explored above, he has acted calmly and rationally. Now he focuses on the words lie which could say that he is merely interested in the sexual acts at the supposed affair, rather than the lost love of his wife. The Othello we saw at the beginning of the play suggests he would be more concerned with the love my soul hath her content so absolute. find where from However, it could be argued that Othello has always been a lustful creature with Desdemona because in act 1 Othello has just got out of the confrontation with Brabantios and has been told about a battle he must take part in, yet all he wants to do is consummate his marriage. I have but an hour of love to spend with thee. Terry Eagleton, in Nothing (1986) states that Othello is not a play about sexual deviancy, but about the deviancy of sex. This deviancy he speaks of could be represented as the shown by the previous quotations, and combined with the exhilarating elopement, the rapidity to his acceptance of the affair and the way he decides to kill her. It leads me to believe his actions are lust fuelled. I believe, lovers can forgive and love would not lead to murder, only the emotional passion caused by lust could lead a character to act so recklessly. Lust or love, his feelings towards Desdemona are strong and this leads the way for Othellos jealousy. A. C Bradley says, Iago does not bring these warnings to a husband who had lived with a wife for months or years. I believe this suggests Iago knew of Othellos lustful feelings towards Desdemona and played on the elopement, when they must not have known each other long, and used it as a weakness. Furthermore, husband who had lived with a wife for months or years would have known better and would not have been so easy to believe lies because there would have been love built within these years which I believe Othello and Desdemona lack. A. C Bradley says, He [Othello] is quite free from introspection, and is not given to reflection. Emotion excites his imagination, but it confuses and dulls his intellect. I agree with this because his emotions have begun to affect his mind. He now considers confrontations and bloodshed where previously he was calm and rational. It can also be said that Othellos constant need for evidence of Desdemonas unfaithfulness suggest that his rationality is attempting to break through his emotional state. However, this need for evidence fades away towards his demise. This could back up Bradleys view, which is that his emotion only dulls his intellect but does not remove it completely. Othello goes from demanding evidence and not believing without it, to barely mentioning or thinking rationally how shall I kill her Iago. The fact his is planning how to kill Desdemona suggests his intellect only dulls rather than removed completely. Othello, when asking Amelia for her opinion on Desdemonas loyalty, does not listen to reason, which contradicts his previous rationality and shows a change in character. Othello, at one of his most noble points in the play, said, And passion, having my best judgment coiled assays to lead the way. This shows an immense amount of self control which makes it more shocking when he falls into a trance. However, this possibly hints that Othello is aware that he is labile to be manipulated. Or could just be dramatic irony because he is oblivious to the fact that Iago at that moment is trying to coil his best judgment. Furthermore, Othellos falling into a trance or epilepsy now pairs his new found weakness in character with his physical appearance. It shows although he is emotionally affected, he is now physically affected by Iagos manipulations. Looking back to his previously disciplined, self controlled character it is shocking and unexpected and this trance marks a point of change in character for Othello. When Iago says breaks out to savage madness this is acting as a marker-point to show that when he breaks out he will be plagued with madness like a savage. Also it could be a device used for foreboding the more extreme change in character which is yet to come. Othellos use of most bloody 90 foreshadows the physical violence to come later in the play. In act 4 scene 1 Othello withdraws and listens to a conversation between Iago and Cassio. The fact that Othello is ease-dropping shows a decline in moral standards. On waking from his fit, Othellos ease-drops under the suggestion of Iago. will you withdraw? the word will creates an illusion of Othello doing Iago a favour, yet Othello is following Iagos plans. We expect Iago to be doing things for Othello because Othello is general and Iago works for him, this role reversal shows the power that Iago has over Othello and how Othellos character has changed from strong, to easily manipulated. We begin to feel sympathy for Othello because we have witnessed Iagos manipulation Both Macbeth and Othello have the tragic flaws, pride and vanity, in these two tragedies an antagonist will capitalize on the vulnerabilities of both