Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Audio Linguaal in Study English
I. INTRODUCTION English is the most common foreign language that has been studied for all of student in our country. English has been learned since in elementary school until stand in University to get degree. In University, English become the common communication through the students. English uses in international communication, not only in oral form but also in written form. It has been known that student in school often get hard to understand English, they just know a little bit simple vocabulary and they are very lazy to practice it.Sometimes they do those things because they don’t have interest in studying English; they just study English in their school with old method and make them bored. Actually, they want to practice English but they not have capability on it, they just learn it but don’t understand, and do not know how to use it. Even in their school they have to be mastered the 4 skills in English; they just have capability in reading with their bad pronunci ations. Teacher must know exactly the condition of their student, and after that they have to do something to solve that problem.In this era, learning program not able to give satisfactory result. It is seen when the process of learning happen, the atmosphere seemed like the boring class. Teachers are busy to deliver the material without care to their students, are they understand the lesson or not. Most of teachers, always monotone and lack of variations they almost stuttering technology, are not able to use media in learning process. Teachers, consciously plan a systematic teaching activity by use all of things that can increase interest in study.Teacher must have creative idea to make their student better in English; on the contrary, they teach their student but their student never understand what they are studied. So they must find other way to teach their student and make them interested in study English. Actually, to know about student interest it is very easy, we must know wh at kind of method that can make them interested in the lesson. Sometimes they can ask the teacher to provide the new method in teaching and their teachers have to open their mind also aware what the students need in their learning process.Improved learning quality is one of the fundamental improvement in educations a whole, improve the quality of education be an integral part to improve the quality of people. Both aspects of ability, personality and responsibility as a human in the earth. Quality of education depends on the quality of the teachers and learning process. As a result, increasing quality in learning process is a fundamental issue for the improvement of the quality of education in a rational way. Sometimes, to make interesting lesson we can use media and teachers must know how to operate it. People in general are influenced by what is seen, in its feel and hear.In other words, it is not possible when there is a help in the learning process. The above statement can be sup ported by Munadi (2008), in his book that many states that helps the human senses in the acquisition of knowledge and experience is the sense of hearing and the sense of sight. Based in the explanation above, teachers must realize their position in learning process because they have big deal in the goal of learning. Author knows that in the process of learning student always take low participation and to make it high teacher must teach them in various way and make invention in teaching.If the student has interest in, there is a thirst for knowledge, learning becomes a pleasure, a pursuit, and a kind of enjoyment; if students lose interest in learning, then learning becomes the bitterest errand under the sun naturally positive achievement will not be desirable. When they are study, students can also learn about audio-visual aids and they are perfectly know how to use it. So when they are study or have their own presentation they can imitate their teacher and can make their own way to study. II. AUDIO-VISUAL A. AudioThe word â€Å"audio†is very familiar in our ear, because everyone knows that audio is a sound. We also know that Audio equipment is used for recording and reproducing sound. In daily life people always use audio to communicate or may other function from it. According to Rouse (2005), audio is sound within the acoustic range available to humans. Badan standar pendidikan nasional conclude that sound or audio is Sound is a wave of energy (vibration) that propagate through elastic media arrive at the ears and vibrate the eardrum, causing hearing process (2006).Audio media according to Sadiman (2005: 9) is a medium to convey the messages that have to be delivered in a symbol additive for, either verbal (spoken language) and non-verbal. The dictionary defines â€Å"audio†as â€Å"audible sound reproduced mechanically†. In Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary (2008) the definition of audio is â€Å"hearing or sound†. We always he ar the word â€Å"audio†in our daily life. Sound from humans month (such as at time chatting, singing, laughing, and crying) (artikata. com, 2011). We also found the meaning of audio in pengertianmultimedia. nfo Voice or Sound is: a)Physical phenomena produced by the vibration of the object b)Vibration of an object in the form of analog signals with amplitudes that vary continuously with time From the explanation above, we can conclude that audio or sound is something that heard by humans and produced a vibration from the object, and causing hearing process in human body. Sometimes audio use to record and reproducing sound, when the sound produced it make a vibration in the air and directly through human’s ear. A. Visual Based on yourdictionary. om â€Å"Visual