Othello and Macbeth. Lady Macbeth suggests that hes lost his courage by asking if he wants to live like a coward and Iago taunts Othello with good sir, be a man. I partly believe the change in character seen in Othello Act 4just the negative qualities of his character allowed to surface from the emotional strain of Iagos manipulations. Traditionally Shakespearean tragedies have 5 Acts, the 5th act is expected to be the death of the protagonist and therefore dramatic. Othellos change in personality is visible here through his soliloquy. Othello again speaks in verse, this could be because of the way he is speaking, showing love towards Desdemona and using powerful philosophical imagery when I have plucked thy rose, I cannot give it vital life again. Moreover, it could be seen that he is only speaking in verse because he has something of substance to say. Either way Othello regains some status and idiolect. Meanwhile, he is separating himself from this deed his is doing, creating an almost split personality by referring to himself in the third person and as a dog. The circumcised dog, and smote him thus. This could to draw attention to the previous valiant moor and show a clear change in character. During his soliloquy, Othello constantly repeats tis the cause which shows he is thinking somewhat rationally and this could suggest his previous character is breaking through, also he can never bring himself to name this cause. Ronald Draper, in Unholy alliance: Othello and Iago (1991), argues that the Iago world of cynicism and sexual depravity has now become the world Othellos imagination inhabits. I believe this is shown by the vulgar and crude language he uses towards women nearer the end of the play. By calling Desdemona a callet and Amelia a bawd he is almost mimicking Iagos crude mannerisms. Also these women have no reason to be called these names so it is in Othellos imagination. This shows the dramatic change in Othellos character because in the beginning he and Iago were opposites, and now they have become so similar that Othello lives in Iagos mind frame. The ultimate demise in character for a hero is to become the villain.
An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge By Ambrose Bierce - 1
An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge By Ambrose Bierce - 1 An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge By Ambrose Bierce – Book Report/Review Example An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge In what ways are the condemned mans perceptions of time and motion distorted as he is waiting to be hanged? (25%)As Bierce is describing the setting of which Farquhar was to be immediately facing his death in detail such as the beams, planks, ropes, and soldiers with their guns, ready to conduct his condemnation, Farquhar distorts his reality of time and motion when he imagines everything slowing down from the drift wood that is floating in the river to his death where he dreams of a long dream to prolong his life and granting his wishes of being able to see his wife (SparkNotes: An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, n.d.).2. What is ironic about the fact that Farquhar agrees with the saying that, "all is fair in love and war?" (25%)The irony in the statement, "all is fair in love and war†made by Farquhar would be the fact aside from saluting soldiers who fight wars to be a hero of their generation despite the inevitable deaths, he still agrees t o this statement even when he is not involved in any war and yet his death is being asked of him. His death is unnecessary as compared to soldiers who are willing and prepared to die.3. What details in Part III suggest that Farquhars journey occurs in his mind? (25%)We can see that Farquhar’s journey occurs in his mind as the author used a very limited third-person point of view, making the story seemingly told by Farquhar himself. Also, the reality of Farquhar’s fear of leaving everything behind especially his loved ones and holding his life dear to him as he deems it undeserving of death is a human nature that proves Farquhar is thinking about the series of events he is undergoing. 4. Point of view refers to the vantage point from which the story is told. Why is the limited third-person point of view appropriate for this story? How might the story be different if Bierce had used an omniscient third-person narrator? (25%)The limited third-person point of view is very appropriate for this story because it allowed readers to actually understand what was going through Farquhar’s mind. It was also instrumental in being able to emphasize realism used as a technique in the story, especially when Farquhar tries to distort it by creating his own imaginations of being able to escape his death and being able to see and hug his wife. Bibliography:"SparkNotes: An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge." SparkNotes: Todays Most Popular Study Guides. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2013. .