describes something that is seen†adjective (2012) and A visual is a film clip or image used to illustrate a story or a message noun (2012). According to the freedictionary. com visual is a picture, char t, or other presentation that appeals to the sense of sight, used in promotion or for illustration or narration. Often used in the plural: an ad campaign with striking visuals; trying to capture a poem in a cinematic visual noun (2012) and as an adjective visual is something that Seen or able to be seen by the eye (2012). AudioEnglish. et stated that visual is â€Å"relating to or using sight and able is also one part of the learning activity. Where the activity of learning itself consists of: somatic (learning by moving and doing), auditory (learning by taking and listening), intellectual (leaning by problem solving and reflection), and visual (learn by seeing, observing and describing). Earns the fourth activity must be controlled so that learning can take place optimally. Based on Wikipedia (2012), â€Å"The visual system is the part of the central nervous system to be seen†(2012).Visual closely related to eye or vision. Which enables organisms to process visual detai l, as well as enabling several non-image forming photo response functions. It interprets information from visible light to build a representation of the surrounding world†. In Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, â€Å"visual is visible to the sense of sight†. Hakim stated that, â€Å"Visual is a necessary condition for introducing a brand to the costumer†. But Olivia stated that â€Å"visual is one way of organizing thoughts and thinking skills and improve communication†.The definitions of visual have been found from many researcher and they elaborate that into several points: a)Visual is an important part in cultural dialog process ( Sachari ) b)Visual is the act of seeing ( Herwono ) c) Visual is a person who prefers to use vision in receiving information (Royan) d)Visual is to learn by observing and describing (Meier) Visual Media (Daryanto, 1993: 27), meaning that all props used in the process of learning that can be enjoyed through the eyes of the five sens es.Additional information from internet stated that â€Å"visual media is a tool or means communication that can be seen of sight (eyes)†. Visual combine art, typography, drawing, graphic design, illustration, and color in delivery process because visual contain of many important aspect. In conclusion, visual is all of things that can be seen by people and contain of many aspect like picture, videos, graphic and many else. Visual can be understood by message, because when people see something in their eyes, they can catch some new idea from the things that they look.Like a painting, someone can see what the meaning of the painting and can understand it by themself. From something visual people can learn about many things because they try to observing and describing the things that they saw (Meier). B. Audio-Visual In English dictionary for learners Collins (2003),†Audio-visual equipment and materials involve both recorded sound and pictures†. The same idea stated in Yourdictionary. com (2012), â€Å"an audiovisual is something that has components that appeal to both sight and hearing†.Also in Merriam-Webster Dictionary inform that â€Å"Audiovisual relating to, or involving both hearing and sight†(2012). â€Å"Audiovisual use both audible and visible†, The Free Oline dictionary by Farlex (2009). Based on Wordink. com, â€Å"audiovisual is relating to materials, such as films and tape recordings, that present information in audible and pictorial form: a corporation's audio-visual department†. People use some equipment for audio visual, â€Å"Audio visual equipment can be any equipment that is used to engage the senses of sight and sound.Audio equipment may be used separately from visual equipment, but often they are used together†(ehow. com). Almost same information stated in Wikipedia (2012), â€Å"The term Audio-Visual (AV, or A/V) may refer to works with a sound and a visual component, the producti on or use of such works, or the equipment used to create and present such works†. Additionally, in AudioEnglish. com inform that â€Å"Involving both hearing and seeing (usually relating to teaching aids)†(2012). There are many experts that have idea about audio visual, such as: a. The combination of computer and video (Rosch,1996) . The combination of three element : sound, images, and text (McComick,1996) c. Combination at least two media input or output. Can be either audio ( voice and music), animations, video, text, graphics and images (Turban et al, 2002) d. Tool that can create dynamic and interactive presentations that combine text, graphics, animation, audio and video ( Robin;Linda, 2001) According to (Hermawan, 2007), â€Å"audio visual media is a modern instructional media that accordance with the time (the development of science and technology), included the media that can be seen and heard†.Almost same information, â€Å"audio visual is a modern in structional media in accordance with the times (the development of science and technology), that can be seen and heard†(Rohani, 1997: 97-98). From all of the explanation we can conclude that, audio visual is the using both of sight and sound. In audio visual have a media to support it, the equipment can be used in one time or separately. Many scientists also stated about audio visual, most of them have the same opinion about it. They think that audio visual is combination 2 media or 2 things that used to make an input or output, such as: video, animation, images or many else. III.LANGUAGE LEARNING A. Language Language may refer either to the specifically human capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication , or to a specific