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Ins and Outs of High and Low
The Ins and Outs of High and Low The Ins and Outs of â€Å"High†and â€Å"Low†The Ins and Outs of â€Å"High†and â€Å"Low†By Mark Nichol High and low are such versatile terms that several hundred compound words employ one or the other and one idiomatic adverb consists of both: â€Å"high and low,†a synonym for â€Å"everywhere.†(â€Å"I’ve looked high and low for my new shoes.†) They usually come first in compounds (â€Å"high chair,†â€Å"low blow†), but sometimes they trail another word (â€Å"contact high,†â€Å"record low†). The compound can be open (â€Å"high jump,†â€Å"low bid†), hyphenated (high-grading, low-minded), or closed (highlight, lowland). A compound can differ in firm depending on the part of speech (low-down as an synonym for contemptible; lowdown as another meaning for â€Å"inside information†). High or low can be part of a compound literal (â€Å"high heels,†â€Å"low score†) or figurative (â€Å"high horse, low-key). Sometimes, a nonstandard spelling is acceptable. For example, a high hat is a pair of cymbals facing each other on a pole that a drummer clashes together with a foot pedal; it’s also spelled hi-hat. And hi-fi is a slang abbreviation of â€Å"high fidelity†; by extension, lo-fi refers to the opposite extreme of audio quality. â€Å"High tech,†short for â€Å"high technology,†is sometimes spelled hi-tech, and the antonym may be altered accordingly (lo-tech). Hijack, the verb referring to commandeering of or stealing from an airplane or a ground vehicle (it can also be a noun), has an alternate spelling of highjack, but that’s rare. On the other hand, hijinks is the variant of â€Å"high jinks,†a synonym of antics. Highfalutin is a rare instance of a word with a clipped ending suggestive of a drawl, considered a regular form despite its informal appearance. This synonym for pretentious is even sometimes spelled hifalutin. Check the dictionary when using phrases including high or low to confirm or correct your guesses not only about whether the preferred spelling is the full word or the short form but also whether they’re part of an open, hyphenated, or closed compound. Hyphenation, especially, can be tricky: High-and-mighty, for example, is an adjective that is hyphenated even after a noun or a pronoun (â€Å"He’s been all high-and-mighty since his promotion†), and â€Å"low earth orbit†has no hyphen, even though low and earth (which, in addition, is not capitalized in this usage) modify orbit. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About TalkingHomonyms, Homophones, Homographs and HeteronymsHow Many Sentences in a Paragraph?
Definition and Examples of Group Genitives in English
Definition and Examples of Group Genitives in English Definition In English grammar, the group genitive is a possessive construction (such as the man next doors cat) in which the clitic appears at the end of a noun phrase whose final word is not its head or not its only head. Also called a group possessive or phrasal possessive. Group genitive constructions are more common in everyday speech than in formal writing. Examples and Observations I am sitting here in my apartment, recording the guy next doors activities for my best friend, who is engaged.(Meg Cabot, Boy Next Door. Avon Books, 2002)Joona takes out his mobile and calls Ronny again. Sweet Home Alabama begins to play in the man with the boyish hairs pocket . . .(Lars Kepler, The Hypnotist. Trans. by Ann Long. Picador, 2011)Liza Minnellis . . . powerhouse, saucer-eyed renditions of Money, Money and Maybe This Time are the best evidence there is of the future drag-queen patron saints phenomenal talent.(Chris Nashawaty, review of Cabaret on Blu-Ray. Entertainment Weekly, February 8, 2013)A shoeshine boy came in with the news that a porter in the building had broken his leg. The fellow that washes the windows? somebody asked. No, sir, said the lad, the fellow that washes the windows brother.(E.B. White. The New Yorker, January 21, 1939)I was the kid next doors imaginary friend.(American comedian Emo Philips) Origin of the Group Genitive The group-genitive construction, as in King Priam of Troys son and The Wife of Baths Tale, is a development of the early Modern English period. Group in the term for this construction refers to the fact that the genitive -s is added, not to the noun to which it relates most closely, but rather to whatever word ends a phrase including such a noun. . . . He is the woman who is the best friend this club has ever hads husband is an extreme example from Gracie Allen, an early radio and television comedian noted for her confusing speech.(John Algeo and Thomas Pyles, The Origins and Development of the English Language, 6th ed. Wadsworth, 2010) Guidelines for Using the Group Genitive To a mind trained exclusively in Latin (or German) grammar such English constructions as the Queen of Englands power, or he took somebody elses hat, must seem very preposterous; the word that ought to be in the genitive case (Queen, somebody) is put in the nominative or accusative, while in the one instance England, whose power is not meant, and in the other even an adverb, is put in the genitive case. . . .It will not be easy to lay down fully definite and comprehensive rules for determining in which cases the group genitive is allowable and in which the s has to be affixed to each member; the group construction is, of course, easiest when one and the same name is common to two persons mentioned (Mr. and Mrs. Browns compliments), or when the names form an inseparable group (Beaumont and Fletchers plays; Macmillan Co.s publications). On the whole, the tendency is toward using the group genitive, whenever no ambiguity is caused by it.