instance of such a system of complex communication (Wikipedia: 2012). In American Heritage Dictionary (2012) the definition of language is communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols. Based on Dictionary. com â€Å"Language is a body of word and the systems for their use common to a people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same culture tradition†(2010).Besides that, another expert (Albert Einstein) stated that Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple, and may, as a rule, be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone. According to Ensiklopedia of Britania (2012) Language is a system of conventional spoken or written symbols by means of which human beings, as members of a social group and participants in its culture, express themselves. The functions of language include communication, the expression of identity, play, imaginative expression, and emotional release. Additionally, there are many expert stated about language.Such as: a) Bill Adams Language is a system of individual psychological development in a context of inte r-subjective b) Wittgenstein Language is a form of thinking that can be understood in touch with reality, and has the logical form and subject c) Ferdinand de Saussure Language is the most differences between people because with language people can differentiate their self to others. d) Plato Language is the essentially a statement of one’s mind trough the medium of oomata (names of something) and rhemata (speech) which is a mirror of their idea e) Bloch ; TragerLanguage is a system of symbols that are arbitrary and the system is social group working together Language used in humans life, they used it for communication. Language can be known by rule or systems. As Owen in Stiawan (2006:1) stated language can be defined as socially shared combinations of those symbols and rule governed combinations of those symbols. Same with information before, Mackey (1986:12) said language may be form and not matter. Thus, language is something that people use to communicate with othe rs. Sometimes known by a rule or system and also thinking of people in daily ife. Language can be spoken or written and there are many others type of language. It also known by the most fundamental ideas in science. B. Learning Based on Wikipedia (2012) Learning is acquiring new, or modifying existing, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information. In learning process we heard about new information and we reinterpretation it in our life, like Ramsden (1992: 26) said that Learning involves comprehending the world by reinterpreting knowledge.According to Winkel, Learning is all mental or psychic activity that takes place in an active interaction in the environment, which produces changes in the management of the understanding. Another opinion comes from Ernest R. Hilgard in (Sumardi Suryabrata, 1984:252) learning is a process that was done intentionally, which then caused the change, which was different from the change s brought about by others. Same information comes from Gayne, in his book (The Conditions of Learning, 1977) a similar study demonstrated changes in behavior change and support by idea from Moh.Surya (1981:32), the definition of learning is a process of individual efforts to acquire a new behavior change overall, as a result of the individual's own experience in interacting with the environment. Thursan Hakim (2005:1), learning is a process of human personality changes, and the changes of revealed in the form of increased quality and quantity of behavior such as increased skills, knowledge, attitudes, habits, understanding, skills, intellect, and so other capabilities.Slameto (2003:13) believes that, learning is a process of one's efforts to acquire a new behavior changes as a whole, as a result of his own experience in interaction with their environment. While other expert Skinner in Dimyati and Mudjiono (1999:9), learning is the relationship between stimulus and responses are crea ted through a process of behavior. Many experts found the definition by themselves by done he research, and here are their opinions: a.Learning may be defined as the process by which behavior originates or is altered through training or experience. †(Whittaker, 1970:15). b. †Learning is shown by change in behavior as a result of experience. †(Cronbach, 1954:47) c. Learning is the process by which behavior (in the broader sense) is originated or changed through practice or training. †(Kingsley, 1957:12) d. Witherington (1952): â€Å"learning is a change in personality that is manifested as patterns of response that a new form of skills, attitudes, habits, knowledge and skills†. e.Hilgard (1962): â€Å"learning is the process by which an emerging behavior or behavior change due to appear in response to something the situation†From all the explanation, can be concluded that all mental or psychic activity that done by people can cause changes of behavior before and after learning. So learning process make many changes in personal life, not only behavior, manner, knowledge, but also all of things that connect with humans every individual. C. Language Learning Based on sil. org (2012) a language learning method is an overall plan for learning a second language, based on the theoretical approach selected.It involves the design of a syllabus for the course, which in turn consists of learning objectives and techniques for achieving those objectives. But another opinion comes from eu. wiley. com state that (2012) Language learning is a scientific journal dedicated to the understanding of language learning broadly defined. It publishes research articles that systematically apply methods of inquiry from disciplines including psychology, linguistics, cognitive science, educational inquiry, neuroscience, ethnography, sociolinguistics, sociology, and anthropology.Language learning based on cognitivealtas. org (2012) la nguage learning is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive, produce and use words to understand and communicate, this capacity involves the picking up of diverse capacities including syntax, phonetics, and an extensive vocabulary, the language might be vocal as with speech or manual as in sign. But according to Scribd. com (2012) language learning is an obligation for all those who want to â€Å"conquer†the world. Language today becomes a culture that should be preserved existence.By learning a language means also learned to cultivate them, develop them, make them change into a great people. Actually, people studied about foreign language and they study it in school and other place. There are some opinion about foreign language learning based on expert, those are: 1. Thomson (1993) â€Å"The process of learning a foreign language is extremely difficult, but at the same time, surprisingly easy. When I think about the difficulties of it, I am amazed that someone can actually do it at all. Fortunately, all the difficulties of this process are in your sub-conscience and you don't even know about them.The objective then becomes to steer the sub-conscience in the right direction. Then and only then does learning to speak a foreign language become simple! †2. Robert W. Blair (Creator of the Power-Glide Method) â€Å"With few exceptions, language-learning methods have not changed much in the past 50 years. What you typically find today is the old ‘listen-and-repeat' methods done with new technology: tapes, CDs, computers, etc. , packaged and worded to make them seem new. But they usually aren't new at all. They are the same old ‘uglies' of language learning repackaged to look new.The essence hasn't changed. †3. Ivan R. Dihoff (Professor of Language and Linguistics) â€Å"In short I am very impressed by the thoughtful and insightful work that Dr. Zilberman has placed in these important language teaching material s. He and I have discussed at length how his materials would function in self-instruction as different from the classroom. My conclusion is that they are perfect for self-instruction, and would work extremely well in the classroom once the instructor is trained and learns to use them as adjunct to classroom conversations in the language. In conclusion, language learning is the process of producing and receiving information about language, included word, linguistic, and syntax. From language learning people can communicate with other people and study how to write or speak correctly. In language learning, use a syllabus of course that consists of learning objectives and techniques of receiving information process. IV. DISCUSSION Audio-visual is fundamental things in our life, with audio visual we can communicate with other people and also make something interesting that can be seen and learned by other people.Without audio-visual, learning process can be monotone and not interes ting enough for student. When they are study with old style, they cannot catch the lesson directly and easily, sometimes they must study it by themself in their own house. The using of audio-visual in learning need some media to support it, almost all of the media are the electronic tools and need new technology to make it more interesting and more update. New technologies provide the means to help reshape both the content and processes of language education.As seen from the above three case studies, appropriate use of new technologies allows for a more thorough integration of language, content, and culture than ever before and provides students with unprecedented opportunities for autonomous learning. Computer technologies not only help teachers and students to transcend linguistic, geographical, and time barriers but also to build bridges between bilingual, ESL, and foreign language programs. The use of new technologies allows students to engage in the types of online communicatio n and research which will be paramount for success in their academic and professional pursuits.Nowadays, students very like to playing games, watching movie or many else. They like that because all of that have interesting part in their packaging, like film and game it give us interesting site with the visualization and the sound or audio. Picture can make them have their own imagination and sometimes we can add funny pictures and can make them focus on the lesson. Audio and visual make they left brain work and increase their study attention, left brain studying is more effective because they can remember the lesson in a long time.Visual also give student some adrenaline to analyze what they are seen the visual media that given by their teacher. In this case, teacher in the modern era, have to know how to use audio-visual aids to support their lesson. Sometimes teacher just know about Microsoft word, all of us know that this kind of software just used to make a text and from some re search that students rarely like to read the text because they just feel sleepy and do not want to recall back to their old lesson.Teacher is the people that have the biggest influence to their students, because children get more lessons from them than their home. The key to successful use of technology in language teaching is our human capacity as teachers to plan, design, and implement effective educational activity. Language learning is an act of creativity, imagination, exploration, expression, construction, and profound social and cultural collaboration. If teacher use computers to fully humanize and enhance this act, rather than to try to automate it, they can help bring out the best that human and machines have to