(Otto Jespersen, Progress in Language, 1909) Guidelines for Using Joint Possessives Where two or more distinct persons, animals, etc., are in the genitive, the group genitive applies only when there is joint possession, responsibility, relationship, as in William and Marys reign and Jack, Tom, and Marys uncle. If two separate possessions or other relationships are concerned, each noun must clearly be shown in the genitive.(Eric Partridge, You Have a Point There, Routledge, 1978) For joint possession, an apostrophe goes with the last element in a series of names. If you put an apostrophe with each element in the series, you signal individual possession. E.g.:John and Marys house. (Joint)Johns and Marys houses. (Individual)America and Englands interests. (Joint)Americas and Englands interests. (Individual) In the last two examples, interests is plural (regardless of the possessives)) merely as a matter of idiom: we typically refer to Americas interests, not Americas interest. With pronouns, each element is always possessive (your and his time share).(Bryan A. Garner, Garners Modern American Usage. Oxford University Press, 2009) Also See Compound NounsGenitiveGrammatical Oddities That You Probably Never Heard About in SchoolStructure-Dependency
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Marketing - Essay Example Marketing has been defined differently by various authors. As per Eztel, Walker and Stanton (2003), ‘Marketing is a total system of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and distribute want-satisfying products to target markets in order to achieve organisational objectives’. On the other hand, Kotler (2003) defines marketing as ‘a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with each others’. These two definitions provide significant insight into the main operations of marketing, vis-à -vis planning, pricing, promotion and distribution. The American Marketing Association provides another definition of marketing as ‘the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organisational goals’ (Bennett, 1995). There are three main eras through which marketing has evolved as a revolutionary concept and has taken its current form. These include product orientation period (Eztel, Walker and Stanton, 2003) in which demand were greater than supply, manufacturing and production were limited and industries were not fully developed or capable to take care of the needs of the market. In this period, the main focus of the companies were on producing large quantities of products to satisfy the ever more increasing wants and needs of the target market. Little, if at all, efforts were used to be put in the marketing of products through searching the customers. This was followed by sale orientation stage (Eztel, Walker and Stanton, 2003). In this period, customers used to have relatively lower purchasing power, hence companies began hard selling through overly aggressive advertising and heavy reliance on promotional activities. In the post world war II era of 1950s and onwards, market orientation has emerged as
My organization as a learning organization in obtaining parts for Research Paper
My organization as a learning organization in obtaining parts for military vehicles - Research Paper Example Wallace (92) suggests that all organizations should learn because without learning, organization will not survive especially in the current globalization era; an organization with a strong learning culture achieves effective business performance. Organization leaders may think that by getting their organization to learn is just a matter of articulating a clear mission or vision, offering right incentives or training employees, however, there is a lot that should be done in the face of intensifying global competitive environment where there is increased technology advancement and shift in consumption preferences. A successful learning organization should offer psychological safety to employees, encourage teamwork or team learning, manage culture, communicate effective and have a shared vision. Question 1: Characteristics of the Ideal Learning Organization One of the characteristics for the ideal learning organization is existence of a shared vision, which everyone should agree on. An ideal learning organization should have an effective shared vision, which guides them, but this should be agreed by everyone in the organization; this is vital because it will enable the organization to work together towards achieving the vision of the organization effectively. Secondly, people should openly communicate with others effectively without fear of criticism, as effective communication is the key aspect towards the success of an organization; therefore, communication should be openly and information should be conveyed well across the organization, as this will contribute to successful organizational performance. Thirdly, it is an organization where people discard their way of thinking and the standard routines they employ for performing their tasks or solving problems. In other words, an ideal organization is the one, which is ready or able to change its behaviors, and mid-sets as result of experience (Marquardt 45). Lastly, an ideal organizational learning is where there is teamwork or team learning. This is where people work and share information together through learning as a team in order to accomplish the organizational goals effectively. Teamwork is crucial in any organization because it contributes to effective decision-making and accomplishment of work faster; thus contributing to effective organizational performance. Question 2: The Observable Behaviors for Each Characteristic One of the observable behaviors for shared vision is that the organization engages everyone in creating a shared vision, which directs the organization towards achieving their stated goals. For instance, the sense of purpose begins with recruiting employees with effective skills and matches their values with the organizational values. For instance, some rules in the organization are implemented by shared behaviors, values and beliefs. Culture form the basis through which an employee operates within the organization context, and secondly, there is open communication an d everything across the organization is well communicated effectively. Thirdly, people are always ready to change their behaviors through constant learning. Moreover, there are significant changes because the organization has transformed and become an innovative working environment; thus improving in terms of performance. Lastly, there is effective teamwork because the work is accomplished within the stipulated period and people always learn together as a team.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Religion - Theology of the book of relevations Essay
Religion - Theology of the book of relevations - Essay Example of all, there is discernment of the modern situation by prophetic insight into God’s nature and purpose, and the Revelation has dominant prophetic concern for exposing the truth of things. The second element of Revelation as a prophecy is prediction, which consists in seeing how God’s ultimate purpose for the coming of his universal kingdom relates to the modern situation as it is perceived by the prophet. It is fundamental fact that the coming of God’s kingdom takes place and prophecy as prediction reveals how the modern situation must change for the God’s kingdom to come. â€Å"Thirdly, prophecy demands of its hearers an appropriate response to its perception of the truth of the contemporary world and its prediction of what the working out of God’s purpose must mean for the contemporary world. It is the third element that ensures that the predictive element in biblical prophecy is not fatalistic.†(Bauckham, 149) Therefore, Richard Bauckham offers an insight on the three closely related elements of Revelation as a prophecy in his The Theology of the Book of Revelation and he indicates how biblical prophecy can be relevant for both its original audience and later readers. According to him, biblical prophecy gives room for human freedom and it is relevant in the contemporary world, just as it was significant to the original readers. In the final section of the chapter, the author offers a significant explanation of Revelation’s relevance today and it becomes clear that the readers may find their own routes from engaging with Revelation’s theology to contextualizing it in a contemporary situation. Bauckham lists eleven ways in which Revelation is relevant today, at the end of the chapter and these are essential ways in which one can realize the importance of Revelation in the contemporary world. The first of these eleven ways seems to be most fundamental today. Thus, the author maintains that one of the fundamental functions of Revelation is to purge
Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies Assignment - 2
Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies - Assignment Example The combination of these qualities has been the pivotal reason behind the success story of Apple Inc. which revolutionized the retail industries and the technology. Apple Inc. is dedicated towards the main standards of ethical conduct, environment and social responsibilities. The prime purpose of the paper is to provide vivid information about the ethical and social responsibility, current position and strategies of the Apple Corporation. According to David Kurtz, â€Å"social responsibility is defined as the management values that comprises of contributing resources to the developing in nonprofit programs, community and maintaining the natural environment for the benefit of the general community†. Apple Inc. is a multinational corporation of America founded in 1976. Apple develops, designs, sells computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers and online services. Apple strives to be committed towards making an extraordinary technology and be socially and ethically responsible (Lencioni, 2012). According to the management of Apple Corporation, â€Å"social responsibility is defined as the essential in the manner of doing business in the organization†. In case of suppliers, it has been stated on the Progress Report of Global Suppliers Responsibility by Apple as providing safe working surroundings. Some of the social responsibility program initiated by Apple Inc. in the year 2010 includes increase in the number of facilities that are audited, use of probable conflict minerals are mapped, prevention of hiring underage workers, introduction of educated facilities that can help to manage third-party recruiters, protection of worker from other countries by dedicated additional resources and expansion in the training initiative. In case of training expansion, 300,000 workers are trained on their protections and
Law case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Law case - Essay Example However, when Freddy arrived he found that there was only a selection of 35 records available. He there upon informed Richard, the manager of the Red Lion, that he could not perform under these circumstances and left the pub immediately. Richard was furious, he told Bill to leave the equipment set up and began telephoning around to find another DJ. He eventually found a DJ called Sally who agreed to perform at that Red Lion for  £150-00. Richard agreed to pay this fee; but when she arrived she found that Bill had taken down all the equipment and had gone home shortly having done so. Richard was forced to pay two local boys  £35 each to set up the equipment for Sally. Freddy and Bill are demanding their fees of  £60 and  £20 from the Red Lion Club. Richard has refused to pay them and is threatening legal action by the Red Lion which is an incorporated company against Freddy for Breach of Contract. In the above, it