offer.Studied by using audio visual have a lot of benefits, because the use of audio visual can gain more experience, impressive, more clear and concrete. Besides audio-visual media have the potential subject according idger dale as follows (Ali Pandie: 1984): a. Pr ovide concrete foundations for thinking a. Make lessons more interesting b. Allow a longer lasting learning outcomes c. Provide real experiences d. Develop the regularity and continuity of thought e. Can provide experiences that are not acquired any other way to make learning more efficient and diverse depth. . Audio visual media can be repeated Some studies have shown that learning is absorbed through the medium of vision (visual media), as well as the auditory (audio media), can accelerate the absorption of learners in understanding the lessons presented. One of the advantages of learning the use of audio visual media is looks can be made as attractive as possible, so that children are interested to learn. For example, the animation – animated cartoon about a living creature in the forest that can be directly liked by students or children.Audio-visual aids in the classroom can enhance teaching methods and improve student comprehension. Today's technology offers many choices to the informed educator who wishes to capitalize on a new generation's appetite for multimedia presentations. Lesson plans that incorporate the use of audio-visual aids should be consistent with curriculum objectives and not segued improperly. Audio-visual in language learning also have the disadvantages, those are: 1. Forced stressed the importance of the material rather than the process of development and still looked upon as an audio-visual aids in teaching teachers. 2.Too much emphasis on the mastery of the material of the development process and still looked upon as audio visual aids teachers in the learning process. Have orientation in the real media. 3. Audio-visual media tend to use one-way communication model. 4. Audio-visual media cannot be used anywhere and anytime, because audio-visual media tend to remain in place Thus, audio visual system in language learning especially English is really needed because trough audio visual student can learn something by themselves eas ily. This kind of method can make student pay more attention to the lesson and they can analyze all of things in their lesson.There are so many advantages in audio visual learning that can help student and teacher in the learning process. On the contrary, there are a few of disadvantages of audio visual learning, most of them just have technique program, such as cost, tools, and also the maintain of the tools. This method also has a problem in the way of learning but it just a piece of cake to repair it. The significant problem of audio visual learning is not serious enough; it can solve and covered by all of the benefits of the method. V. CONCLUSION A. ConclusionLearning English in school is quite hard because student cannot pay attention to the lesson, they thinks that the lesson is seems boring and make them cannot catch the idea of what the teacher explain before. With this condition, teacher as a people who have more influenced to the student need to know the media that can imp rove their student interested in study. They can use audio visual media as a teaching media, because with audio visual their student can be more attractive and interested with the lesson. Student very crazy about movie, game or other media lately, and this entire media connected to their audio and visual.If the teachers use this media, student can catch the material easily with their own understanding. They are very imaginative, so when the teacher teach them with what they are like and understand about, they can memorized it every time. Audio visual media help student in learning process because this media have a sound, color, picture or many else that can balanced their brain. Picture and many interesting things that student like is connect to the left brain studying, because when student study with left brain style their lesson can be memorable.Language learning is an act of creativity, imagination, exploration, expression, construction, and profound social and cultural collabora tion. If the tecaher use audio-visual to fully humanize and enhance this act, rather than to try to automate it, they can help bring out the best that human and machines have to offer. C. Suggestion Learning process is quite difficult for students, teacher must be respected to their student and give the interesting lesson. so that, they can accept the lesson directly. Teachers have to up to date about technology, because technology very useful in language learning.Many technologies can be operated by teacher easily if they understand how to use it. Teacher have to change their teaching style become more interesting to increase their student interest to the lesson, teachers can follow the computer course or other creativity course to find the way to make the lesson memorable. The teacher must to do the best for the student because succeed of student is come from the teacher. BIBLIOGRAPHY Atoel, Roby. Media Audio Visual. Blogger, 10 May. 2011. Web. 4 May. 2012 Audio Visual Definition. Wordink. com. 2011. Web. 4 May. 2012 Definisi suara. Artikata. com. 2012. Web. 3 May. 2012 Digital Audio. Blazeaudio. com. 2011. Web. 3 May. 2012 Echy. Media-Audio. Blogger, June. 2009. Web. 3 May. 2012 Encyclopedia, Britania. Definitions of language. Britanica. com. Web. 5 May. 2012 Indah. Pengertian dan definisi visual. Carapedia. com. 2012. Web. 3 May. 2012 Introduction to Audio. Mediacollege. com. Web. 17 Apr. 2012 Irwan,Asep.Definisi suara secara umum. Blogger,19march. 2011. Web. 3 May. 2012 Juliantar, Ketut. 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