is necessary to discuss whether either party can sustain a claim for breach of contract. In order to do this it is necessary to discuss the formation of a contract and the issue of privity of contract with regard to any potential claim Bill might have. From this is should be possible to advise the parties with regard to any monies they might be entitled to. The formation of a contract requires there to be an offer1, followed by acceptance2, and then consideration. If all three elements are present the court will generally rule that the contract has been fully constituted. In the above, the contract has been created between Richard and Freddy, with Freddy offering the services of Bill to assemble the equipment, and Richard acting on behalf of the Red Lion Club. When considering privity of contract it is important to note in this case that privity exists between Richard and Freddy. Privity can be horizontal or vertical. Horizontal privity would occur in the case of Bill as he will be getting the benefits from the contract made between
Case study of Union carbide and Bhopal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Case study of Union carbide and Bhopal - Essay Example Most Americans considering its controversial nature overwhelmingly waited for the verdict on Martha Stewart’s case on 27th, December 2001.However, the question on whether Stewart committed the crime is open to question. Martha Stewart was found at fault for selling her ImClone shares. The US attorneys accused her of obstructing fairness and that she was deceitful to investigators. According to attorneys, Stewart was blameworthy of insider trading. I strongly do not accept as true that Stewart committed an insider trading crime given that she acted on her stockbroker’s knowledge. Sam Waksal, the ImClone CEO did not either clue-up Stewart or her stock brokers the defiance of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to appraise the untried cancer drug, Erbitux. Fascinatingly, Sam, on selling his shares, was just speculating on the decision that could be taken by FAD. He did not have the packed information and for that, could not reveal any to Stewart. Decisively, Martha did not commit insider-trading crime (Drew 707-708). Tight spot is whether the US Attorneys and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) used good decision in indicting Martha Stewart. Stewart, having been advised by Bacanovic who was her stockbroker to sell her shares if ImClon shares fall below $60 saved $ 45,673. Banacovic complained that his worksheet had been altered but was considered malice. Although, SEC filed a civil complaint against Stewart, the resolution arrived at in indicting her is doubtful. The issue was supposed to be inside trading but was twisted to conspiracy, obstruction and lying to the investigators. Martha overtly denied accusations against inside trading. Though she got a call that Sam was selling her shares and went ahead to sell her shares too before calling Sam, she was not a victim of inside trade. She just relied on her friend’s trustworthiness. Prosecutors must have had additional motive for pursuing the case. Instead of filling a suit of inside tr ade against Stewart, which was supposed to be a criminal case, the issue of inside trade was left and the suit was certainly turned to a civil case. The prosecutor must have had a motive of proving a point to the public that even celebrities cannot escape the rule of law. There was no enough evidence to rule the case. The government simply wanted to show that it was strict on business crime (Drew 708-710). I certainly do not concur with the jury that Martha was guilty beyond reasonable doubt. How even in a nonprofessional’s language, can failure to provide evidence by an individual’s guilt be termed as obstruction of justice? Surprisingly, no one stood on the courtroom as a casualty of Stewart’s action. The fact that Stewart kept mum was not enough to declare her guilty. Stewart postulates that she acted upon receiving information that Sam was selling his stock. The information that she got was from a competent individual whom she solely depended on for guidance when it comes to stock matters. Upon hearing the information, she decided to sell her stock. Like any other individual, she could have not waited any further but to save her money before loss. In addition, Sam although he was the CEO of ImClone, did not receive any information from the Food and Drug Administration that their drug was going to be rejected. He further did not leak any information to Stewart that could make her gain inside knowledge about the
My Feets Is Tired But My Soul Is Rested Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
My Feets Is Tired But My Soul Is Rested - Essay Example They all waited for almost 360 years and nothing changed for them, they were facing many problems like:Â Becoming frustrated by such conditions the Negroes thought of taking a direct action because all the negotiation agreements were rejected by the Authorities. They all knew that this step would be painful but they believed that getting the freedom is never easy. So they agreed to take the big step as they all were fed up with the word Wait. They all waited for almost 360 years and nothing changed for them, they were facing many problems like:Poor were becoming poorer due to lack of opportunities. Children were not allowed go to school.Black children were not allowed to play with white kids in the same amusement park.There was no respect for black women.Public humiliation e.g. they had to sit on back of the buses and the front was for the white citizen. Always had to face the fact that A Negro is Nobody.This all was the result of unjust Law. The law constituted the differences reg arding the Whites and Blacks. According to law there were many acts which if performed by whites were legal, but illegal if done by blacks. Getting angry of all these differences the Negro finally decided to take an action. They decided to boycott the bus travels after a woman named Rosa Parks was arrested because she refused to leave her seat for a white person; according to the law, the front of the bus was for white people only and the back was for the blacks and if the bus is full and a white person gets in, the black had to stand for him.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Are We Free within Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Are We Free within Society - Essay Example So it is really the males who allow for such gender bias? The actual question that hangs is â€Å"Do men have more freedom than women that allows them to dominate?†Unfortunately, it is our society that has given more freedom to men than to women. As we know, a society is built upon from its historical backgrounds and contains similar values and beliefs for a very long time. Our historical background, unfortunately, has held women in the background while men have always taken the center stage. The examples cited above are enough to remind us that women have been an oppressed segment of our society. Being physically weaker has left them good for lesser professions and, home and child-rearing have become their most accepted professions. Mary Wollstonecraft a famous British philosopher and feminist went on to say that â€Å"The grand source of female folly and vice has ever appeared to me to arise from narrowness of mind, and the very constitution of civil governments has put almost insuperable obstacles in the way to prevent the cultivation of the female understanding†[4]. Bearing the emotional characteristic, have left them untrustworthy of emotion enduring jobs. They have been subjected to this stereotype from the very beginning and it is this same stereotype that women have to face in our present society. Many modern machines have helped beat some of the stereotypes especially of physically weaker as it now requires only a part of the masculine resources, and if the minimum demanded is not above the female’s capacity, they can be considered as man’s equal [1]. Efforts to escape this charade have been welcomed in most quarters but it will be many years until women can truly turn the tables on men. A society consists of people from all walks of life. The rich, poor, young, old, working, non-working, colored, non-colored etc all are part of the society.Â
Standards of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping Convention Essay
Standards of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping Convention - Essay Example One of the many changes to 1978 convention, in 1995, was the requirement of obtaining a new STCW certificate. This was confusing and to some extent it still is as there were two certificates in circulation. The 1978 certificate and the 1995 certificate. The STCW 1978 certificate was there to certify that a sailor was working aboard a vessel prior to 01 Aug 98' and is yet required to fulfill some requirements. Therefore, a new mariner, after 01 Aug 98' cannot be issued a 1978 STCW certificate. New sailors, joining after the aforementioned date, are required to comply with convention requirements before they are eligible for 1995 certificate. 1978 certificate holders are required to go through a training process to close the gap before they can be issued with a 1995 certificate. The fact which gives rise to confusion is that both these certificates were created on the same date. In the US, after 31 Jan 03', no one can get a 1995 certificate by simply completing the training required for the big leap from 1978 to 1995. Each and every sailor is now required to fully comply with 1995 amendment requirements. As all the 1978 certificate holders could not complete all the formalities, the 31 Jan '03 was actually a relaxation of one year to the original date. Despite this relaxation US sailors were still required to get 1995 certification prior to entering waters of a foreign country. Why do we need standards STCW 1978 sets standards of qualification for seafarers on merchant ships. It was initially drafted in 1978 by conference at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in London. It took six years and finally in 1984 STCW was enforced. In 1995 significant changes were brought about. On an international scale 'STCW 1978' was the first to actually establish and enforce basic requirements for training, certification and watchkeeping for mariners. Prior to this such standards were set by individual governments without any reference to practices in the rest of the world. As expected, the outcome of this chaotic situation was widely varied standards, practices and procedures. STCW lays out minimum standards for training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers and countries adhering to comply are independent in their choice to accept or exceed these standards. STCW also applies to ships of countries which have not yet accepted to comply with STCW standards (non-party States), in case they visit ports of party States. An article of the convention requires all party States to apply the control without any biasing or favor to party or non-party States. This can expose the vessels of non-party States to difficult and unexpected situations. As a result, majority of the states are now party States. Revisions to SWTC 1978 In December 1992 IMO's Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) agreed to a US proposal to review in detail the 1978 Convention in light of the involvement of human element in maritime accidents. Moreover, there also had been nurturing a feeling amongst some delegations that the Convention should be more people, and standards relating to people, orientated. Rather than emphasizing on construction of ships and equipment standards, areas relating to people, training and operational practices require more concentration. This resulted in MSC directing
COMPARE AND CONTRAST THE LAWS AND POLICIES OF HEALTHCARE IN(REPUBLICAN) GEORGIA AND (DEMOCRATIC)MARYLAND - Term Paper Example Georgia health policies also provide tax breaks to individuals and small employers in order to assist the insurance health policy companies to provide incentives to citizens who practice healthy lifestyles like tobacco cessation and regular physical exercises (Atlas 60). Georgia republican leaders have actively opposed the Patient Protection and Affordable care Act with lawmakers taking any necessary action to prevent the Act being implemented in Georgia. The federal law which was sponsored by Democrats gives each state the option of designing and implementing its own marketplace but the federal government has the powers to design a marketplace for states that fail to comply with the provisions of the law. Republican health laws hold that no individual should be compelled to purchase insurance health coverage and no employers should be fined for not providing their workers with health care cover. Unlike Maryland (Democratic) health laws that aim at assisting uninsured individuals gain coverage through universal health plans, Republican health care laws in Georgia are not aimed at helping the uninsured get coverage but reward the citizens who already have health insurance coverage. Currently, the Supreme Court has ruled that Obama’s health ca re Law is constitutional. In Maryland (Democratic) health care laws and policies require all insurance companies to adhere with the rules of the insurance policies and desist from dropping patients after they become sick or refusing to cover pre-existing conditions. Additionally, the insurance companies are expected to extend the coverage to preventive care like cancer screenings. The health care policies require parents to include their children less than 26 years who have no work-based coverage in their health insurance plans. Medicare in Maryland also receives rebates to cover the costs of prescription drugs. Health
Landscape art in Chinese traditional painting Assignment
Landscape art in Chinese traditional painting - Assignment Example The essay "Landscape art in Chinese traditional painting" explores the landscape art of China. The period that was referred to as the Tang Dynasty experienced many landscape paintings. These kinds of paintings were mainly done on mountains. This kind of painting had a style that was called the shuimohua whose main intention was to represent the emotion or the look of the atmosphere that indicated the nature’s â€Å"rhythm†. As time went by towards the end of the Tang dynasty the use of landscape painting slowly started changing and it was now viewed as a way in men would communicate with the world through the paintings. Apart from nature, these paintings also conveyed a number of themes in social, philosophical, or political areas. Thus with the closure of the Tang dynasty period more focus of these paintings and the artists were majorly on the world nature. Poets and painters in the Chinese traditional arts would go into the mountains to find something to represent in their drawings. Another period called the Song Dynasty that happened between 960 and 1267 saw the rise of different expression of landscapes. Long distances would be represented by use of blurred outlines, mountain contours represented as disappearing into the mist, and nature would be treated with certain kind of impression. The concern of the artist was on how to represent the peace in human beings and nature. This is eminent in the Taoist and Buddhist concepts. In the early Song Dynasty the artists would represent.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Are We Free within Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Are We Free within Society - Essay Example So it is really the males who allow for such gender bias? The actual question that hangs is â€Å"Do men have more freedom than women that allows them to dominate?†Unfortunately, it is our society that has given more freedom to men than to women. As we know, a society is built upon from its historical backgrounds and contains similar values and beliefs for a very long time. Our historical background, unfortunately, has held women in the background while men have always taken the center stage. The examples cited above are enough to remind us that women have been an oppressed segment of our society. Being physically weaker has left them good for lesser professions and, home and child-rearing have become their most accepted professions. Mary Wollstonecraft a famous British philosopher and feminist went on to say that â€Å"The grand source of female folly and vice has ever appeared to me to arise from narrowness of mind, and the very constitution of civil governments has put almost insuperable obstacles in the way to prevent the cultivation of the female understanding†[4]. Bearing the emotional characteristic, have left them untrustworthy of emotion enduring jobs. They have been subjected to this stereotype from the very beginning and it is this same stereotype that women have to face in our present society. Many modern machines have helped beat some of the stereotypes especially of physically weaker as it now requires only a part of the masculine resources, and if the minimum demanded is not above the female’s capacity, they can be considered as man’s equal [1]. Efforts to escape this charade have been welcomed in most quarters but it will be many years until women can truly turn the tables on men. A society consists of people from all walks of life. The rich, poor, young, old, working, non-working, colored, non-colored etc all are part of the society.Â
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